Chapter 30 - Heading to the Indigo League

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While going to the Indigo league I was busy training a multitude of my Pokemon, at the current moment, Charizard, Fearow, Parasect, Tauros, Dragonair, Alakazam, Machamp, Gengar, Raichu, Wigglytuff, Kingler Nidoking had each been training forever, they had learned powerful moves and were pretty much ready to battle some exceptional trainers.

At the moment though I had been challenged to a battle by a trainer with a Arcanine, a fire type Pokemon and the evolved form of Growlithe. Dragonair was the Pokemon I chose to battle with as he had shown signs that he was ready to evolve sometime soon.

"Dragonair, use Slam quick" Arcanine who was already exhausted from repeated attacks had been knocked out by Dragonair's Slam and at that moment Dragonair had begun to evolve. The snakelike appearance Dragonair once had begun to change quite drastically, Dragonair evolved into Dragonite who stared at me with pride and excitement. His large wings continued to stretch as he began to grow used to them. 

After I said thanks and wished the trainer I had fought my thanks for helping Dragonair evolve, Draginite lifted me into the air and began to fly with me straight to the Indigo league. Obviously I was quite shocked as even as a Dragonair, he never really touched me that much now he actually wanted to fly with me. 

Though I will admit flying on a Dragonite is much different to flying on a Charizard or a Fearow, it seemed to be much faster. I even looked Dragonite up on the Pokedex and found that Dragonite are exceptionally rare Pokemon which are rarely seen and are considered rightfully mirage Pokemon. 

I looked down and suddenly saw we were already at a town, but saw a large crowd gathering at something, shifting I saw that it was in fact the torch for the Pokemon league and that a person carrying the torch should be very impressed with their chance. 

After landing and witnessing Ash and his friends carrying the torch I wondered around town seeing the many trainers gathered for the Pokemon league. Soon I enough I heard my name getting called by a familiar voice, it was Gary and his girl club.

"I sure hope you've gotten stronger like I have Sam" he said with such confidence. "Gary, I've trained all my Pokemon to the pinnacle of strength, I know that we will do well in the tournament and show that were the strongest trainer from Pallet Town." I added hoping that would instigate some sort of showdown or even a response.

Gary just laughed, not snidely but with some humour, perhaps he was looking forward to a battle between us, or just seeing my strength in battle. Surprisingly I still hadn't seen Ash and wondered whether Gary would have seen him either.

"Hey Gary, have you seen Ash around, want to make sure all the Pallet Town trainers arrived to do well in the Pokemon league, you know?" All I got from Gary was, "Ashy boy will make it, I bet he's just sleeping or lost something like that, after all he's far from my level of strength."

With that final comment Gary left the scene followed by his fang girls, as I watched them leave I glanced at a nearby clock and saw that it was still early and it might be good to challenge some trainers and get some extra training done.

I saw a battlefield and wondered over, trainers had gathered battling everywhere in order to gain strength. When I reached the field, a trainer, taller and older than me approached, asking whether I was entering the Pokemon league, however, before I could even utter a response, he covered his hand over his mouth and muffled to himself, "what a stupid question, why else would he be here at the Pokemon League village where the Pokemon league is held."

The man then looked over at me, as I watched him weirdly, "oh well my name's Thomas want to have a battle, before it gets late?" I accepted his battle challenge and decided quickly who I wanted to use.

'Everyone of my Pokemon is really powerful, maybe I should use Machamp, he could use some battling experience.' "Ok I've decided, I choose you Machamp" I threw the Pokeball and Machamp appeared. "A Machamp huh, well in that case, go Pidgeot" out of his Pokeball appeared a Pidgeot, quite large and looked powerful.

"Don't be nervous Machamp, we've trained long and hard for the league and we won't lose here" Machamp turned to me with his thumbs up and didn't even look phased at the flying Pokemon in fact he seemed confident that he would win without a doubt. 

"Pidgeot lets strike first by using Wing Attack" as soon as the command was uttered, Pidgeot began heading towards Machamp wings extended. "Machamp use Submission and throw Pidgeot away from you, get some distance." 

Almost in slow motion, Machamp moved stealthy to the side grabbed Pidgeot and managed to throw him harshly to the ground in front of Thomas who looked aghast at the fact a flying Pokemon could of been so easily defeated. 

"The match isn't over yet Pidgeot up and use another Wing Attack and finish it in one go." Almost as quick as lightning Pidgeot flew into the air and began heading towards Machamp. "Pidgeot may be faster, but what you lack in speed you more than make up for in power, use Rock Slide"

Rocks began falling from the sky, Pidgeot was moving around attempting to dodge them, however, no matter how hard they tried, Pidgeot was struck and immediately knocked out. "I guess that's that, wow, your Machamp is really something, you must of trained together for such a long time including the trust Machamp has in you, it took my breath away."

I couldn't help it, I began blushing in embarrassment, the compliments were from a random stranger that we had just defeated. While my embarrassment was blatantly obvious, Machamp welcomed the praise and began flexing his muscles in an effort to show everyone, that he was a powerful contender for winning the Pokemon league at my side.

"Well thank you for the battle, hey, maybe we can have a rematch in the league, who knows, but next time we battle, it won't end the same, after all, I have many more Pokemon available." At that he walked away and disappeared into the fading sun. 

Upon arriving at my hotel room, which was actually rather nice, I quickly drifted off to sleep, though my thoughts were clouded, wondering whether Ash would have made it, after all tomorrow is the league's opening. 

At that I drifted off to asleep, dreaming of winning the Pokemon league with all my Pokemon at my side. That would be the best way of repaying them for everything that they have done for me. 

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