Why Am I Staying With Ash and CC?

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-A Month Later-

~~Grace's P.O.V~~

"GG!" CC yelled as I walked out of the recording studio doors. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up, spinning me around. I faked a smile and squeezed him tight. "I missed you GG."

"Missed you to CC" Even though its only been a day.. He finally put me down and I saw the rest of BVB walking towards me. Andy got closer first and I hugged him, then Ash, then Jinxx and finally Jake. Ashley linked arms with me and we walked back into the recording studio. ATL and PTV came to LA to start recording their new albums and I came along 'cause the guys didnt really trust me at home alone. We walked up the stairs and we sat down at a little couch thing in the hallways of the recording rooms.

We sat around doing basically nothing, Andy started to get bored and fiddley with things. I sighed and stood up, grabbing his hand. "Come on tough man, we're going to go ask if we can actually do something today.." he grinned and nodded, following me into the room Alex and Zack were in. "Hey Alex?" He looked up at me and nodded, silently telling me to continue. "Can me and the guys go do something today?" He turned back around and continued watching Zack record bass. I groaned. "Alex?"

He sighed and nodded. I mumbled a thankyou and pulled Andy out with me. We walked back over to the guys and we decided to go to the park, cause why not? We raced down the stair, and to Jinxx's car and jumped in before we were driving to the closest playground in the area.


Once we found a suitable playground Jinxx stopped the car and we jumped out, running for the equipment. I was running next to Ashley and CC, getting closer to the merry go round type thing and we all stood on a seperate section. Ashley and CC put their outside foot on the ground and they began to push us around and around and around. I groaned, suddenly feeling sick. Ashley put his foot down firmly and picked me up, carrying me over to a bench. He sat me down and sat next to me before pulling me into a side hug. I smiled up at him and he grinned down at me.

"You okay Grace?" I sighed and shook my head, I know I can trust these guys with my life, so I know I could trust them with a little itsy, bitsy secret.

"I feel ignored.." Ashley gasped and his grip on me tightened. "Not by you guys.. by Alex and Vic.. and Jaime.. and everyone.. even Jack."

Ashley sighed and shook his head. "G, their busy, they have to write an album.. its not as simple as we make it out to be.." I nodded and he ruffled my hair. "Dont worry, they'll start to pay more attention to you soon.. till then, we'll be your brothers." I smiled slightly and gave him a small hug.

"thanks Ash" He smiles and kisses the top of my head. I look out at the others who are all running around, being the idiots they are. CC suddenly runs into a small child and she begins to cry. CC looks at me and back down at the girl with the most horrified look on his face. I roll my eyes and walk towards them and lean down to the little girl.

"Hey, you okay? I'm sorry CC scared you.." she looked up at me and smiled slightly.

"Im otay" I nod and smile a little at how she says 'okay'.

"Wheres your mummy?" she shrugs and looks around the park. She stops and waves at an older woman who waves back. I continue to have a small smile on my face. CC pokes my shoulder and I look up at him who has a saddened expression on his face.

"Grace we gotta go.." I sighed and faked a smile at the small girl before standing up and walking away from her. CC grabs my hand and pulls me towards the others, who are getting back into Jinxx's car.

"Why we going home so quick..?" They sighed and looked back at Jake who had a serious expression on his face.

"We're going to get food, then you're staying with Ash and CC" I nodded and got into the car, buckling up my seat.

"Wait.. why am I staying with Ash and CC?" I ask confused.

"Alex said he needs some time.. alone.." Andy says, trying to hide his angry side which I can see straight through.


We arrived at the Hotel I was staying in and I unlocked the door and walked towards my bag, packing my stuff. I finished and locked the door again before walking back down to the guys. Jinxx drove us to CC and Ashley's house in complete silence. I dont know which is worse, That Alex wanted to have some alone time, or that Jack, Vic and Mike havnt stopped him..

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