Where are my special pancakes

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~Graces P.O.V~ 

Alex and Mike went into the kitchen while I cuddled Vic for a little longer. I wasnt sobbing anymore just crying silently into his chest. Jack sat next to Vic and I crawled over to his lap and he pulled me close. He started rubbing my back and kissing my forehead. 

"You okay Gracie?" I nodded and he stood up with me still in his arms. "Were gonna go back to the buses.. Del and Alex will pack our stuff.." I nodded again and I rested my head on his shoulder as he held my thighs for suport. I wraped my arms around his shoulders and we stepped into the elevator. There was a peaceful silence between us. I heard the click of the elevator, as it came to a stop on the ground floor. 

"W-Where are Vic and M-Mike..?" He sighed and looked at the roof of the small room.

"Still upstairs.." I nodded and he held me close as he walked out the hotels front door. "You wanna come onto my bus or..?" I nodded my head and he continued to walk down the streets and back to the buses. When we reached his bus he opened the door and to my surprise Rian stood up and walked towards us. He looked worried.. probably thought it was Del..

"Grace, whats wrong?" Okay.. so he knew it was me.. Jack tensed up and held me tighter. "Whats wrong Grace?" I sighed and shook my head. 

"Shes ok.. just let he calm down?"  Rian nodded and Jack pushed past him and sat down on the front lounge couch. He proped his legs on the couch and held me between his legs and chest. I snuggled up in his shirt. 

"Wheres Del.. is she ok?" I looked up at Jack as he nodded at Rians question. "where is she..?" 

"She's with Alex and PTV back at the hotel room packing up our stuff." I looked at Rian's nodding face. Jack glanced down at my face and smiled. I smiled back at him and yawned slightly. "You tired?" I nodded and he grinned before standing back up, with me still in his arms. He walked down the hallway and placed me on his bunk. He pushed me to the edge against the wall and pulled himself up and lay next to me.

"What you doing..?" He smirked and wraped his arm around my shoulder.

"Nothing.. we just need a nap.. right?" I smiled and nodded before laying my head on his chest and closing my eyes. Darkness surounding me.

~Delilahs P.O.V~

I walked into the kitchen with Alex following behind me. I sat on the counter and leant my head back on the cabinet. He put his arms either side of my legs and I wraped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He smiled at me before putting his forehead on my shoulder. I kissed his neck and he pulled away looking at me strangley.

"Del.. we shouldnt.. Grace's upset we cant just.. make out in the middle of the kitchen." I sighed and nodded my head. He had a point we should be worried about Grace not enjoying eachothers company...

"yeah your right.. sorry." He smiled and shook his head. "Hungry?" He nodded and pulled me to the floor. I looked in the fridge and found eggs, bacon and bread. Fabulous. I pulled them out of the fridge and turned the stove on and put a frypan over the hot flame. I cracked a couple eggs and spilt their insides into the frypan and popped some bread in the toaster. 

"Go ask the guys if their hungry.." He smiled and nodded before kissing my cheek and walked into the lounge room again. I decided it would be quicker to have to frypans running at once and turned the stove on again and put another frypan on the stove. I filled the bottom of the pan with bacon and buttered the toast that had popped up. 

"Jaime and Tony are starving but Mike and Vic not so much.." I was startled at Alexs sudden apearence and nodded at him, smilling before I saw the concerened look on his face.

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