Paralyalrx concept art (Nacl's species)

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The Paralyalrx are a breed of humans that originate from a planet known as Emerpus, a planet in the west section of the Novaton galaxy

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The Paralyalrx are a breed of humans that originate from a planet known as Emerpus, a planet in the west section of the Novaton galaxy. Emerpus is plagued by never ending high speed winds that constantly erode the ground and make it impossible to grow things on. This species solves the problem by building special wind breaker walls around their town. They used to live in an area currently known as Maxe, but Maxe was one day inhabited by a foreign species that feared the paralyalrx's evolved defensive mechanisms for dealing with the massive predators that roam Emerpus's surface, thus they built their own walls bigger and better and the government made taxes too high for them to handle and laws that prohibited them from entering Maxe. Lanif became the their new town, but unfortunately during the early stages of the war the government went one step further and ordered Lanif to be torn down for a planetary defence system could be installed to protect Emerpus from the new threats from Nightmare. A young Sir Percival and his sector came to try to resolve the civil crisis, but were unsuccessful. It resulted in the Paralyalrx to be relocated somewhere that was assured to be safe, but such ended up not being true as much to the horror of Percival and his comrades somehow demonbeast found and slaughtered nearly  all of them, though it was reported that a few lucky ones might of escaped and fled. Currently the species is labeled to be highly endangered and nears extinction, a confirmed survivor is EX NME employee Nacl Newmaker. 


Before their demise meet at the hands of their greedy government and Nightmare's forces, this species was highly adapted to living on Emerpus. It was wrongly stated that they could kill with mere touch alone, when in actuality their ability to fry nerves and paralyze others is almost only fatal if it's held long enough to stop organ functions, which can take hours. The paralyalrx at the age of ten develop what's dubbed a blood virus, which is a symbolic relationship with a particularly powerful virus in the body inherited from the mother while in the womb, but stays dormant until the age of ten. The virus gets a host and food whereas the host gets protection from being poisoned and being sick, and is over all not effected by the virus, although it has caused them to evolve blue tinted fingers and blue tinted tongue to announce that they are indeed poisonous and fatal to consume, which keeps them from being munched on by predators. This virus can kill anyone outside of the paralyalrx breed that doesn't have a means of instantly killing the virus in roughly three days, and can be contracted through any body fluid such as blood, sweat, or salvia. There are subtle differences between male and females, and in their society females are seen as more dominant and are usually the tribe's leader. They are highly efficient hunters and use a common human hunting method, which is persistence hunting. They have physically powerful bodies that can stand the daily 40-50mph (60-80kph) winds, and heavy spears that they have learned to thrown down wind to increase the speed and damage of the weapon. They hunt and are hunted by the biggest animals on Emerpus, the Cryelgha. 

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