Were not Saying Goodbye, Just see You Another Day

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It was later that night and Pierce the Veil and Grace had already gone back to their own bus. I was now laying on the couch with my head in Alexs lap and my feet in Jacks lap. We were watching PeterPan. One of my favourites but I was so bloody tired. I yawned and moved my hand from under me and rolled over so I was facing up. Alex smilled and looked down at me. I smiled back and slowly my eyes closed. Alex tapped my shoulder and I sat up a bit. He motioned for me to sit completely in his lap. I noded and curled up in his arms. I had only known these guys for a couple hours and we already had a great bond. He started rubbing my back and I slowly dozed off. I wasnt completely asleep but I wasn't completely awake either. 

I heard the back lounge door open and slowly opened my eyes to see Rian there smiling. I looked up at Alex who was smiling also. He stood up with me in his arms and carried me towards the bunks. He put me down and tucked me in. I half cuddled and half layed my head on the pillow. Rian walked up next to Alex and smiled.

"night Del" he whispered before kissing my forehead and walking off leaving Alex and I again. 

"My bunk is below yours and the one next to mine is Jacks. Luckily for the 3 of us Zack is right down the other side. The bunk above Jacks is our junk bunk but you can put your stuff there when we take you to get your stuff tomorrow." He explained, I didn't really hear alot of what he just said but nod ed anyways.

"Night Del" He smiled down at me and ruffled my hair a little. before I knew it I was in a deep sleep.


The next morning I was being woken up by Jack shaking my shoulder. I shot up and looked at him. He smirked and helped me out of my bunk. I looked around and saw Zack on the couch and Rian on his phone also sitting on the couch. We were in the front lounge. I looked at JAck and pointed towards the coffee machine. He noded and walked towards it. "coffee or hot chocolate?" I smirked and mumbled 'hot chocolate' he noded and got to work. I was rested on the arm of the couch and layed back. I ended up laying on Zacks lap. He smirked down at me and shook his head. I patted his cheek and sat up next to him. Jack passed me my hot chocolate and sat down next to Rian.

I looked around and noticed that Alex wasn't around. Rain looked at me confused and I shook my head and looked down. Its weird.. all this time I thought I was Delilah Faith Jackson, and now im Delilah Faith Dawson. I hope dad doesn't mind me moving to Baltimore. I mean I am legally allowed to move out on my own but I don't know if Dad will be upset or not. I defiantly want to meet my real parents and I defiantly want to move in with Rian but Im gonna miss my dad, not really my mum, as nice as she is she never really liked how I dressed or what music I listened to. She was nice and kind at one minute then the next she was all angry and upset, consequently ignoring me.

"Del whats wrong?" Rian snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up at his worried face and shook my head. "Del tell me, please?" I smiled and shook my head again. If I told him he might think I don't want to move back with him. I dont want to upset him. Alex walked into the front lounge and yawned. He mustn't have noticed  me cause he kinda just lay on me and put his feet up on Zacks lap. I looked down at him, his eyes were shut and he was cuddled into the lounge.Being his usual cute self. 

"Your kinda on me." Alex looked up and smirked. He rolled over onto his side facing me. I smirked and shook my head. Rian gave him a weird look and I smirked I yawned and slid down the couch a little bit. Next minute there was a loud thud on the ground. Turns out Alex rolled off my lap and onto Jacks foot. Alex shoot up and looked at Jack. Jack smirked in reply and tapped Alexs stomach with his foot.

The front door was slammed open and I looked up and saw a smirking Grace, Mike and Vic. "eww why are YOU here." 

Grace looked at me offended and put her hands up to her face. "your a stupid bitch." I smirked at her remark and stood up, and spread my arms open. Grace smirked and shook her head.I shrug ed and sat back down but there was a tired Alex already in my seat. "Um.. Vic suggested we go talk to our parents today.." I sat there with a scared look on my face. Grace didnt notice because she was looking down. She knows how much I love my dad.. "Better sooner than later right? I noded and stood up.

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