The octo woomy

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Name: Kusazu

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Name: Kusazu

Age: 13

Gender: female

Weapon: octobrush

Personality: Kusazu is a witty and cunning prankster who is both extremely curious and very hyper. Extremely talkative, she's gregarious and cheerful despite her conditions.  Eager to please and hard working, she usually annoys the Octoarians that use her, and likes them despite their treatment due to Stockholm syndrome. Despite being part of the octoarian forces she still has a good heart deep down.

History: Basically a reverse Agent 8, this inkling works for the octolings. A squidnapped victim of their experiments on inklings she had all her ink and the organ that makes ink removed from her body causing her to appear albino. Much like Agent 8 her memory was damaged causing her to overlook the torment of her captors. Her purpose was to gather other inklings by luring then with a friendly familiar face so that there could be more inkling test subjects. She later meets and squidnaps Reel,  from him she starts to learn of the surface life and about inkling culture, and it makes her start questioning the actions of both herself and the octoarians.

Sexuality: Demisexual 

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