World building

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So ever since I fell in love with Chua and his design I decided to build the world he lives in a little more. Warning, there's enough writing to kill someone xD 

Chua is from the land of Tlalli, it's a massive cluster of islands, and it's home to a multitude of species. However, there's only five races that are actually sentient and have civilizations: the Equidaes (horse brings like the unicorn, the pegasus, the hippocampus, kelpies, windiegos, and the hippogriffe) the Felidaes (cat beings like the griffin, the manticore, and the chimera) the Dracaidaes (dragons, there's nine tribes, the wyverns and the basilisks) the Chordaes (leviathans and the sirens) and the Anatidaes (phoenixes, cockatrice, and the perytons)

This vast land has all types of different landscapes, most of the islands have been enchanted by magic to fit the species that owns the territory. These species typically are at peace, and some species are the results of cross relationships between species. Occasionally territorial disputes break out, but never full blown wars. The exception is the dragons, as they are the most violent and feared species, as well as the strongest. All the other species tend to be pretty tense around them, some kingdoms even flat out ban them. They live in the North most islands. Hybrids of species is unheard of given it's forbidden to even be friends with other tribes outside your own. However, given the rebels have defeated that first rule, it is possible their ranks will breed the first ever hybrids. 

We're going to be focusing on the types of dragons. I didn't make these images of course.

The mokingpu are the green dragons, and one of the strongest of dragon breeds

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The mokingpu are the green dragons, and one of the strongest of dragon breeds. They have long graceful feathers. They have blue underscales and a series of greenish yellow and green stripes and spots all over their body that offer camouflage, their antler like horns come in many shades of green. They live in stone forests, and their kingdom is found on a tall cliff. Powers include unrivalled hearing, speed, and a highly poisonous bite. This bite doesn't work on family members, however. They are also known to be able to 'smell' riches and power, and can find gold and jewel mines with ease. This makes them an incredibly wealthy species. They breath an acid vapour breath. They are currently also the rarest dragon breed, as of recently roughly 80% of their population was wiped out when one of their princes, Prince Chua, lead the rebels into the kingdom through a secret passage. 


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