Chapter 12 - Route 11 and Diglett's Cave

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After having Charmeleon fully revitalised, I decided that my next gym battle would be against the Celadon City gym leader and from what I've heard she specialises in Grass type Pokemon. After learning that I decided that I would temporarily swap some more Pokemon out and use my Charmeleon, Pikachu, Fearow, Jigglypuff, Kadabra and Nidorino. Parasect, would take a break at Professor Oaks laboratory.

As I explored route 11, I saw that there were many trainers who specialised in ground and rock type Pokemon, in fact, it seemed that many trainers came here to train so that they could handle the many electric types that Surge uses. Perhaps Ash should come here as well and train, that way his Pikachu might stand a chance against Surge, though it is unlikely.

The wild Pokemon that I spotted here, were plentiful, there were Drowzee a Psychic Type Pokemon, like my Kadabra, there were Ekans as well as the occasional Spearow. I however, didn't find any of these Pokemon needed additions to my team. However, I did learn that there was a cave somewhere along Route 11, that was called Diglett tunnel and therefore, inside the cave there would be a plentiful amount of Diglett.

I didn't already have a ground type and even though, Nidorino would eventually evolve into a Nidoking it might be a nice thing to catch a Diglett. Upon entering Diglett's tunnel, I saw no people at all, there were no trainers exploring Diglett's tunnel which both surprised me and made me confused.

Though, I carried on and explored the large cave and without much difficulty, I immediately found a Diglett that popped up to say hello to me. "I'm going to catch you" I pointed at the Diglett who now had hardened eyes at me as he prepared to face off against whichever Pokemon I decided to unleash.

"Come out, Jigglypuff" when Jigglypuff appeared, he stared at the Diglett, "alright, use Sing" Jigglypuff began singing, however, Diglett quickly dug underground, meaning the Sing didn't have any effect at all. Jigglypuff stared angrily at wherever the Diglett was going to pop up and that happened right below Jigglypuff.

"Jump" I shouted as soon as I saw the ground beginning to split apart beneath Jigglypuff, immediately, Jigglypuff jumped and Diglett missed, "now go down and use Double Slap" Jigglypuff descended and unleashed two powerful slaps against the Diglett. "Now one more time, use Sing" Jigglypuff began singing and due to the damage Diglett had just taken, he couldn't react fast enough and soon fell asleep.

"Pokeball go" the Pokeball sailed through the air and landed on Diglett and soon managed to catch the Diglett. As expected the Pokeball went straight to Professor Oak's laboratory to join Parasect. Immediately, I decided I would do some more switches and swapped between Nidorino and Diglett as they would soon become the same type.

When I brought Diglett back using the Pokedex function, I scanned Diglett with Pokedex to understand what he was and what moves he knew already. Diglett only knew Scratch, Growl and Dig, two decent moves, while one would be not used as often. I learned that Diglett also prefers dark places and lives most of it's life underground, it does also like to appear in caves. That entry made sense as I caught Diglett in a cave, named after the Pokemon itself. 

When I exited Diglett tunnel, I trained with Diglett and my other Pokemon consistently, trying to get them stronger so they could handle any battles. The trainers were decent opponents, but were nothing compared to Surge. One trainer used an Ekans, which was easy pickings for my new Diglett.

"Ekans, I choose you" the young boy shouted as an Ekans appeared, "Diglett, your up" when Diglett appeared, he seemed slightly nervous about his first battle, but I knew he would win, as he was quite powerful, even managing to do quite a bit of damage to Jigglypuff, who was far stronger than he was. 

"Diglett, use Dig" as Diglett dug underground he moved towards the Ekans while the young trainer didn't know how he was supposed to counter and so panicked, telling his Ekans to just dodge. The Ekans moved fast as anything, but Diglett showed impressive speed, when he caught the Ekans unaware and landed a super effective Dig against the Ekans. That knocked the Ekans out cold with just one move.

After that battle, I continued on looking to keep training and increasing my Pokemon's strength, so I could defeat both Ash and Gary. My next opponent used a Pikachu which was also easy pickings for my Diglett and as predicted, Diglett defeated Pikachu with just a single Dig. However, the next opponent was too difficult for Diglett to defeat as it was a Zubat.

Zubat were Poison and Flying types and therefore, Diglett would struggle to even land a hit against Zubat. "Return for now, go Kadabra" Kadabra appeared, brandishing his spoons against the Zubat, who fluttered around. "use Psybeam" the attack fired from his spoons and defeated the Zubat in a single hit. Admittedly I was impressed with Kadabra's unbelievable strength in Psychic abilities.

The next trainer was a biker who utilised Fire type Pokemon specifically, a Growlithe and a Vulpix, they were a challenge, but Diglett managed to dodge their fire attacks by digging underground and then retaliating with a super effective Dig attack. Soon enough, I believed that Diglett was strong enough to handle himself, just as Charmeleon, Pikachu, Parasect, Nidorino, Jigglypuff, Fearow and Kadabra were. 

I continued through the route continually switching my Pokemon around so I could always train them equally and they were getting much tougher, my opponents, were being defeated left right and centre, because of my teams vast capabilities. Diglett learned how to use Sand Attack, quite the beneficial move. 

After exploring the route, I returned to Diglett cave in order to explore the entirety of the cave, after exiting, I found myself back at Route 2 and decided that I would head right back over to Pewter City and Cerulean City in order to reach my new destination. That new destination is Lavender Town, for the variety of Ghost Type Pokemon.

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