You Miss Him

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(Graces p.o.v once again ;) )

We pulled away from our 'fuentes hug' and vic and Mike kissed my cheeks. I sighed and walked into the living room only to be scooped up in a hug by Tony. I smiled and huged him back.

"Hey Turtle." I whispered in his ear. He smirked and spun us around.

"He Graice" I smiled and hugged him tighter.

"Love you Turtle."

"Love you Gracie" I smiled and apreciated all the love I was getting from these boys. They were all my brothers and I loved them all.

"Gracie!" I spun my head around and smiled when I saw a smirking skunk haired man standing in the door way. Tony put me down and I ran into his arms. "huh someones excited to see me." I noded my head and smiled up at him. He looked down at my arm and raised an eyebrow. "what happened babe.." I shook my head.

He shruged and pulled me to the couch. I sat on his lap and played with his face for a while. He moved his hand down to my arm and squeazed it slightly. I flinched back and an apologetic look struck over his face.

"Oh god Grace im sorry.. what happened." I sighed, I really didnt want to tell him what had happened. But if I didnt, he'll think im broken and give up with me but if I dont tell him.. he'll be upset and I dont want him to be upset with me.. I took a deep breath and sighed up at him.

"I.." I trailed off. I cant do this. Its to hard. He'll hate me forever.

"You..?" He looked at me desperatley.

I took a deep breath and sighed before pulling up the sleve of my jumper. I looked down at the bandage and started to unwrap it softlty. He gasped at my cut filled arm and my self esteem goes down. I sighs and looked at him as his eyes went glossy, tears threatning to fall. I wraped my arms around him gently and kissed his cheek.

"Im sorry.." He shook his head and hugged me tight.

"Why.. why do you do it.." I shook my head and rested it against his chest. We hugged for a couple minutes before he stood up with me in his arms, carrying me towards the kitchen. "Lets get somthing to eat.." I sighed and noded, realising I havnt eaten in a while.

He sat me on the counter and went to look around the kitchen as

I managed to wrap my arm in another bandage. "Eggs?" I shook my head. "Cereal?" I shook my head. "Pancakes?" I shook my head again. "Grace please?" I sighed and moved to stand next to him. I pulled him towards the ice-cream toppings, milke flavours and other stuff like that and pushed the chocoalte milk stuff into his arms.

He noded and went off to make a chocolate milk shake. I went and sat on the couch before he bougth it back to me. I smiled up at him greatfully and drank it. Surprisingly it tasted good.

After about 5 minutes of the drink I put the cup down and felt the urge to vomit. I ran to the bathroom and began to vomit into the toilet. After a couple minutes of spilling my guys into the toilet, I felt a burning sensation on the back of my throat. I sighed and walked into the kitchen and sipped on a glass of water.

"you ok? I heard you chucking.." I noded and felt Jacks arms wrap around my waist. I smiled up at him and leant against his chest.

I yawned and pulled him toward my room before pushing him into the bed and falling against him, cuddling into his side. "Cuddle me so I can sleep.." Jack noded and hugged me to his chest.

"Night babe." I noded and closed my eyes, falling asleep with in seconds.


I was being shaken awake by 2 skinny hands and shoot up, instantly banging heads, hears a small squeal afterwards. I looked at the head I just bumped with and smirked as Del held her nose.

"You bitch you broke my nose.." I rolled my eyes. "Come on I need Girl time.." I shook my head and looked around. I noticed it as Zacks guest room, the same room Del was in when Zack told us she was with him.

"Can we just sleep..?" She shook her head. I sighed and rolled over. "When are you going back to them?" She shruged and sighed as she looked at her phone. I pulled her phone down to my eyes and saw a picture of her and Alex. I smirked and gave it back.

"You miss him, yet you wont tell him where you are?" She hit me softly.

"Only because he would be here all the time.. thats suspicous for someone who just lost their girlfriend right..?" I noded and sighed.

"You need to go back, they'd have sorted it out by now." I sugested.

She sighed again and noded. "Ok, lets go.." I looked at her curiously.

"seriously.." She noded.

"I miss them.. I need to see them." I rolled my eyes. "Oh shush.." I stood up and walked into the dining room where Jack and Zack were. I smiled at them and fell into Jacks arms.

"Why are we here..." I whispered in his ear.

"Del wanted 'girl time'. Zack was being to annoying apparently." I noded and layed back on his chest.

"Ok lets go.." Del announced from the hallway. Zack and Jack looked at her confused. "Im going home.. sorry Zacky.." Zack smirked and shook his head.

"Its ok, was nice having you here." She smiled and noded while we walked out to the car.

About 8 minutes later we were being pulled inside Jack and Alexs house. "Allleeexx" Del called. We instantly heard Alexs loud thumps against the floor rushing down the steps. He saw Del standing there and wraped his arms around her, picking her up and spining her around. "oh god, oh god, oh god." Alex was smiling as he spun them faster and faster around the entrance of their home. "I missed you so much baby!" HE squealed. They kissed for a good couple minutes and we walked away from them rolling our eyes.

"god their acting like they havnt seen each other in days.." Jack trailed off rolling his eyes.

"Jack. They HAVNT seen each other in days.." I rolled my eyes hitting the back of his head. His eye's light up and he smirked. Del and Alex walked back into the dining room. Del in Alexs arms. "Aww all lovey dovey are we?" they noded and smiled kissing each other breifley. I rolled my eyes and faked a gag.

"Ok well we be-" Jack was interupted by a loud thrashing. The front door. I grabbed his hand and pulled him out the back door before we could be seen by Rian. We waved back quickly rushing out the door. Jack picked me up and we ran back out to his car and we drove to mine.

When we got home Jack stoped out the front and smiled as I got out of the car. "Cya Gracie." I waved and walked inside.

"Hey Grace" Mike said from infront of me. I smiled at him and hugged him on my way inside to my bedroom. I yawned an changed into short and a singlet before getting into bed. Stalking the guys from BVB and BOTDF's twitter accounts. My phone started vibrating and I sighed while looking at all the hate I started getting. I wish thoose stupid sluts would leave me alone

I dont even live in Australia anymore.. why couldnt they just leave me alone..

Tears started to sting my eyes and I wiped them away quickly before I shut my eyes. But of course I was refused of sleep. I sighed and grabed a book out of my bag.

I slowly felt my eyes drop as I read, and soon was pulled into a deep sleep, smiling as good dreams took over my mind.

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