Zee Mexican, Jaimsterrr

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Zacks P.o.v (dun,dun,dun!!)

As I drove back to Jack and Alex's, I thought of a way I could tell Jack and Grace. Del only wants them to know cause we can trust them. It got closer and closer to their house and I gave up and decided I would just straight out tell them. I got out of my car and walked inside. Alex was being pushed againgst the wall with Rian holding him by his collar and Jack trying to pry him off. I ran over to them and pulled Rian off of Alex. He moved from my arms and stood back and glared at Alex. I put my hands up between the two and Jack stood next to Alex. 

"What. The fuck's. wrong?" I asked them. Alex looked at me and Rian kept his death glare on Alex. 

"He made Del leave" Alex stated cautiously. I sighed and looked at Rian. 

"He's dating her Zack, I was only trying to-" I put my hand over my lips. 

"I dont care what he did, where is she?" I obviously already know but if I didnt ask, the smarter people of our little group would figure somthings up.

"I dont know, she ran out the front door." Alex sighed and hit his fist onto the wall. "I should have run after her but SOMEONE was holding me back." Alex turned to glare at Rian. I joined the glare and he shruged. 

"she wouldnt go far, she dosnt know San Diego" We all noded at Jacks statment and started talking about some other stuff. I looked at Jack and Grace huddled up on the couch. Jack noding to what ever Grace was talking about. I walked towards them and their conversation came to a holt. Jack noded at me and I noded back.

"sup, man?" I sat next to them and Grace kinda hid her face in Jacks chest. 

I looked at Rian and Alex who were arguing quietly about whos fault it was. I sighed and stood up noding towards the back door. They stood up and followed me out the back. Grace looked at me confused and I shook my head. "I know where she is" I stated barley above a whisper. Jack and Grace stared at me like I was crazy. I sighed and looked at them. "No lie, I know where she is.."

"Explain" Grace groaned. "How did you find her? where did you find her? where is she? Why did sh-" Jack shushed her and she rolled her eyes before looking back at me. "Tell me where my best friend is, hell tell Rian and Alex they deserve to know!" I put my hand over her mouth.

"Shut up. She dosnt want them to know, she said she could only trust you guys, maybe I shouldnt have told you." She sighs and shakes her head muttering an apology, that didnt sound very apologetic. "im gonna go, in about 5 minutes both of you come to my place, i'll show you where she is. Dont tell anyone where or why your going. Dont tell Vic, Mike, Tony, Jaime and definatly not Rian or Alex. She will hate you if you tell them, I know I already suggested we tell, so they knew she was safe, no go obviously.."

They both noded and I walked inside. "Going home, need exercise and stuff." They noded and I walked out to my car and drove home. When I arrived home I shouted that I was back and got no reply. I walked up to my guest room and opened the door. I saw her sleeping. I smiled and pulled the covers up a bit more so they were over her completley. 

"A-R-J-Zack.." I smirked and noded. "Why are you-" she cut herself off and sighed. I pulled her into my arms and she silently cried into my chest. 

"Jack and Grace are coming around soon." She noded and smiled. There was an urgent knocking coming from downstairs, it stoped and we heard 2 sets of pounding feet run upstairs and the guest room barged open. Grace and Jack were standing there watching as I hugged Del to my chest. 

"Dee?" Jack asked and moved towards us. I moved my arms from Dels death grip and let him hug her. Grace ran at them and wraped her arms around Jack and Del. "you ok?" Del shook her head no and rested her head on Jacks chest. I sighed and exscused myself as Del explained what was going to happen. 

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