Room 1000 (spoilers and preview)

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(Drawn yesterday August 18th

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(Drawn yesterday August 18th. This is a preview of a graphic novel/animated tv show I wish to create, the idea came to me in a dream and it's something I'm quite excited about. This book is based upon both struggles I have faced in life told though the eyes of a white haired agender teen.) 

                 You should of got a better bed, better for your head, better heads need shut eye.

Following up the aftermaths of an seemingly unfortunate accident, the results to come are anything but expected. Upon waking up in the middle of a field made of golden plants and giant mushroom trees, seventeen year old teen Blake has no memory of their past or how they even arrived in the first place. They set out to look for someone (anyone) to help them, finding that the world they have become trapped in is anything but normal, and anything but safe. As a mysterious voice leads them to the side of a jewel incrusted mountain, Blake finds them-self falling deeper and deeper into an unlikely house that seems to defy all logic, full of monsters, odd creatures and rooms that come to life. 

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