Chapter 21 - Safari Zone

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Fuchsia City had more than just a gym, back at the city, there was a place known as the Safari Zone where eccentric Pokemon live. These Pokemon are rare and uncommon and finding them requires skill and patience. From rumours of trainers, I've heard that there are Tauros, Exceggcute and other rare Pokemon in there. That's what convinced me to explore the Safari Zone and see whether any Pokemon decide to accompany me on my journey to become the champion. 

Upon entering the connecting route to the Safari Zone the employees informed me that there were restrictions in place and trainers were only allowed to stay on one side, so that Pokemon can remain safe. I understood and promised that I would remain on the side where trainers are allowed to roam and catch Pokemon that don't mind being caught. Battling was allowed, as long as you weren't on the protection zone, where the Pokemon are protected from poachers and trainers alike.

I was glad that the employees were taking protective measures to keeping Pokemon safe and would respect Pokemon that wouldn't want to be captured. After being allowed inside, I immediately knew why the Safari Zone, because it was filled with so many rare Pokemon, I spotted Venomoth's flying around as well as many Pokemon running across the plains. 

I could see immediately that I had been spotted by a Tauros, it stared me down separated from it's herd and looked like it wanted a battle. "Tauros do you want to be captured?" I asked just to be sure as I promised I wouldn't capture any Pokemon that didn't want to be captured under any circumstance. Tauros smirked and nodded his head but he would only do so, if I managed to be victorious which was understandable.

"I choose you Machamp" Machamp appeared flexing his muscles as he stared down the impatient and rash bull. "Whenever your ready Tauros we can begin." As soon as I even said that Taurus began charging into a move that could only be described as Stomp. "Machamp catch it by the horns" Machamp caught the Taurus by the horns, which stopped the Taurus and shocked it as well. "Now Machamp use your Mega Punch" Machamp then punched Taurus with his two hands that were free and knocked Taurus down to the ground.

Grabbing a Pokeball I prepared to throw it before, the Tauros stood up and glared me down, I knew he wasn't going in the Pokeball, not unless he had been properly weakened. "Use Mega Punch again" Machamp began running and Taurus began charging with yet another Stomp and surprisingly the two Pokemon looked to be even. "Now Submission" using his opponent Machamp chucked Taurus right over his body and he collapsed down to the ground once more struggling to get back up and continue fighting.

"Your incredible Tauros, would it be alright if I caught you now" the Taurus nodded his head as he smirked at me, impressed with Machamp's power probably. As soon as I chucked the Pokeball Tauros was sent inside and was captured immediately. Tauros' Pokeball soon disappeared as it was sent to Professor Oak's laboratory. "Thanks Machamp, excellent as always" Machamp nodded his head as he always enjoyed battles where he could show off his impressive strength.

High of the success of catching a really powerful Taurus I returned Machamp and continued exploring the wonderful Safari Zone and admired the many Pokemon that resided here, there were Kangaskhan as well exploring however, I knew better than to catch one of them, they were caring motherly Pokemon who would never allow a Pokemon trainer to harm them.

Steering clear of the Kangaskhan I explored in the opposite direction wondering what Pokemon might await me here. Though I guess you could say the exploration was cut short when an explosion occurred in the distance and the cries of panicked Pokemon rose up as well. Running forward I spotted a man dressed all in black with a net that had surrounded many Pokemon.

"He must be a poacher" I observed as I saw so many Pokemon being transported into cages that looked horrible and confining. However, the poacher looked to be in it just for the money and I knew I needed to stop him as I didn't know whether the police would arrive here before the poacher disappears with innocent Pokemon.

I sneaked up behind the poacher, hoping to get close enough where I could confront him without anything happening to the Pokemon. As I got closer, I could clearly hear and see many panicked Pokemon crying out for help, Scyther's were scratching their cage doors but whatever the bars were made out of protected them and prevented them from escaping.

I don't know what I did, but the poacher somehow heard me and turned around, glaring at me in seeming annoyance he shouted, "oi kid, go home and forget what you saw, or else you will regret it" the way he said that, it was filled with promise and anger. Grabbing my Pokemon I prepared to fight and he seemed to be excited about having a battle.

"Fine kid, I've got some time to spare, I'll defeat you and take your Pokemon as well, I've already got quite the rare and powerful Pokemon loaded up here, including a special Dragon Type." The way he said Dragon Type made my body sick, if he truly had a Dragon Type he would likely be planning on selling it to the highest bidder, the Pokemon would be nothing but a toy that would be shared around and treated miserably.

"Go Rhyhorn" the man sent out his Pokemon a Rhyhorn a Ground a Rock Type Pokemon, "I choose Kingler" my Kingler appeared and immediately he attacked, "use Take Down" as the Pokemon charged I gave my Kingler a quick command, "use your Bubble" even though Bubble was a weak move, it was still super effective and managed to slow the Rhyhorn down enough for me. "Quick jump and use Guillotine on the Rhyhorn"."

Following my orders, Kingler defeated Rhyhorn with a single Guillotine causing the poacher to scream in frustration and anger as he returned his Pokemon. "Go Machamp" Machamp appeared as well, "release all the captured Pokemon please" Machamp set to work while the poacher was just screaming all the while he freed the Pokemon.

Sirens luckily appeared in the distance and officer Jenny exited her vehicle, "officer Jenny, he's the poacher, we defeated him and are currently releasing the Pokemon he has captured." Officer Jenny nodded her head and took the poacher into custody as he screamed all the way, likely annoying officer Jenny.

I watched them leave and watched all the captured Pokemon run free or fly away, but the point was that they were now free to do as they please. However, one Pokemon remained, staring at me with something shining in it's eyes. The Pokemon was small and blue and snake like in appearance but lacked any sort of distinguishing features. Grabbing my Pokedex I scanned the Pokemon and learnt it was a Dratini a rare Dragon Type Pokemon that would eventually evolve into Dragonite if trained properly. The Pokedex also informed me that this Pokemon was a recent discovery and proved the existence of Dratini.

I knelt down to the ground after returning Machamp and Kingler to their Pokeballs and wondered why the Pokemon hadn't wondered off already. "Is something the matter?" I asked the Pokemon which stared at me before climbing up my body skilfully wrapping it's body around me. Dratini squealed as it did this and made me wonder whether it was hugging me or using the move wrap on me.

"Do you want to come with me little one" Dratini nodded it's head and so I grabbed a Pokeball and tapped the Dratini right on the head, as expected the Pokeball remained shut and Dratini was captured. I was excited to have a Dragon Type Pokemon as they were rumoured to be immensely powerful and loyal towards their trainers under any and all circumstances. 

The Pokeball then disappeared and presumably went to Professor Oak's laboratory, the current team I had was, Charizard, Machamp, Kingler, Gengar, Alakazam and Fearow. I decided to swap out Gengar for Tauros and Alakazam for Dratini. So I could get to work on training the both of them, however I already knew that Tauros was quite powerful as he briefly managed to keep Machamp at bay showing his incredibly physical strength.

After finishing up, I decided that with my new team members, I was finished in the Safari Zone and could continue on my journey, I was actually planning on heading to Celadon and then returning to Fuchsia City as those routes had been unexplored and would provide my new team members with some battling opportunities. 

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