Gronckle bot (How To Train Your Dragon AU)

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Class: Boulder 

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Class: Boulder 

Creator: Ingerman House

Fire type: Heptane/Oxygen + Rocks/Scrap metal = Lava 

Shot Limit: rechargeable if there's material for it to consume, starter shot limit is 6 shots.

Abilities: Crushing jaw strength and sturdy body, ramming, can fly in any direction, rechargeable shot limit, lava spew.

Bio: Gronkle Bot, slow but built like a tank. Specialists in ramming attacks, biting attacks and defence, this bot's tail crushes anything that doesn't move out of the way. It's special is a unique internal system equipped with a pair of heptane and oxygen tanks that converts scrap metal and rocks into lava. While it may not be able to go up fast, it can drop from the sky incredibly quickly allowing for a deadly crush attack. Unlike most bots this bot can recharge its shot limit and fly in any direction thanks to the engines found on the bottoms of the feet that help it fly. Made by the Ingerman family which specialize in the construction of Boulder class robots this particular model is named Meatlug, and it belongs to the heir of the company, Fishlegs. Because they are physical attackers, they are often in the repair shop for paint jobs. 


Concept: A HTTYD au where all the Vikings live in a very futuristic timeframe, they live in entire island sized domes since Earth's atmosphere is mostly carbon and the only way to travel is with their robots or ships. Dragon robots are owned by nearly everyone and tribes fight each other with them for money, land, and other materials and it's simply seen as a way of life. Families own construction companies and the Haddock family was once the best there was, while Stoic is still the chief and highly feared for his unique  Rumblehorn and Thunderdrum bots many outside his tribe have think lowly of him as his wife seemingly left him along with her Stormcutter bot and abandoned him, while his son Hiccup was born weak and with a mangled leg that had to be amputated. Not trusting the little family honour to his son he refused to let him be part of the class that taught Berk's kids how to operate their own robots since he was certain Hiccup would fail. Hiccup desperate to prove himself takes Stoic's Rumblehorn bot but accidentally catches several things on fire, earning him a sever grounding to Gober's repair shop.

 In fury and teenage rebellion he runs into the woods and finds something nobody thought still existed; a broken, very illegal and very rare Night Fury bot. In secret he repairs it and learns to operate it, he names it Toothless due to it's retractable teeth feature. Gober convinces Stoic to let Hiccup into the class to burn off steam and see for himself first hand that he can't be a rider, only to find Hiccup thanks to his secret practice with the Night Fury bot is seemingly naturally gifted. Hiccup doesn't mention Toothless at all and agrees to the claim that he's just that good due to the knowledge that the Night Fury is illegal. This earns him a spot in the next challenge against the nearby tribe with the 'hardest bot to manage' the Monstrous Nightmare bot. Hiccup is happy to finally be something and for once Stoic is proud of him. 

Astrid gets highly jealous of his talent and follows him into the woods and discovers his illegal Night Fury bot, and Hiccup manages to get her to keep quiet when he breaks down and explains that he just wants to feel something besides worthlessness, she starts to respect Hiccup's dedication and determination. While testing out some of the Night Fury's capabilities they accidentally fly upon a rival tribe who's building a super weapon, the Red Death bot, and it's owner sees Toothless and orders the bot shot down so nobody can tell what they're up too. They manage to get back to Berk but crash-land due to damage to the tail part of the robot. Stoic and everyone see what Hiccup's been hiding from them and get furious that he's been lying about being naturally talented, but they got bigger problems since the Red Death comes to destroy Berk. Hiccup hastily fixes his dragon and leads the attack against it, managing to destroy it and he successfully protects Berk, but since the fix Hiccup gave Toothless was very last minute they again crash and Hiccup is critically wounded. He's fixed up and Gober presents him with the repaired Toothless and he's deemed as a hero for defeating the Red Death. 

Like this concept? I might make an RP book for it! Furthermore if you have a HTTYD oc and want to see them in robot form I can whip you up a piece of art like this here Gronckle for just $5 CAD! And further furthermore i'll probably draw a lot more dragons, if you wanna see a particular one next common below! 

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