Chapter 16 - Return to Lavender and Saffron City

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After leaving the Pokemon centre, I left Celadon City and returned back across Route 8, some trainers did still want to battle and it was the perfect opportunity to strengthen my team. One trainer challenged me with a solitary Beedrill as his partner, however, Jigglypuff, used his Sing, to put the Beedrill to sleep and further defeat the Beedrill with a barrage of Double Slaps, all the while, the trainer begged his Beedrill to wake up and fight back.

As I progressed through Route 8, I soon arrived back at Saffron City and knew soon enough that i would be challenging Sabrina, even though she was apparently an exceptional Psychic trainer. As I passed through Saffron City, I reached Route 7, another route where trainers consistently wanted to battle, though I didn't really mind battling them at all. 

Soon enough, I reached Lavender Town, but this time, I headed North towards the looming Pokemon tower, where it is assumed that Ghost Pokemon reside. Ghost Pokemon had an advantage against Psychic Pokemon, so I could have a much higher and greater chance of victory if I caught one.

When I got closer, I saw that the tower, was really creepy almost, giving off a slightly strange vibe. Pushing open the doors, they opened with a creaking sound that echoed all around the tower. If I was trying to be sneaky, that plan went out of the window, as every single Ghost Pokemon here now know's that I'm here.

Walking around the tower, was incredibly unnerving, I felt as if I was being watched by someone or something, but every time I turned around, there was nothing there. There weren't even any trainers in the tower, just me and whatever Ghost Pokemon resided here. 

Soon enough, I was confronted by a gaseous Pokemon, that the Pokedex told me was a Gastly, I also learned that Gastly, is said to have no real body, only made of a gaseous substance of some kind. While it didn't give me much information, I now knew, that I would catch the Gastly. However before I could choose a Pokemon, the Gastly, became making funny faces, I don't know what it was trying to achieve, if it was trying to make me laugh, it wasn't working and it didn't scare me.

The Gastly seemed to get more serious and made more faces and tried anything to get me to laugh and I had to admit my facade was slowly breaking. It seemed Gastly noticed and turned up the faces and continued now trying to make me laugh. Eventually, I couldn't hold it and began laughing, at that the Gastly began laughing as well.

"Aren't you just the funniest Ghost Pokemon" as I watched it float before me. Once Gastly finished laughing, he looked all sad, "what's wrong? Are you lonely?" I asked the Pokemon and the Gastly, nodded it's head. "I guess you had friends, but they were captured by Pokemon trainers right?" The Gastly nodded once more as it floated aimlessly around the tower watching my every move.

"Would you like to come with me on a journey, that way you won't be lonely, you can be with all of these Pokemon, they'll treat you as friends." At that I grabbed my Pokeballs and threw them releasing my Pokemon, Charmeleon, Nidorino, Fearow, Dugtrio, Parasect and Jigglypuff appeared smiling at the Gastly, who immediately began conversing with them.

"So what do you think Gastly, want to come with me?" The Gastly excitedly nodded it's head and waited patiently, "go Pokeball" the Pokeball landed on Gastly and captured him without any difficulties at all. Using the Pokedex I learned that he was a male and had the moves, Night Shade, Lick and Confuse Ray. Some excellent moves that would be excellent against Sabrina.

The Pokeball soon disappeared and I knew I needed to do some transporting to have Gastly back on the team and decided to send Nidorino to Professor Oak's laboratory where he could explore the gardens of the laboratory and enjoy the scenery. 

After returning all my Pokemon I exited the tower, in a much happier mood, my Pokemon also didn't have to do any battling at all, however, when I heard my name being called in the distance, it sounded quite familiar. I turned around and saw Gary walking towards me followed by his cheerleaders. "Well Sam, we meet again and I challenge you to a rematch." He brandished a Pokeball in his hand and I got my own ready as well. "I accept your battle challenge" at that he threw forward his Pokemon, a Nidorina. "Go Gastly" when Gastly saw he was in a battle, his demeanour changed, he became a serious and concentrated Pokemon, losing all sense of happiness and funny behaviour.

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