Chapter 1 - My Journey Starts Now!

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Disclaimer - Pokemon belongs to the original creators, Game Freak, Nintendo and Creatures. I only own the OC's that are implemented into the story. Thank you for reading.

Pallet town, a small unimportant town, where the journey for some young people was about to begin. One of them was me, my name is Sam West a newly turned 10 year old who tomorrow would go throughout the Kanto region and become the champion. That was my dream, I wished to become the champion of this region, with a team that was both powerful and good. 

In Kanto, a Pokemon trainer, begins their journey when they reach their tenth birthday, like I had and that's when they get the chance to become a trainer and receive a Pokemon training licence. Then then I would be able to receive my first Pokemon from Professor Oak, the leading expert on Pokemon. 

Unfortunately, my journey was going to have to wait until tomorrow morning, when I wake up bright an early and go get a Pokemon from Professor Oaks laboratory. This evening at around 7:00 I knew that I would need to get a goods night sleep in order to be ready to go on a journey. My mum, Janice, entered my room and asked me, "so, dear, what Pokemon are you planning on choosing tomorrow?"

As soon as she asked me, my mind reminded me of the Pokemon new trainers are allowed to choose from, Charmander the Fire type, Bulbasaur the Grass/Poison type and Squirtle the Water type. Each one would be a wonderful partner and first Pokemon, however, I already knew which Pokemon I wanted to choose. 

"I'm going to pick Charmander" I told my mum excitedly and she nodded her head in return. "Before you go to sleep, watch this" she turned on my TV and on the screen appeared Professor Oak, he spoke about the Pokemon that a trainer was allowed to choose from, tomorrow, they were as I mentioned, Charmander, Bulbsauar and Squirtle. 

I don't know how much time had passed since I watched Professor Oak's important trainer advice video, however, I remembered to set my alarm so I wouldn't be late. I then put my pajama's on and climbed into bed, remembering to turn my television off as well. As I drifted away, I wondered what Pokemon, Ash and Gary were planning on choosing.

Oh, i should probably mention this, Ash was one of the kids in town who was also soon going to become a trainer, as well as Gary. Gary and Ash shared a rivalry with one another and I knew that rivalry would soon continue to when they become Pokemon trainers tomorrow as well. 

Soon enough, I drifted asleep and began dreaming of what my journey might be like, in my dream I was fighting in the league, my dream was coming true, I even had a Charizard with me. However, the dream soon dissipated, as I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring. Tiredly, I reached over at my alarm clock and turned it off, seeing that I was also on time and had plenty of time to get dressed and have breakfast as well. 

Exiting by bed, I went downstairs and said to my mum, "good morning" she returned my greeting as I headed over to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face to make sure I was proper prepared for the best day of my life. Heading back upstairs I changed into my clothes, I was wearing a blue top, with a Pokeball on it. My trousers were black and I wore blue trainer shoes as well. 

Looking in my nearby mirror, I realised that I was ready to get my Pokemon form Professor Oak and admittedly I was starting to get nervous, I would be heading out in the big wide world alone, well that's not entirely accurate, I would be with all of my Pokemon as well.With one last look at the mirror I left my bedroom and headed downstairs one last time.

As I had predicted, my mother was waiting for me in the living room, however, she wasn't sad, she seemed proud and happy that I would be going on a journey. "When you get your Pokemon, come back home, I got your bag ready and I'd love to see your Pokemon." My mum asked and I told her, "I promise, I'll come home as soon as I've gotten my Pokemon."

At that, I headed outside and wondered whether Ash and Gary were already at the laboratory, however, in the distance I could see the laboratory, however there was nobody around meaning I maybe earlier than the others. 

I soon reached the laboratory and walked up the steps towards my first Pokemon. When I entered I asked out loud, "excuse me, Professor Oak, I'm here for my first Pokemon." Professor Oak then came around one of the rooms, "are Sam, I see your here, Gary already chose Squirtle, I hope that's alright with you." 

I nodded my head understanding, "I understand Professor, Gary's probably just excited to show off his Pokemon." Professor Oak laughed and asked me to follow him upstairs, where the remaining Pokemon were being kept. Soon enough, we walked round the corner and I saw three Pokeballs, I knew that Squirtle was already taken, however I wanted to choose Charmander.

Professor Oak, then led me towards the Pokemon and asked me to choose which ever one I'd like. I moved my hand towards Charmander's Pokeball, once I grabbed the Pokeball, I happily held it in my hands overjoyed at the experience of having a Pokemon. "Alright, come out Charmander" as I pressed the button for the Pokeball to open.

The Pokeball then opened and Charmander materialised on the ground before me, "char" the Charmander said to me, kneeling down to the ground, "My name's Sam and I'm a brand new trainer, I hope we get along well." I said smiling to the Charmander, who smiled and cheered in his own language right back at me. "This Charmander is a male" Professor Oak informed me and I thanked him for everything. 

Professor Oak then went to grab some important items, while I carried Charmander to him, he then handed me five Pokeballs and a Pokedex. "This Pokedex will allow you to record data of Pokemon the you see and catch." Professor Oak informed me and I thanked him once again. I then returned Charmander to his Pokeball.

"Goodbye Professor and thanks for the Pokemon." I said as I began walking to the exit, however when I exited the laboratory there was still no sign of Ash, perhaps he overslept, but he never would not on such an important day.

Heading back home, I walked with pride shining in my eyes as well as happiness at the fact that I was now a Pokemon trainer. Soon I reached my home once more and my mum jumped from her chair in excitement to see me. "So, lets see the Pokemon you chose." I grabbed Charmander's Pokeball and announced, "come out Charmander" the Pokeball opened and Charmander materialised. 

"Isn't he just the cutest thing" my mum said as she looked over Charmander, who smiled and enjoyed her compliments. "Yeah he's cute and he'll be strong as well." I said back to my mum who nodded her head at me. 

Mum then disappeared and when she reappeared she brought with her a small backpack. "This is filled with everything that you'll need, clothes included." I thanked my mum and grabbed the backpack. "I also got you this" mum handed me a belt which had six Pokeball slots for holding my team. I thanked mum once again and she wished me a fond farewell, admittedly she did begin crying but I informed her I would visit and show her the Pokemon that I catch. 

That made mum smile and she said goodbye one last time and I exited my house, the one that I grew up in. Charmander, who had returned to his Pokeball, seemed like a cheerful but serious Pokemon who would help me become the champion of the Kanto region. 

With that last thought, I left Pallet town heading north to route 1, wondering what Pokemon were awaiting me. 

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