Chapter 31 - The Pokemon League Begins

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I awoke early in the morning, my heart pounding in excitement or nervousness, perhaps even a mixture of the two. 'Was I really ready and prepared for the tournament, I know my Pokemon are, but am I prepared as their trainer.' At that thought, my current Pokemon released themselves and almost comforted me, their thoughts reaching me that they would do their very best in the tournament and would never give up, for their trainer, their best friend in the world. 

Oh, I should probably mention what Pokemon I currently had on me, I knew that my key player would be Charizard, after all he was my starter and arguably the strongest Pokemon I owned, I also wanted to show how powerful Dragonite was to the competition to show that I was a competent trainer for managing to train a Dragonite.

Some other Pokemon, who hadn't battled in some time would be, Wigglytuff as well as Raichu. Both looked cute and adorable, but both packed enough of a wallop to be a potential last minute threat against any unsuspecting trainers who anticipated them to be weak.  

I also decided to use Nidoking as he was pretty defensive and quite powerful offensively as well, he could take and dish out attacks wherever necessary, finally my team also required a water type Pokemon just in case and so I used Kingler as well, in other battles though, I do plan on using Parasect, Gengar, Machamp, Alakazam and Tauros in other battles.

Leaving I quickly arrived at where the competitors were supposed to gather, already there were many trainers gathered, some looked very confident while some seemed to be rather nervous, almost scared at what would be happening. I saw Gary arms crossed with a rather confident looking smirk on his face.

However, as I was about to approach him, I heard a familiar voice say my name, I turned around and saw Ash. "Ash, I wasn't sure whether you made, it, but here you are." Ash nodded his head grinning excitedly. "Yeah, I didn't see you yesterday, but you made it as well." Upon seeing Pikachu on Ash's Pikachu. "How are you Pikachu?" I asked the electric mouse Pokemon obviously Pikachu jumped into my hands to be eagerly petted by his friends.

"Pikachu sure likes you" Ash observed but I just assumed it was because I had battled him before and was good friends with his trainer, someone who could be trusted. Pikachu jumped back to Ash though because we could hear the announcer begin to introduce the Pokemon league tournament. 

That was our cute to begin walking onto the stadium, me, Ash and Gary were all in the same quadrant walking towards the stadium where the opening ceremony would commence. I had lost some of my nervousness, now that I knew my friends and rivals were all doing well. 

Well, actually, judging from Ash, he looked to be having doubts, sweating profusely, even Pikachu seemed nervous, something I had never seen him display before. As we lined up, we waited for the trainer holding the flame of Moltres to light the torch so that the Pokemon league could begin. 

Soon enough, the lady arrived and held the flame with such pride, just as she was approaching the flame, two individuals approached her and seemed to want the flame to light the torch themselves. I also noticed that Ash was running and shouting about not letting them take the flame. 

However, the two robed figures, abandoned the disguises and managed to reveal that they were in fact the two members of Team Rocket, Jessie and James. Soon enough James sent out Weezing to use Smog which allowed the two including their Mewoth to escape or so I had thought. 

From behind the torch appeared a robot creature which looked quite menacing, then the robot creation managed to steal the entire torch, which would really put a damper on the tournament. 

Suddenly the trio commanded the robot to attack the competitors in the stadium, that included myself, however, I was smart enough to get at a distance where I would remain safe. As Ash commanded Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, the trio mentioned that the robot had been made to withstand any and all electric attacks. 

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