Zoo Adventures (Part 1)

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~Del's P.O.V~

As we got off the bus Alex threw his sombrero in the bus and Carlos locked the door. Jaime, Grace and I all turned to glare at him as he smiled inocently. We continued walking, (hobbiling in my case) to the entrance of the zoo and paied our entrance fee.  

We were soon stood infront of the Info station that also had Wheel chairs and Kiddy cars. Idiots.. I dont need no Wheel chair.. 

"Guys.. seriously.. I dont need a wheel chair.." they ignored me and Alex made his way towards the elderly woman, telling her they wanted a wheel chair for, and I quote 'my crippled girlfriend'. "Lex! dont be such an ass. I dont need, nor want a wheel chair." He shook his hand at me and filled out the needed information to hire one of the chairs. 

"Thankyou." Alex smiled sweetly pushing the chair towards me and stopping infront of me. "Get in Little Ms Cripple." I glared at him and shook my head. I will not sit in that thing until one of them asks me nicely. 

"Come on Del, I wanna see the giraffes!" Mike groaned, walking towards me. I shook my head and hobbled away from the group, heading towards the elephants. 

"Del, dont run away!" I heard an agrovated Grace yell from behind me. I soon heard a group of running foot steps and the wheels rolling fast, gradually getting faster and closer towards me. I felt 2 arms snake around my waist and looked up to see Tony smirking down at me. 

"Tony if you let me go, i'll buy you a turtle." I whisperd, to which he smirked and shook his head. "Please.." another shake of the head. "Tonnnyy" he rolled his eyes and shook his head again. "come on man.. I thought you were cool.." 

"He is cool!" Jaime shouted, the whole group now standing infront of us. Tony passed me to Alex, who tried to put me down in the chair but I kept my body as straight as a stick. 

"Del, bend your legs.." I shook my head and Rian pushed on my legs effectivley bending them. Grace quickly buckled me into the seat and grinned down at me. I unbuckled the seat and put my hands on the arm rests, about to push myself up when the chair began moving and I quickly sat back down. 

"I dont wanna sit in the wheel chair!" I began thrashing around in the chair, fake crying. "I swear, ill be fiiine." Alex and Rian stood next to me, holding onto the arm rests, making sure the chair dosnt tip. "You guys are all ass holes!" realising both Rian and Alex were at my sides, I looked up and Jaime was pushing the wheel chair. "you can all go get fucked right in the pussy." 

Grace snorted, while the others hid their giggles. I sat back in the chair and groaned, crossing my arms. "You gonna be a good girl now?" Rian asked from my right. I looked down at my hands and he sighed. The chair stoped moving for a second, soon being replaced by Rian. 

"what first?" Vic, asked looking at us all curiously. 

"turtles!" Tony.

"Giraffes!" Mike.

"Octopus!" Grace. 

"Bears!" Alex. 

"Potatos! wait Rians already here!" Everyone started laughing while Rian hit me on the back of the head. "Hey dont hit the cripple!" 

"who ever can answer this question correctly gets to choose where we go first.." Rian stated, ignoring my glare. 

"Who made you animal captain?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Rian shrugged. 

"Whats the question?" Mike asked, looking excited. 

"whats the square route of 89?" I smirked as we came to a stop, as everyone counted on their fingers or got their phones out. While they were distracted I un buckled the strap across my stomach quietly. Jaime looked at me curiously and I waved inocently. He went back to looking at his phone and I glanced up at Rian, who looked right back at me. His phone began to ring. "Be back in a sec.. its Cass." everyone mumbled a reply of 'what ever' and I spun around and grabed my crutches from their place, hanging across the handles of the chair.

I looked at everyone who were still on their phone's, idiots.. I stood the crutches up carefully, no one noticed. I slowly stood up. No one noticed. I began to quietly hobble away, keeping my eyes on the group of people. No one noticed. I smirked as I got further and further away from them. I noticed the reptile room and hobbled in, sitting on a wooden bench just inside. 

"Hey! Where'd she go?!" I heard my brother scream at the group of morons. 

"she could've gone anywhere!" I heard Jaime squeal. 

"Why werent you watching her?!"  Rian yelled again.

"We had to find out the answer to your dumb question!" Grace yelled. 

"Hey.." someone whisperd from next to me. I jumped slightly and spun around to see a smirking Alex Gaskarth. 

"What- how-huh- how'd you-" He quietened me by putting a finger over my mouth.

"I followed you." He whispered and I nodded. "be quiet, they might hear you." I nodded and he moved his finger. He stood up and motioned for me to get on his back. 

"You sure thats safe?" I asked sarcastically. He nodded and I hopped on one leg and wraped my arms around his neck, mid air. He grabed my normal leg tight, but left my other leg dangiling there, choosing to grab my ass instead. "Hey!" 

"Shhh" he paused before continuing. "Do you want me to hurt your leg?" I shook my head and he nodded, letting go of my ass for a second to throw the crutches out the door of the reptile room. 

"Shes that way!" Grace shouted. Alex grabbed my ass again and he began running to the other exit, and out the door of the reptile room. I giggled as we ran further and further from the group. I looked back and saw no one following us. 

"now their gone and I dont have my crutches you dumb ass." He shrugged and continued carrying me around the Zoo, walking now.  "No, Alex put me down im to heavy.." He snorted and shook his head.

"Your not heavy Del, your perfect." I slapped his cheek softly. 

"Lex its not funny anymore, put me down. You'll break your back.." 

"Im not letting you walk without crutches.." I sighed and nodded. 

"atleast have a break. We can find somewhere to sit." He sighed and nodded. "thankyou Lex." 

"Its ok Babe." I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. 

"Look there they are!" My head shot up and looked back to see Jaime and Vic running towards us. I frowned. Spoil sports. Alex didnt bother running cause they were to close to actually get away from. "Where have you been?" Vic complained angrily. 

"Del snuck off and I followed her, and we kinda just.. took a break from you guys.." Alex put me down gently and stood behind me, wrapping his arms around me tightly. Jaime and Vic exchanged glances before they passed me my crutches back. 

"Now dont run to the toilet and fuck." Jaime stated seriously. 

"And be back before lunch" Vic added. 

"wait.. your seriously letting us get away?" They smiled and nodded. I smiled and hugged them quickly. "Thanks guyys" 

"Dont get sappy Del." Vic stated as I pulled away. "You guys better go before the others find you anyways." I nodded and Alex took my hand and put it on the cruches. 

"Lets go.." I nodded and we began our trip to the Zoo. 

A/N: this chapter is kinda a filler but I really enjoyed writing it.. xD I thought Delilah hasnt had much P.O.V's latley so ya know.. A whole chapter for her.. AND its a longish chapter :D im proud guys xD idk.. Rate, Comment, follow? idk! do what ever floats your boat ^-^ I hope you enjoyed this chapter :33

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