You Get Special Treatment

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~Graces P.O.V~

I was hiding my head in Alexs armpits (they stunk trust me..) and was pretending to be asleep as I began to listen to my brothers and their bands start talking about Jack and I's situation.

"We cant just ignore him completley Alex.." That sounded like Zack.

"Yes we can.. Flyzik can fill in for him." I felt Alex's side jiggle up and down as he spoke. Little fatty.

"No I definatley will not." Matt must have entered the room at that minute.

"Guys.. were on warped tour.. we cant just ignore him cause he made a drunk mistake.." That was Rian. Annoying ass hole..

"Rian shut the fuck up. If it was Del and I it would be diffrent.." I leant up slightly and kissed the side of Alex's arm. His grip around me tightened and I cuddled into his side more. "Just get out all of you.." They sighed and I heared 2 sets of foot steps walk towards me and kiss my forehead.

"Love you baby girl." I smiled slightly at Mikes comforting tone.

"call us when you need us Bub." I nodded slightly and rolled over more into Alex's side and heard Vic's chuckling. "take care of her Gaskarth." I felt Alex nod and heard the door shut a final time.

"You can sit up now Grace." I nodded and smiled as I sat up and rested my head on Alexs shoulder.

"You okay G?" I nodded and smiled at Del as she looked at me worridley.

"Your the one with a broken leg and your asking me if im okay?" She shruged before nodding with a grin plastered on her face.

"I'm not the one thats.. been through what you've been through." I sighed and nodded as she looked down at her hands. "Plus your Alex's sister so.."

"That basically means you get special treatment." I snorted at Alexs statement and looked back at Del. I noticed Alex look at her aswell and she smiled at her lap slightly. Alex grabbed her hand and she looked up at us and shruged. "Whats up Del?"

"Just tired.." We nodded and Alex smiled before laying down. He looked up at me with a convincing pout. I smirked and lay back aswell wraping my arms around him. Del smirked and lay next to him also, laying her head on his chest. He wraped his arm around my back and around her shoulder.

"Lets get some sleep." I yawned before noding and closing my eyes. Darkness sourounds me and I was soon galloping along the beach on a beautiful Bay Andulusian.


I woke up to the sound of someone falling from the other side of the bed. I sat up and raised an eyebrow as Alex sat awkwardly on the floor rubbing the back of his head. I looked over at Del who had a small blush on her cheeks. I looked down at Alex again who was also blushing and I realised what they had been doing.

"really? you couldnt have asked me to leave while you had a heated make up sesion in her bed..?" Alex smirked and shruged before standing up and sitting back in his seat between us.

"We would have gone further and thats probably not a good idea considering her broken leg and all.." I shivered at the thought and put my hands over my ears.

"Okay.. no of that please." Alex just sat there laughing while Del glanced at him and rolled her eyes.

"So imature.." Alex continued his laughing spazam and I rolled my eyes.

"Your the one thats dating him.." Del smirked.

"Who could refuse that cute little face?" I shot my hand in the air and Alex looked at me before faking a pout. "Lies Grace if you werent his sister you would totes date him."

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