How Did you?

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~~Delilahs P.O.V~~

"Come on guys, sound check!" Matt exclaimed. We all groaned and headed for the venue. Matt was infront with Rian, Zack and some of the crew. Then it was Pierce the Veil with Alex. Then Grace, Jack and I. We being the lazy ones an all.. Matt looked back at us and sighed. "Hurry up!" Jack jerked his head towards Matt and started walking really slow, Grace noticed what he was doing and joined in. "Barakat!" Jack and Grace still being slow as slow can be. Alex looked back and I sighed dramatically showing how bored I was. He smirked and ran towards me. 

"Piggy back!" He screamed. A grin blew up on my face and I jumped on his back. He ran back over to Pierce the Veil, and began talking to them. Everyonce in a while Rian looking back and sees us being.. touchy.. in his words. Rian stoped and told Matt somthing before they all continued walking towards the venue. Alex and I stoping next to him. "Whats wrong Rilo?" 

"I just thought we could walk together? I dont think I have spent enough time with you or Del." 

Alex looked back at me with a questioning look, which I returned. "Okay??" Rian smirked and I jumped off Alexs back to stand next to my brother. We looked up at the venue door and saw Matt shouting at us to -in the nicest way possible- hurry the fuck up. Alex grabbed my hand and I grabbed Rians and we ran for the venue door. 

"About time" Matt muttered leading us to the venue door. We walked into the dressing room and Matt's phone rang. "Hello?.... Oh no its ok... sorry to hear... yep... feel better soon yeah?... awesome seeya" Matt hits the wall frustrated. 

"Whats wrong Matty Mouse?" He looked up at me and smiled. 

"You know Remembering Sunday?" I noded and he smiled. "You recon you could fill in for Juliet?" A shocked look came over my face and shook my head. "Oh come on Del pleeeease? We dont have anyone else." I grabbed Graces arm as she walked up next to me, and pushed her forawrd. 


"Here have her she knows it aswell..." I said quickly running out the door. I started speed walking down a hallway, then I realised. I have no fuckin idea where im going.. I was suddenly pushed to the floor. I looked up and saw Vic looking down at me. "Nice one Victor..." I stood up and saw the door to the buses and ran that way. When I got on the ATL bus, there was no one there. Perf. Well that was until someone ran through the door. Alex. "Ugh Gaskarth what are you doing here?"

"Came looking for you.. why wont you sing with us?" He sat next to me.

"Please I dont want to, please? I'll sing terribley and I just.. I dont wanna!"

"You'll be great, I heard you in the shower the other day." I glared at him.

"THE FUCK!!" Alex started laughing, me joining in soon after. I moved my head onto his shoulder and he wraped an arm around me losley. 

"Its true tho Del your a great singer. Please?" I sighed and shook my head. "Awwwww Deeellllllll pllllllease, Grace is already singing Hold on Till May with PTV she cant sing with us aswell." I sighed and Alex pulled me onto his lap, our faces close. We were looking into eachothers eyes and he looked down at my lips then up at my eyes again. No I must be picturing things.. He looked down at my lips again and leaned in. Soon our lips were moving in sync, at first I was shocked but that soon wore off thats for sure. I moved my hands to around his neck, he had one hand on my back and one on my thigh. I smirked into the kiss. Alex deepened the kiss but pulled away quickly. "oh, god.. im... im sorry." 

I looked at him confused. "Its ok Alex. Dont worry about it." He shook his head.

"No im sorry, im sorry." I stood up and he ran out the bus door and towards the venue again. I sighed and sat back down on the couch. I looked up again and saw that it was almost ATL's turn for sound check. I sighed and decided I would stay in the bus. Grace can sing shes got a WAY better voice than me. I sighed and lay down again before Jack ran in.

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