Chapter 10 - Route 5 and 6

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When I finished up training on Routes 24 and 25, I felt that all of my Pokemon were considerably stronger and could now handle themselves against the next gym leader in Vermilion City. Firstly to reach Vermilion City, I needed to head South back to Cerulean and continue heading South down Route 5, that would lead to Saffron City, however, I would go straight through the city and then head to Vermilion. I've heard tales about Saffron City, that gym is incredibly tough so I should head to the Vermilion gym instead.

When I returned to Cerulean City, I only really stayed there temporarily to get my Pokemon fully recovered so I could get to the next city with relative ease. As expected, on Route 5 there were many new and reoccurring Pokemon around, such as Pidgey and Spearow. Though there were Jigglypuff scattered around as well. 

I may have a Fearow, but having a Jigglypuff might be a good idea, as I would be able to put opponents to sleep and then barrage them with vicious attacks. Eventually I spotted a Jigglypuff and decided I would catch it. My team was all very powerful and it seemed as though, this catch would be easy.

"Come out, Charmeleon" Charamleon appeared and saw the Jigglypuff, "use Ember" Charmeleon fired a barrage of fire balls at the Jigglypuff, who screeched and tried to dodge, however reacted far too slow. Jigglypuff, retaliated as it attempted to start singing "quick one more Ember" the Ember landed, just before Charmeleon was put to sleep.

"Pokeball go" the Pokeball sailed through the air and managed to catch the Jigglypuff, once the capture was complete the Pokemon was sent to Professor Oak's laboratory, as I already had a full team of Pokemon on me. If I ever wanted to swap between my Pokemon, all I had to do, was use the Pokedex to do so. 

I decided that I would swap between Fearow and Jigglypuff, mainly because the next gym was an electric gym and that's bad for my Flying type Pokemon. Jigglypuff would be a smart addition to the team. After transporting Fearow to the laboratory, I got Jigglypuff in return.

Almost immediately, me and Jigglypuff seemed to get along quite well, he was not much of a battler, but did battle for me because I asked him nicely to. The trainers were defeated quite easily by my new Jigglypuff. The main strategy I used was putting the opponent to sleep and pounding away until they were defeated.

My first opponent, used a powerful Butterfree, which put up a decent fight, "use Whirlwind" the trainer shouted and I just told my Jigglypuff to hang in there, "use sing" Butterfree was soon fast asleep and then "use Pound over and over" eventually Butterfree was defeated and that was how a lot of the battles went all over Route 5.

Jigglypuff even learned a new move, Double Slap which came in handy when the opponent was fast asleep. One of the tougher opponents was a Cubone, however, once it was alseep my Jigglypuff, just slapped away defeating his opponent. 

Soon enough I had stormed through Route 5 and reached Saffron City, though I immediately headed South, to Route 6. The trainers on Route 6 were vanquished thanks to the efforts of all my Pokemon. Kadabra even learned Psybeam and Pikachu managed to learn Thunderbolt a powerful Electric attack.

When I was challenged by a trainer who used three powerful Pokemon, that included a Butterfree, Beedrill and a Pidgeotto, I actually had quite the battle. "Come out Butterfree" the trainer had said and I saw the beautiful Butterfree appear. "Your on, Charmeleon" as one might expect Charmeleon had little to no difficulties defeating Butterfree as only was Ember was needed.

The Beedrill went down similarly because it couldn't withstand a powerful Ember from my Charmeleon. When the Pidgeotto arrived, I decided to swap out Charmeleon with Pikachu and sure enough, Pikachu defeated Pidgeotto with a single Thunderbolt. Even though the opponent was easily defeated, the Pokemon they used were interesting and high level compared to the Pokemon I had faced earlier.

After reaching the end of Route 6, my Pokemon were much stronger and even though Fearow had been swapped out, I occasionally brought him back so he wouldn't fall behind. I did begin wondering while I trained my Pokemon to ensure they were properly prepared for Vermillion's gym how Ash and Gary were doing. From what I was aware, Ash was somewhere behind me, while Gary was storming off into the distance.

When I entered Vermilion City I already got an understanding of what the Vermilion gym was like, trainers were carrying injured and defeated Pokemon back to the Pokemon centre in a hurry. I assumed that they're Pokemon had been badly beaten in a match, by this incredible gym leader.

I decided to firstly, go to the Pokemon centre and get my Pokemon fully recovered, but when I arrived, I saw that many trainers were running in with injured Pokemon. I even heard many trainers proclaim that LT Surge was invincible and ruthless with his battle moves. I even learned that he used a Raichu then evolved form of Pikachu.

I began wondering how Ash would do against LT Surge, knowing him, he would use Pikachu against Raichu and show that his Pikachu was tougher and better than Raichu. If he truly ends up doing that, he would be defeated in little to no time at all.

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