Chapter 17 - Final Evolutions

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After winning the Marsh badge from Sabrina and having a decisive victory against Ash, I headed to Fuchsia City to earn my next gym badge, while Ash was playing catch up as he still needed to defeat Erica the gym leader of Celadon City. In the Pokemon centre, as per usual, I called my mother to inform her of everything that had happened so far on my journey.

When I headed over to the video phones, I entered my mothers details and called her, soon enough she answered, "hello Sam, where are you?" I replied "I just defeated Sabrina, in Saffron City, next I'm heading to Fuchsia City for my sixth gym badge." Mum nodded her head and asked how each and every one of my Pokemon were doing, so I listed their personalities off for her, "my Charmeleon just recently evolved into Charizard, he's confident and rightfully a powerful Pokemon, Nidorino, he's a tough Pokemon who doesn't like to lose, but likes tough battles to show his strength to me, Fearow he is kind of laid back and stern at the same time, Pikachu, he's always interested in both fun things and battles, so there's always an easy way to keep him entertained, Parasect is a peaceful Pokemon, who's been getting much stronger over time, Jigglypuff, he's like Pikachu really, Machoke, a fierce Pokemon who loves battling with tough opponents and enjoys teaming up with Kadabra, speaking off Kadabra, he is patient and calm, Haunter, who was my most recent Pokemon, is hilarious and always attempts to play practical jokes on me finally Dugtrio is quite peaceful but battles to the best of his ability."

As soon as I described them all, mum was glad that I continued to learn more about my individual Pokemon and understand their personalities, "oh I had a battle with Ash right after my match with Sabrina" Mum asked how that battle went and I informed her, "I won, it's how Charmeleon evolved into Charizard." I was exceptionally proud of Charizard's acheivement and began wondering whether Pikachu, Nidorino, Jigglypuff, Machoke, Kadabra and Haunter would want to evolve soon, as they all required either a stone or trading to be fully evolved.

That thought was interrupted, when mum wished me a good journey and hung up, putting the videophone down, I expressed my concerns to Kadabra, Haunter, Machoke, Pikachu, Jigglypuff and Nidorino. When I leased them in the Pokemon centre, they appeared, curious as to why they were the only ones I had brought out. "Each of you evolves in a different way to the others, I wanted to know whether you all want to evolve." I let everything sync in for them, before each of them came to a conclusion.

Machoke smirked punching his hands as he nodded excitedly and determinedly for evolving into a Machamp, Kadabra, was quiet but nodded his head simply staring at me, with his eyes shining in what I could only believe was thankfulness, Nidorino, also nodded his head smirking at me, Pikachu, however, was more serious and eventually he nodded his head at me, I could tell that he hoped I would continue treating him the same way as I normally did, Haunter, didn't mind at all the prospect of evolving didn't really bother him at all, while Jigglypuff acted similarly towards Pikachu.

I nodded my head at each of them once they had made their respective decisions and already had some stones available, you see, when I was in Celadon a while back, there was a large department store, where I picked up some necessary items, such as, medicines for my team, Pokeballs for catching Pokemon and evolutionary stones. Evolving Pikachu, Nidorino and Jigglypuff would be easy, however evolving Kadabra, Machoke and Haunter would require more preparation. 

"Well, I already have a Thunder Stone and two Moon Stones, so Pikachu, Nidorino and Jigglypuff can evolve right now if you wish too." I let that sink in before Nidorino was the first to approach requesting a Moon Stone to evolve into Nidoking. I placed a Moon Stone down on the ground and Nidorino touched it, soon enough, he began glowing as he increased exponentially in height, now far surpassing me just as Charizard had. 

Nidoking immediately started looking down at me smirking, I knew he was likely thinking he was now taller than me, as I had been taller when he was a Nidorino. I could tell he wanted to test out his new unbelievable strength in battle and he would have a chance in the future. Nidoking was an impressive Pokemon, his horn looked absolutely incredible and powerful, full of potent poison. His strength was likely increased meaning he would be a dangerous foe for my new opponents. I scanned Nidoking with the Pokedex to ensure I understood everything about him, the Pokedex told me that Nidoking's steel like hide adds to it's tackling power, all it's horns are much stronger and can crush through diamonds. I also wanted to see what moves Nidoking now knew, as he might have grown even stronger through evolution, I was right, Nidoking now knew Mega Punch, Double Kick, Horn Attack and Poison Sting. At that Nidoking, I could tell had gotten a lot more cocky and confident as he smirked down at me. Still, I was happy for Nidoking as he wanted to evolve.

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