Chapter 14 - Lavender Town and Route 8

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"Excuse me Nurse Joy, could you heal my Pokemon please?" Nurse Joy took my Pokeballs and began healing them while I headed over to the payphones to contact Professor Oak and ask how my new Pokemon have been while at his laboratory. After entering the right details, I began calling Professor Oak and soon enough, he answered. "Hello, Professor Oak, it's Sam" I introduced myself and Professor Oak appeared on the video screen. "My boy, you've been working hard haven't you, three gym badges and quite the array of strong Pokemon" Professor Oak praised me. 

"That's mainly the reason for my call, how have my newest Pokemon been, Parasect, Dugtrio and Fearow? Do they enjoy being in the laboratory?" Professor Oak then began laughing and I stared at him confused, before he explained, "trainers Pokemon are allowed to explore the gardens of the laboratory, they stretch on for quite some time and so I'm sure all of your Pokemon are enjoying themselves." I sighed in relief glad they were okay and enjoying some relaxation time.

At that I ended the video call with Professor Oak and received my fully healed Pokemon. Once my Pokemon had been fully restored, I headed too one of the rooms where I could rest until the next day when I could continue my journey to Celadon City.

When I awoke, the next morning and exited the Pokemon centre, I saw that Lavender Town was actually a town that was a cemetery that was dedicated for both Pokemon and people. The tower that loomed over the town was the mysterious and creepy Pokemon Tower. 

Leaving Lavender Town, I headed down to Route 8, past Saffron City for yet another time, I knew I still wasn't strong enough to defeat Sabrina the gym leader here, so I continued heading East and reached Route 8. 

Route 8 was filled with many powerful trainers, the current Pokemon I had on my team were, Charmeleon, Kadabra, Machoke, Nidorino, Pikachu and Jigglypuff. Fearow, Parasect and Dugtrio had also had some training as well and were on par with my other Pokemon which was excellent news. 

The first trainer utilised a variety of Pokemon, a Growlithe and a Vulpix, two cute and interesting Fire Type Pokemon that evolve using a Fire stone. Like my Nidorino and Jigglypuff will evolve with the use of a Moon stone. "Come out, Kadabra" when Kadabra appeared, he was quiet like normal and focused on obeying my orders without any question nor complaint. "I choose you Growlithe" the trainer sent out a braking and growling Growlithe that glared down my unaffected Kadabra.

"Kadabra, Psybeam please" Kadabra fired a Psybeam from his spoon which dealt a lot of damage to Growlithe. The trainer was panicking at the power my Kadabra possessed and began wondering how she was supposes to retaliate. "Use Confusion then" Kadabra finished off the Growlithe with a Confusion and the trainer returned her Pokemon before sending out her Vulpix.

"I choose you Vulpix" when Vulpix appeared, it yawned cutely before it began focusing on the battle. Admittedly I thought the Vulpis was quite cute and maybe even powerful as well. "Vulpix use Ember" the fireball quickly approached Kadabra who focused on what I was about to say before I even said it.

"Use Teleport" as soon as I even uttered the word Teleport, Kadabra reappeared behind Vulpix, to the trainers utter shock and confusion. "Wrap things up with Psybeam" Kadabra unleashed yet another Psybeam which completely defeated Vulpix with incredible power. 

Many other trainers also challenged me, but they were all defeated thanks to my teams incredible prowess, Machoke dealt with any Rock type Pokemon that appeared, Kadabra dealt with the Poison types, Charmeleon was excellent against, Bug and Grass types, Jigglypuff, handled himself well by singing his opponent to sleep, Pikachu used electric attacks to utterly defeate any Water of Flying Pokemon that appeared and finally Nidorino, defeated Grass types that caused problems for Charmeleon which was incredibly rare.

I was definitely building and creating bonds with all of my Pokemon, so much in fact they ahd all caught on to my preferred battle style, which was, cautionary moves, followed by all out attacks. Machoke was efficient at all out attacks, in fact all of them were as well. 

If I ever was battling Electric Type Pokemon, I always temporarily swapped my Pokemon out with Dugtrio, who dealt with them with extreme power. Fearow occasionally appeared as well and he would be participating in the gym match with the Celadon gym leader who was an expert in Grass type Pokemon.  

The next trainer challenged me with a variety of Pokemon, he used a Beedrill, Butterfree, Nidorina and a Voltorb. "I choose you, Beedrill" the Beedrill appeared buzzing angrily at me, "I choose Charmeleon" when Charmeleon appeared, he stared down the Beedrill. "Use Ember" Charmeleon completely annihilated Beedrill and Butterfree with a single Ember. "You did great Charmeleon." Charmeleon turned towards me cheering excitedly in his own Pokemon language.

"Return, Charmeleon, go, Kadabra" when Kadabra appeared for the second time, he knew victory was his, Nidorina appeared by the other trainer. "Wrap it up with Psybeam" almost straight away, Psybeam defeated Nidorina in a single hit, showing that my Pokemon had been getting much stronger. The final Pokemon was a Voltorb, which was defeated by by Jigglypuff. 

My team was growing exceptionally strong, Charmeleon managed to learn Slash a much needed move. Kadabra learned a lovely recovery move, by the name of Recover. Fearow had been struggling to perfect Drill Peck, however, he needed time to perfect the move as well. Nidorino hadn't managed to learn any moves, however, he was still exceptionally powerful. Parasect learned Spore, a move which put the opponent to sleep, a wonderful move. Jigglypuff learned a recovery move as well, though it was a risky recovery move, Rest, Jigglypuff falls asleep while recovering health, making him vulnerable. Machoke hadn't learned any new moves either which was unfortunate but he was still powerful in his own right. Pikachu, learned Agility, a move that increased Pikachu's speed, a Pokemon that was already exceptionally fast even faster. Finally Dugtrio, also remained the same, no new moves to speak off. 

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