Kitchens are in the drinks?

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Delilahs P.O.V

We walked to Rians car that a friend of the guys had driven over earlier that day and got in. While Rian drove us to Alex and Jacks we discused what everyone would be doing. Jack, Alex and I would be going to the shops to gather food, while Rian, Zack Matt and Vinny would be at Jack and Alexs putting decorations up and moving stuff around. When we arrived at Alex and Jacks, we saw Mike and Grace standing out the front. I smiled and ran out to them and hugged Grace. 

"OH MY GOD GRACE ITS BEEN SO LONG!!" I shouted at her and we jumped up and down, fake crying. 

"Its been like an hour..." Flyzik rolled his eyes walking past us. Where'd he come from...

"Yeah an hour! you just wouldnt understand!" Grace screamed and we continued our weird little.. hug fest. "What are we doing?" 

"Jack, Lex an I are going to the shops to get food for tonight.. you should come!" We smirked and looked back at Alex. "LEX GRACE'S COMING!!!" Alex shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"YES, she is!" Alex rolled his eyes again and noded. I smirked and saw Grace telling Mike about being back soon. She ran back and we ran to Alexs car. "um Jack better not be driving.." Alex shook his head an smirked.

"Wouldnt want to risk my girls life." Oh god I love that cute bastard.. We got in our seats, me and Alex in the back and Grace riding shotgun with Jack. "So, what are we exactly?" he asked with amusement in his voice, to which I smired at.

"what do you want us to be?" I moved into the middle seat and put my hand on his chest. He smirked and looked at the front of the car, I looked aswell and saw Jack and Grace laughing and shouting the lyrics to 'I feel like Dancing'. He put his pointer finger to his lips and leaned in. I leaned in to and our lips began to move in sync. I smiled into the kiss and put my hands around his neck. He unbuckled my seatbelt and pulled me onto his lap, and put his hands around my waist. 

"Ohhhhhh, whats going on, in da back" We quickly pulled apart and looked up at Jacks smirking at us from through the window. Alex smirked and I lay my head on his chest. "Come on slow pokes we gotta go to the shops remember?" We noded and got out of the car. 

I held my arms out to Alex and made a pouty face. He smirked and turned around gesturing me to get on his back. I grinned and jumped on his back wraping my arms around his neck and his arms grabbed my legs. I looked at Grace and Jack and saw them holding hands. "Whats goin on between them to?" The smirked and looked at me before Jack held the hand that was holding Graces and smirked. Grace blushed and pulled their hands back down. "have you even kissed?" They noded and Jack moved his hand from Graces to her shoulders. 

"Are we as cute as them?" Alex asked looking up at me as best he could. I smirked and kissed his cheek.

"Better." He noded in agreement and we continued our walk to the supermarket. "You never answerd my question." Alex stoped and droped me from the ground. "what are you-" He cut me off by kissing me, not to agressivley but more, passionate and inocent. Definatley one of the better kisses. 

"Answer your question?" He asked as he pulled away. I smirked and shook my head. He looked at me confusion written all over his face. 

"You gotta ask me." He smirked and noded and pulled me onto another kiss. 

"Will you Delilah Dawson, be my girlfriend?" I faked a thinking face and put a hand over my mouth to hide my grin. "Del answer me" I smirked and jumped into his arms.

"Yes, yes, and yes!" He smirked and spun us around in circles. He stoped and put me down, joining our lips again. 

"Whats so exciting?" We pulled away and looked at Jack. Alex smiled and put my arms around my shoulders. Jack looked at us confused. "well?"

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