Plants can be albino

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So I just learned last night that plants can be albino just like animals can, some can also have melanism as well! Learning this I decided to make two Leafwings based off that

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So I just learned last night that plants can be albino just like animals can, some can also have melanism as well! Learning this I decided to make two Leafwings based off that.


So the top one is Birch, Birch is the albino twin of Blackwood, the one on the bottom who has melanin. These brothers are tight knit but are not above getting into rather petty arguments or 'fist' fights. Birch is fully blind as a side effect of his condition, and has just enough Leafspeak to understand and talk to plants, but not grow them, he uses this to help find his way around. Birch is also unable to preform photosynthesis, and thus has very poor stamina and is prone to black out spells if he doesn't gobble down at least twice the amount of food as everyone else.  Being weaker than most and blind however does not stop him from wanting to be a solider, and together with Blackwood he tries his very best to make such happen. Blackwood is trans, and his life has been that of finding acceptance with his identity, thankfully for him Birch (when not caught up in being a brotherly pest) is his biggest supporter. Blackwood also wants to be a solider, and together they go around trying to find older leafwings willing to train them, only to find most are only willing to teach only Blackwood because of Birch's blindness. They finally strike gold with Himalayan, who promises to teach them both as long as they promise to give it their absolute all. 

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