Good, I Hate That Movie.

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(still Graces P.O.V)

We finished at the cafe and said our goodbyes to Sleeping with Sirens. I followed Vic, Tony, Jaime and Mike out to Mikes car and we sat in the same spots as the drive over. My phone started vibrating, I pulled it out to see about 10 messages from a private number, saying stuff like:

"Go kill yourself, emo freak"

"Why havnt you dont the world that favour yet?"

"Where are you Emo? you werent at school today.. its only gonna be worse for you"

"We've finally killed ourselves then?" 

I felt silent tears stream down my face, luckily for me the guys were distracted, I quickly wiped my face of tears and decided not to read anymore. I shoved my phone back in my pocket and stared out the window, as Mike drove home. The car went quiet and Tony, Vic and Jaime all looked at me, expecting an answer by the looks of it. "Huh?" There was a sudden errupt of laughter from all the men in the car and I blushed in embaressment. 

"We were wondering what you wanted to do?" Tony asked politley from next to me. I still wasnt focused and I looked at him, confushion written on my face. A worried look came over his face and he put an arm around me. "Grace?" I shook my head and he pulled me into his side. It took all I had to not just burst into tears then and there. He rubbed my back soothingly as Jaime and Vic looked at me suspicously. 

"Grace?" Mike asked. I looked in the revision mirror and saw Mikes worried eyes looking back at me. "You ok baby girl?" I noded and hugged into Tonys chest more. We came to a stop and the guys started getting out of the car. I was still huddled into Tony's side as my side door opened. I looked up slightly and saw Jaime smiling down at me. He made grabby hands and Tony pushed me towards him. Jaime picked me up bridal style. 

He smiled down at me but it soon faded as he saw a stray tear on my cheek. "Whats up chica?" He asked looking at me worridley. I shook my head and he sighed. I was being put down gentley on somthing and when I looked up I saw Vic smiling up at me. I looked at my feet and Mike was holding up my legs. I cuddled into Vics chest and closed my eyes.

"now Grace, tell us whats wrong." I shook my head at Vics question and he sighed. "Please Grace? we know somthings up.." I shook my head again and he sighed. 

"Please dont make me.." Mike shook his head.

"We would never make you Grace.." I sat up and moved between Mike and Vic. They looked at me, desperate to know about the texts. I felt tears threatning to spill from my eyes as they huddled closer to me and hugged my sides. I moved my head to Mikes neck and cried silently. Vic moved over and lent on my side and hugged me. 

"Tell us? please Gracie." I shook my head no and cried more into his neck. He pulled me to his lap and I felt his top get wet from my tears. 

"Were always here ok? what ever it is Darling you'll be ok." Vic whisperd in my ear, which caused more tears to flow from my eyes. I felt Vic move from behind my ear and looked up slightly to see him walking into the kitchen. Mike kissed my cheek and carried me into the kitchen also. I realised I didnt eat anything at the cafe.. Mike put me down on the counter and I smiled slightly up at his goofy face. 

"Hungry?" I shook my head. "But you didnt eat at the cafe.." I noded and slid off the counter. "Grace please?" I shook my head and walked into a chest. I looked up and saw my smirking boyfriend from above me. "How the fuck did Baratwat get in here.." Mike asked utter confusion on his face.

"Someone left the door unlocked.." The guys all noded and Jack wraped his arms around me. I put my arms around his neck and he kissed my cheek softly. I pulled away and faked a smile, to which he didnt believe, and walked back into the lounge room. I heard him following me and he wraped his arms around me from the side. I put my neck on his shoulder and he pulled me close. 

"I hope you realise how fucked up I am.." I stated refusing to look up at him. 

"Your not fucked up.." I shook my head. "Well you n-" I put my finger over his lips.

"just..shhhhh" He rolled his eyes and noded. I smiled and pulled my had away.

"Not fucked up." I glared at him as he continued his sentence. 

"I told you to shut up.." He smiled and hugged my side. "lets watch a movie.." Jack noded excitedly and shot up from the couch and looked through Mikes collection of DVD's. He sighed over exajeratedly and sighed. 

"MIIII" Jack started but was cut off before he could finish his question.

"I dont have it Jack remember?" Mike yelled out from the kitchen. He sighed over dramatically and wiped a fake tear away from his face. 

"huh..?" I asked and Jack looked at me upset.

"Mikey dosnt have H-Home Alone." I couldnt help but grin at him. 

"Good, I hate that movie.." Jacks eyes widened and looked at me shocked. 

"What. Is. Wrong. With. You." He said slowly. I smiled and repeated that I hated the movie. "your.. just.. what..." I smirked and blew him a kiss.

"what Jacky, im just what?" HE shook his head and sighed. "Do I get to pick a movie then?" Jack noded his head slowly, clearly still confused as to how I could hate such an 'amazing' movie. I shot up from the bed and rumaged theough Mikes DVD's. I couldnt find it, how could Mike not have it.. 

"MIKE! how do you not have my favourite movie?!" I shouted at him. He looked at me through the kitchen/lounge room window. I smirked and ran to my room and grabed the movie.

"All good, I bought my copy from my old house." Mike noded. I opened the case and pushed it into his dvd player. 

"Moondance Alexandra?" Jack asked utterly confused. I smirked and noded. "Whats it about.." 

"A girl who finds a horse and it turns out the horse ran away from some old man and he used to be a horse trainer, and the girl says she'll help him around the stables thingy in exchange for riding lessons. And she ends up going to this compotion thing! its amazing! you'll love it!" I rushed out, surprised that Jack could understand.

"Ummm ok.. promise me you'll watch Home Alone one day..." I sighed and noded. Jack smirked and pressed the play button, pulling me into his lap. I snuggled against his chest and smilled.  For a brief few hours I forgot about the texts I had gotten from thoose sluts from school. And it felt good.

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