Huxley sketch/character study (The 90's Kids)

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So here we have the sketch study of Huxley, a main character from The 90's Kids

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So here we have the sketch study of Huxley, a main character from The 90's Kids. 

An orphan before he was adopted by The 90's Kids (an event that took place four years before the current time) eleven year old Huxley is half human and half fienkin, and while hybrids aren't ridiculed against or illegal by any means, they are still very rare and unusual. Luckily, Ace is there to teach him about the human parts of himself, while The Firestarter and Rice Field do their best to help him with the fienkin parts of him. He's home (train?) schooled by the Kids and helps the them in various ways with the circus. Because of his unusual appearance he's considered more then once doing some kind of freak act, but also wants to do something with balloons. Huxley idolizes The 90's Kids and believes himself to forever be in their dept seeing as they saved him from being alone on the streets. Huxley doesn't recall ever having parents, but he does recall some kind of figure being there to teach him how to survive, and at one point taught him how to Hotwire and even drive hover cars. 

Personality wise he's very innocent and cheerful, he more often then of wears a smile on his face and does things with a positive attitude, he's most certainly a optimist. He's a hard worker and always grateful for everything he receives since he defiantly recalls the alternative of having nothing at all. That being said Huxley is still a kid, and he's prone to episodes of rashness and disobedience given he doesn't know any better. He likes helping, but sometimes his ideas can be more endangering then actually helpful. He still has a lot to learn and a lot of growing to do, lucky for the Kids he loves learning and discovering.


Mysterious figure- The figure that kept Huxley alive as a toddler and likely as a baby, Huxley doesn't remember him very well at all and can't give a visual. He taught Huxley how to survive the streets, but didn't do it in a very morally sound way as the teachings involved how to steal from others.

Thomas- Thomas is a lot of things to Huxley, his big brother/father figure, his guardian, his 'boss', and his mentor. Huxley will listen to Thomas without question (unless it's the topic of Huxley having a role, no is not an answer Huxley is happy with) and will usually go to him if he has a problem. Huxley like the rest of the Kids knows of Thomas's true identity as a demon, and like the others have swore not to tell anyone. Thomas in turn struggles to accept Huxley as a little brother due to the pain of losing William, but in William's honour he tries his darn hardest to be the figure Huxley needs him to be. It was Thomas that forbid the Kids to speak a word of what they actually did to Huxley, the intent being to preserve Huxley's innocence.

Rice Field- Though Rice Field is kind of the mother for all the Kids, because of Huxley's young age this applies a little more to him. Rice Field has made it her personal duty to have Huxley properly educated because of her background, which included a rich education. She tends to worry a lot about Huxley and is usually the one that tucks him into bed at night. Huxley trusts her without question and views her as very smart and wise, if he can't go to Thomas for a problem he goes to Rice Field.

Wind Chester- While the others do their best to prepare Huxley with life lessons and education, Wind Chester is the one that makes sure Huxley gets to be the child he is. Much to Thomas's dismay, Wind Chester likes to show Huxley how to pull pranks and is the one to introduce very messy arts and crafts. Wind Chester is usually the one to give Huxley things he usually won't have spare occasions, like candy for example, and if Huxley is bored he'll go to Wind Chester knowing Wind Chester will drop what he's doing to play games. Wind Chester in Huxley's opinion gives the best piggy back rides. 

Ace- For a while Huxley was actually pretty scared of Ace because of his shadow abilities and his mask, but after awhile Huxley came to realize Ace is a very kind and gentle soul. Huxley like the other Kids can understand Ace's form of communication, Ace taught Huxley a few magic tricks in hopes of keeping him satisfied with not having an acting role. Ace later convinced Thomas to let Huxley be a stage hand in his acts. 

The Firestarter- If Rice Field is the mother figure, to Huxley The Firestarter is a big sister. They can usually find comfort in each other when they're upset, and Huxley learnt many useful skills under her including safety and of course how to use a fire extinguisher. The Firestarter is trying to teach him that his actions can have consequences, as she doesn't want Huxley to ever endure anything bad like what she's endured. It's a slow progress, given she herself often gives into doing dare devil things, and if she can't talk Huxley out of doing something stupid, she'll make sure at very least he doesn't do said stupid thing alone.

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