Darling You'll Be Okay

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A/N: Okaaayy so this has a little bit of Fluff.. if you could call it that.. idk ok? ok oh and it has some.. sexual harrasment in it aswell so... just warning you lovley people who are actually reading this.. I love you all! I really didnt expect 200 and somthing reads so :) I guess this fic is ok.. anyways.. on with the jolly good show 

~Graces P.O.V~ 

I woke up in my bed, pulled close to Jacks side. I smilled up at his snoring state and kissed his cheek. I slipped out of his death grip, (with much dificulty) and walked into the hotel rooms kitcheny area. I looked around and grunted. I cant cook for shit.. maybe Del could come help? I walked into Alex and Del's room and saw clothes scatered out on the floor. I closed my eyes and squealed. 

"shit Grace!" Del exclaimed from the bed and I spun around. "Wait!" I stoped in my tracks, refusing to open my eyes. "What did you come in for..?" I sighed.

"I need help making pancakes..." If I could see her I bet she would be rolling her eyes.. "But you guys are obviously busy so.." I opened the door again and walked back into the kitchen. I grabbed my phone and called Domino's. "Hey can I have a pepperoni pizza and a vegetarian pizza please?" I gave the guy on the other end my adress and hung up. I felt  two strong arms wrap around my skinny frame and lent on his chest. 

"morning you.." I smirked and looked up at him. "Who were you calling?" 

"It was suposted to be breakfast in bed.. but im getting you pizza.." He smirked and lifted me up into his arms. 

"How sweet.." I grinned and kissed him before pulling out of his arms and slipping onto the floor.  "where are you taking you sweet little ass?" He smirked and slapped my ass. I turned and grinned at him before jumping back into his arms. 

"I was gonna go have a shower.." I said as I rubbed my finger up and down his shirtless chest. 

"Ohh sounds like a plan.." He started walking towards the bathroom, me still in his arms. I stiffened and he smirked down at me. "whats wrong bub?" I shook my head and he sighed, before realisation came over his face. "oh baby im sorry.. here you go have a sho-" I cut him off by pushing my lips to his and he smirked into the kiss. 

"babe.. its ok.." He shook his head and I sighed before putting my hands on either side of his face. "dont worry..if stuff happens.. it happens ok?" He sighed and pulled me close.

"Im sorry baby... about yesterday.." I smiled and kissed him again. 

"Babe its ok, Im over it.. im sorry for over reacting.."  He shook his head. 

"You didnt over react, I get it, you went through alot.." I smirked and he started tugging on my top.  He pushed us towards the bathroom door again and took my shirt off completley. "I love you.."  

"I love you more.." He pulled the bathroom door shut and turned back to me with a wicked grin on his face. I smirked and he stepped towards me again, looking me up and down. He cautiously started tugging on my pajama shorts and I rolled my eyes. "Babe.. its ok.." He nodded and smiled at me before pulling my shorts all the way down. I smirked at him and began to pull his boxers off. 

He smirked and walked towards the shower and turned the taps before there was steam coming from the water. He put his hand in the water and grinned back at me. "You sure babe..?" I rolled my eyes again and walked towards him, noticing the bulge between his legs. I grinned and he rolled his eyes. 

He pulled me against his chest and ran his hands up and down my back before finding the clip of my bra. He played dumb with the clasp and eventually let it fall to the floor. I kicked my under wear to the floor and stepped into the steaming water. He soon followed me into the shower and pinned me up against the wall. I wraped my arms around his neck and he grabed my thigh and placed it around his hip. I smirked and removed one of my hands from around his neck to around his growing shaft. ( A/N: this..is awkward.. so dont expect alot of this ok? ok) He moaned and pushed his body against mine a little more. 

"Someones excited.." I smirked as he rolled his eyes at me. I moved my other leg to around his hip and pushed up so I was in his arms. He grinned and flowerd kisses along my neck. There was a sudden knock on the door and we broke apart. 

"Grace did you order pizza?" An angry sounding Alex asked from the other side of the door. I smirked up at Jacks annoyed looking face and pushed him further away from me. "Grace?!" I sighed.

"Yes it was me!" Alex groaned and kicked the door.

"Who the fuck orders pizza at 10:30 in the morning?!" I rolled my eyes as JAck and I quickly wahsed out our hair, knowing we wouldnt be able to complete what we started. 

"Me! Obviously." 

"Hurry up so you can pay me back.." I finished with my hair and noticed Jack.. relief himself before finishing and turning the water off. I pushed him back in the shower as he tried to step out and shut the curtain. 

"Jacks asleep Alex so shut the fuck up!" Alex groaned and I wraped a towl around myself before throwing our clothes in a pile and walking into the hallway. Alex covered my body from his vision so he could just see my face. "Really Alex.. im wearing a towl.." 

"Your my sister Grace.." I smirked and walked into my room and walked towards my suitcase. I grabbed my Asking Alexandria shirt, purple skinny jeans, bra and under wear and quickly changed. I pulled my black vans on and tied my hair up before grabbing some of Jacks clothes and sneaking them into the bathroom. 

"Thanks babe.." I grined and shrugged it off. I walked back into the loungeroom area and was shocked to see Alex, Del and PTV sitting on the small black J shaped couch. 

"Heya.." I sat on the floor infront of them and they all looked at me with worry filled eyes.. "Whats up?" 

"We.. were just worried about the whole Collin thing.." Vic sighed and Mike nodded. I sighed and sat up striaghter. 

"What do you want to know?" 

"Everything.." Mike sighed. I looked at Alex and he shruged. "Have you told him...?" I shook my head and they nodded. 


"So..?" Vic sighed. 

"He's.. my adoptive brother.. and.." I sighed and looked at the carpeting on the floor. I saw Jacks legs go either side of my body and his arms wrap around me. 

"Its ok baby.. you can do it.." I sighed and nodded, before looking back up at them.

"It used to just be him.. touching me.. like at dinner he would run his hand up and down my leg.. then it got worse he started puting his hands down my top and squeezing my ass when no one was looking.." I trailed off as I felt tears come to my eyes. Jack pulled me close and I sighed before continuing. "Then.. his friend Kevin caught him doing it.. and he said he wouldnt tell if Collin let him touch me like that.." I let the tears leae my eyes as I continued. "S-So he and Kevin used to have me in Collins room and.. touch me.. and Kevin started getting more grabby and used to take my top off.. and Collin let him do.. heaps of shit to me.. like.. alot.." Jack patted my back reasuringly. "T-Then one day I hit their hands away c-cause I just.. was so sick of it and Collin got so mad.. and he wh-whispered somthing in Kevins ear and..and..." I trailed off and spun in Jacks arms and clung to his shirt. 

Jack pulled me close and I sobbed into his shirt, wetting it and probably ruining it. I sobbed for a good 10 minutes before my brothers came to comfort me. "Its ok Grace.. no one will touch you like that again.."  I crawled from Jacks lap into Vic lap and Alex and Mike leant their heads on my shoulders, rubbing my back and whispering things like 'your ok' or 'we wont let this happen again' but the one that got my attention the most.. but made me sob even more was when Vic whispered in my ear..

"Darling.. you'll be okay.." 

A/N: Wow 3 authors notes in 1 chapter.. wow.. idk anyways I hope no one got upset. And yes.. my fluff was terrible.. im sorry.. a friend of mine said maybe it was a good idea so blame her! not me :) Idk how I feel about this chapter... so... yeh... xD bai!

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