Chapter 34 - Meeting Ritchie

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After leaving the Pokemon stadium, I was surprised to see Ash, Misty and Brock waiting outside for me, I approached the three who were enthusiastic for both mine and Ash's win at the Pokemon league. 

"Congratulations on winning your fourth battle of the Pokemon league" Brock announced, "you've come along way since we battled at the Pewter City gym, same goes for you Ash" he turned to award praise towards his travelling companion.

At that moment, Ash's stomach rumbled, not too surprising towards his friends and myself as well, "well, I guess no better time for lunch" Brock said, as Misty nodded her head n agreement, while I chuckled with amusement at Ash's enthusiasm to getting lunch.

As we walked through the Pokemon village we searched for a decent restaurant to get some well deserved food, my Pokemon had already all eaten and were resting from a wonderful battle they just had, well, more for Dragonite really.

As we walked we soon saw two familiar faces approaching in the distance, it was Professor Oak and Ash's mother Delia Ketchum. Both praised us on our equally wonderful battles, my mother apparently was preoccupied with fixing up the house but I was well aware just how proud she was off me, she always told me that nearly every time I called. 

Delia announced she was going to cook each of us a delicious meal so we would have our strength up for the tournament, which we were all equally thankful for, however, Ash then voiced his confusion as to where she was planning on cooking her food, after all, we weren't home so where would she cook?

Delia seemed unconcerned by her son's worries and mentioned that she would find a place and for us not to worry. Soon enough we reached a restaurant that was packed to the brim with many competitors which was a wonderful sight really. Delia soon whizzed off into the distance behind what I had thought was an employees only zone, however, I judged that to be me being hungry from the battles we had. 

Soon enough we approached where the cooking went on and saw that Delia was wearing a chef's outfit and was making our food for us, to Ash's utter embarrassment, meanwhile I just smiled seeing that she just cared for her son just as much as any other. 

Upon having Mrs Ketchum's food delivered to our table we dug in to the absolutely delicious food, made with love and care for the recipient. When Delia asked how our food looked, almost unanimously we all answered that the food looked great. Even Ash's Pikachu and Misty's young Togepi showed their appreciation for their Pokemon food which was neatly presented to them. 

As we each dug in we each repeatedly showed our thanks to the chef, who was sitting at our table. Professor Oak then addressed both me and Ash and mentioned that if we both managed to win our next match we would then be allowed to use six Pokemon in a full on match against impressive opponents. When Professor Oak asked Ash what Pokemon he had decided on using, he smartly answered that he would wait until he was aware of who he was up against first.

"Smart decision, I'm going to do the same, though I do have an idea of what Pokemon I would like to battle with" I murmured more to myself but Professor Oak as well. Tomorrow would be the day when we each discover who we would be battling against, which would be a great day. Professor Oak reminded both of us that we could contact him whenever we need to and transfer some Pokemon to us. 

After finishing the delicious meal, we headed downstairs, by using the lift where Professor Oak had a final piece of advice for us, that as long as we did out best, we would be considered winners even if we were defeated, but we would continually keep winning no matter what. 

As the lift doors were about to close we heard a young males voice ask us to leave the doors open as he was headed down as well. We gladly waited until the young boy reached the elevator before thanking us for waiting. 

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