Chapter 11 - Vermilion City Gym

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After staying in the Pokemon Centre a while, I decided to have my Pokemon healed. "I'm sorry, but it will take some time, you see all these Pokemon have been badly defeated by the gym leader Lieutenant Surge." I understood as Nurse Joy is exceptionally busy.

Quite sometime later, my Pokemon had been fully restored and were now ready for battle against Lieutenant Surge. When I informed Nurse Joy I was planning on battling Lieutenant Surge she wished me luck as I was definitely going to need it. I knew I was as well, though my strategy would be quite simple. I was planning on winning with brute force and Charmeleon's excellent Fire type power.

After leaving the Pokemon centre I began my search for the Vermilion City gym and it wasn't that difficult to find, all I needed to do was follow all the trainers who were carrying injured Pokemon, because that must of meant they had a battle with Lieutenant Surge. The gym doors had a lightning bolt painted on, implying to me that this gym will definitely be an electric type gym.

I opened the doors with a creek and stepped inside, confidently showing no signs of nervousness. I spotted two individuals, who looked quite powerful and dangerous staring at me seriously wondering why I was here. "Excuse me, I'm here for a battle to earn the Thunder Badge." As soon as I said that the man spoke to someone behind him saying, "boss another one is here for the emergency treatment." 

As soon as he said that, the two people stepped aside as a larger man approached staring down at me with a powerful look in his eye and he also had a powerful aura surrounding him. This battle was going to be more tough than Brock or Daisy, that's to be certain. What else, was that the man was incredibly tall and well built, he reeked of confidence as well.

"It will be one on one, my Raichu" Lieutenant Surge released his smirking Raichu, while I released my own Charmeleon. "Go Charmeleon" my Charmeleon snarled at the sparking Riachu, knowing he was in for a tough battle. I decided to scan the Raichu, before the battle begun and learned that Raichu's electrical power was strong enough to knock a Dragonite unconscious. 

As soon as I learned that, I knew I needed to be especially careful of any and all electric attacks that Raichu might use. "You ready kid?" Lieutenant Surge asked me and I nodded, "I'm ready" as soon as I said that a referee announced the Pokemon we were using. "The gym leader, Surge uses Raichu, while the challenger Sam has chosen Charmeleon, no time limit, let the battle begin." 

As soon as the referee announced that, I was ready to attack, "Charemelon, use Ember now" Charmeleon fired his Ember straight at Riachu, "Raichu Thunder Shock". The resulting moves collided and a huge smokescreen appeared from their collision. Covering my face, I waited patiently for the smoke to clear. "Get ready Charmeleon this battles only just getting started" Charmeleon nodded as he stared at the Raichu.

"Raichu, Mega Kick" the Raichu charged right towards Charmeleon, with it's foot extended, "Charmeleon use Rage to counter" Charmeleon began thrashing about using Rage as he countered and dodged every single attack that was thrown his way, while Raichu constantly switched between, Mega Punch and Mega Kick. "Raichu, Body Slam" when Charmeleon was crushed underneath Raichu, he just got more and more angry and his Rage became even more stronger as a result.

Suddenly, the doors to the gym opened and I heard a familiar voice from the doors, "I'm here for a gym battle to earn the Thunder Badge" that was Ash, so he's already in Vermilion City. The two people told Ash that Surge was already in a battle and they would have to wait until a winner had been decided.

"Hey it's Sam" Ash said as he stood in the stands watching my battle, Brock and Misty already knew me as well and when they saw Charmeleon getting crushed they thought that Charmeleon was defeated. However, the battle was far from finished. "Use the anger from your Rage and unleash a point blank Ember right at Raichu." Charmeleon fired Ember straight at Raichu's face which finally managed to finish off Raichu.

"Raichu is unable to battle, the winner is the challenger, Sam West" Lieutenant Surge returned his Raichu and walked over to me as he handed me the Thunder Badge. "Here, the Thunder Badge, you've earned it." I took the Thunder Badge and attached it to my jacket, thanking Surge for the tough battle.

As soon as my battle was finished Ash came over and challenged Lieutenant Surge who healed his Pokemon at his own healing station and was ready for Ash's battle. Ash asked me to stay and watch his battle, so that we could have a battle just as he promised when we last met around Viridian Forest.

When Ash revealed he was using Pikachu, Lieutenant Surge laughed at him, believing that Pikachu could never defeat his Raichu because it hasn't evolved. Ash however persisted that there was more to battling than having your Pokemon evolve and I also happened to agree with him there. But, honestly, Pikachu truly doesn't stand a chance at the level of strength he's at now.

When the battle begun, Ash called for a Thunder Shock and so Pikachu did and the move had absolutely no effect against Raichu. Ash was shocked as well as Pikachu, however I wasn't, Pikachu may be faster than Raichu, but Raichu carries more powerful electricity than Pikachu does. The winner was going to be Raichu without a doubt.

Surge then told his Raichu to show them a real Thunder Shock and the attack completely knocked Pikachu down to the ground with just one hit. It was unprecedented Pikachu, needs serious training if he ever hopes to compete against Raichu. However, Pikachu persisted, however he was getting hammered left and right with Mega Punch and Mega Kick. "This battles already over." I said quietly as I watched Pikachu get thrashed by Raichu, while Ash still believed he could win, though he was fast learning that he was about to be defeated. 

As soon as the battle was over, Ash rushed Pikachu over to the Pokemon Centre, while I also had to return as well, to get Charmeleon healed as he took some major damage against that tough Raichu. When I reached the centre, I spotted Nurse Joy and asked her whether she had time to heal my Charmeleon. Nurse Joy took Charmeleon's Pokeball and began the healing treatment, though she was also busy healing Pikachu and several other Pokemon that were coming in that were badly defeated by Surge as well. 

I decided to pass the time, by calling my mother and letting her know that I successfully defeated the Vermilion gym and show her some of my new Pokemon and their evolution's as well. Heading over to the videophones, I dialled my mother and she picked up, somehow expecting me to be the one calling.

"Hey, mum, I'm calling from the Vermilion Pokemon centre." My mum smiled and asked whether I had earned the badge from LT Surge and I informed her that i had defeated him, but, it was by far my toughest gym battle yet, so I would need to train extra hard if I plan on entering the league championship. Soon enough the conversation was over and I told her I would next call when I reach Celadon City. 

When I walked away from the videophone, Nurse Joy announced that my Charmeleon had fully recovered and I was now free to go. Before, I left, I spotted and Ash and informed him, "next time we meet, we'll have a battle, who knows it might be at the league championships." I say smiling as he didn't really smile back. Waving goodbye at Ash I headed on my way, to my next gym battle. Though I do hope that Ash somehow manages to defeat Surge. 

Exploring around Vermilion I found a fisherman and out of nowhere he offered me a fishing rod and when I asked why, all he told me was that he wanted everyone to experience the joy of fishing. 

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