Faster Alex Faster! ;)

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Delilah's POV

I was sat on the bus, on my phone writing a stupid wattpad fanfic that no more than 10 people would read when I heard the door to the bunks from the front lounge

open. I poked my head around the corner and found myself being ripped into a hug from Rian.

"Hey Ri.." He smiled and continued to hug me. Why was he so happy..

"Happy birthday Del!" He smirked and pulled me into a hug. oh that makes sense..

"Thanks Ri?" It sounded more like a question then anything else. He hugged me tighter and I smiled over his shoulder as Zack came running down the hallway.

"Happy birthday" he smiled I grinned and pulled away from Rian before hugging Zack.

"Where's my Dee?" Jacks voice asked while walking into the hallway from the back lounge. I pulled away from Zack and Jack pulled me to him. "happy birthday"

"Thanks guys" I pulled away from Jack and he grinned. "Where's Lex?" Jack pointed towards the back lounge, as I got closer I walked slower and turned the knob.

"Hey baby.." I looked around the room, there were presents on the couches, and a little table in front of a seat stacked with Pancakes. I grinned and ran into Alex's

opened arms. "Happy birthday beautiful girl." I kisses him and he sat back on the couch.

"What's a birthday without a short stack!" Someone squealed from next to me. I looked at where the voice was coming from as I was engulfed in a hug. "happy birthday"

Andy Clemmensen smiled as I felt 2 more people join the hug.

"Guys! It's been a while." I grinned as they hugged me tight.

"To long!" I grinned and nodded as Bradie Webb and Andy pulled away.

"Shaun hugs!" Shaun Diviney said in an overly happy voice.

"Alex hugs are better" Alex stated still sitting where he was before.

"Ha, Jack hugs are better" Jack said walking into the room.

"bitch please Grace hugs are better than any Jack or Akex hugs." Grace said joining us in the small back lounge. Shaun pulled away and I sat back on Alex's lap.

"Open presents!" I smiled and shook my head. "Why?"

"Because were not here" Rian said as he as Zack walked in, Zack pushing Jack away and to sit in his seat as Jack sat on graces lap.

Rian passed me a present to open and sat next Zack. I ripped the paper back and smilied at the heart shaped necklase that opened to a picture of me and Rian on

one side and a picture of Me, Zack and Jack on the other.

"Hey I was cut out of that picture!" Alex said looking over my shoulder. Rian grinned and nodded. More presents were shot my way and I opened them all and

thanked who ever gave them to me. Alex's present was last, I smiled as he passed me a small package. I opened it and inside was a charm bracelet full of all diffrent


I looked at it and smiled. There were about 10 charms. The first one was of the ATL skull, the next one was of a music note, another was my initials DFD, the one after

that was a paintbrush, the 5th one was of a horse shoe, the next one was A+D, I grinned and looked up at him. He smirked and kissed my cheek before I looked back down at the

other charms. The next charm was a circle that could open up and had a picture of me and Grace hugging in our onsies. Funny I dont remember taking that picture.. and the

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