Chapter 18 - Route 12 Water Pokemon

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After having plenty of Pokemon that have evolved, on my team, I had done everything that i believed needed doing, here in Saffron City and knew I needed to get going to Fuchsia City for my sixth gym badge. To even reach Fuchsia City it would require a lot of travelling, all the way to Lavender Town and then heading south down Route 12,  which was filled with a wide variety of Water Type Pokemon. 

First, I left Saffron City and headed East, to where Lavender Town was, I was already familiar with the route and so on my way, I just admired the beautiful scenery around me, the trees filled with Pokemon doing their daily things as well as trainers scouting everywhere looking for trainers that they could challenge. 

I did admittedly get challenged by a wide variety of trainers, however their Pokemon were outmatched against mine, Pokemon like Pidgeotto stood no chance against Raichu's fierce electrical attacks, that far surpassed his previous ones as a Pikachu. Grass Types stood no chance against Charizard and Nidoking, whoever was really battling at the current time. However, Fire Types were a slight annoyance as the only real Pokemon who stood a chance against them was now Machamp who used his new move Earthquake to completely demolish any and all Fire Types with little difficulty.

Soon enough, I reached the spooky and creepy town of Lavender and was admittedly in a hurry to leave before I attracted the attention of Ghost Type Pokemon or trainers both. This time though, I headed South, down to Route 12, where many Water Pokemon resided. To be honest I wasn't certain what Water Pokemon I would use, but if multiple appeared I might catch a wide variety of them. 

As I headed South, I saw why Water Pokemon would even wish to reside here, the amount of water surrounding the place was plentiful and looked healthy. Grabbing my fishing rod, I equipped everything needed and began fishing wondering what sort of Water Pokemon reside below the depths.

I don't know how much time had passed, but I soon enough got a bite and hauled the Pokemon up in a position where I could battle the Pokemon. What I saw was a Magikarp flopping around helplessly and so I pushed the Pokemon back into the sea, where it could swim away. Sure, Gyarados are powerful Pokemon, however their temperaments might be too much for me to control, I'd rather catch a more easy to use Water Type like Slowpoke or even Goldeen, 

Once again I began fishing and continued getting Magikarp for a while and so I continued releasing them into the sea, when something different tugged on the line, it felt stronger and different somehow and so I began pulling trying to reel in the new Pokemon. It put up a exceptional struggle pulling me almost into the sea, however, I barely managed to avoid falling in and saw what Pokemon was caught on the line.

The Pokemon was called a Krabby, hauling the Pokemon onto the land, it stared at me, pinching it's pincers right at me in a threatening position, clearly wanting to battle me for forcing it out of the water. "Come out, Raichu" Raichu appeared seeing the smaller Krabby acting threatening towards us both and wondered what I wanted. 

"Raichu, I'd like to catch that Krabby" Raichu nodded his head and began focusing on the battle, "use a weak Thunderbolt, we don't need to go overboard" Raichu nodded and unleashed a much weaker Thunderbolt against Krabby, knocking him down on the ground, completely defeated and exhausted. "Go Pokeball" the Pokeball captured the weakened Krabby without much difficulty because the Pokemon had already been weakened. 

As one would expect, Krabby's Pokeball was sent to Professor Oak's laboratory where he would enjoy the gardens of the laboratory. I decided I would do some swapping around my party and returned Raichu for now, however, I would need him on a route filled with Water Pokemon and presumably trainers who specialised in Water Types. I eventually decided I would substitute Alakazam with my newly caught Krabby.

When Krabby appeared I scanned him with my Pokedex and learned, that it's pincers were superb weapons, they sometimes break off in battles. I also learned he had the moves, Bubble, Leer and Vice Grip. The moves may of been mediocre at best, however, through training any and all Pokemon can grow strong. 

As I walked along Route 12, I continued admiring the beautiful scenery watching may Water Type Pokemon play around in the sea, they all came in an array of colours, shapes and sizes. My first opponent used a variety of Water Pokemon, even a Krabby, however they were a fishermen which did mean they specifically caught Water Type Pokemon.

"I choose you Goldeen" the Goldeen may of been sent out on land and flopped down on the ground hopelessly, however his trainer remained confident in it's abilities, which concerned me as I wondered what a Water Type could do when out of the water. "Go Krabby" when Krabby appeared, I began cautiously, "use Leer" Krabby glared menacingly at Goldeen, who continued flopping around hopelessly. "Now Vice Grip" Krabby ran as fast as he was capable and clenched down on Goldeen with his pincer, doing a lot of damage. "Now Goldeen Horn Attack" the fishermen finally made his move, however, I was shocked when the Horn barely did anything to Krabby's armoured body.

Eventually Goldeen was defeated thanks to the Vice Grip that Krabby used and at their defeat, Krabby suddenly showed me glowing extended pincers which made me believe he had learned a new move. The Pokedex revealed that my assumption was correct and Krabby had learned a powerful move called Guillotine. Guillotine can defeat an opponent in just a single hit, as long as the user is strong enough when compared to the opponent.

The next Pokemon the fisherman used was his own Krabby, I began by using my own Krabby's new move "use Guillotine" Krabby jumped in the air, extending his pincers and slashed Krabby, defeating the opposing Krabby in just a single move. "Wow, your tough Krabby" Krabby turned to face me, snipping his pincers in which I assumed was a proud way.

The fisherman's other Pokemon was a Magikarp, predictably, the Magikarp stood no chance against Guillotine, which was fast destroying any opponent who challenged us. As soon as the battle was over, Krabby had begun glowing, showing he was beginning to evolve. His shape had begun changing.

When the light faded I now had a Kingler and he looked similar yet had differences, one pincer was larger than before, it looked incredibly heavy. The Pokedex told me that Kingler one claw grew massively and is as hard as steel. The pincer is incredible heavy and can hardly be moved easily.

Hearing that I became worried wondering whether Kingler would be able to fight effectively against his opponents. Kingler also knew the moves, Guillotine, Stomp, Leer and Bubble. Great and powerful moves that would help him grow stronger.

As I continued battling, all the my Pokemon were continually training and growing much stronger, Raichu's Reflect came in handy against any Water Types that attacked with physical attacks. Machamp was great at battling the Voltorb and Electrode with his Earthquake move. 

This route was incredibly long and continuous, but was surrounded with a beautiful scenery, it was soon interrupted when two well three familiar faces challenged me to a battle, Jessie, James and Meowth from Team Rocket jumped from the bushes ambushing me attempting to steal my Pokemon.

"Ekans go" Ekans appeared for Jessie and "Koffing go" Koffing appeared for James. "Two on two huh? Okay, I choose, Raichu and Machamp" Raichu and Machamp stared down the puny Poison Type Pokemon. Visibly Ekans and Koffind looked nervous when facing such powerful Pokemon. "Ekans Poison Sting" "Koffing Smog" the attacks headed right towards my Pokemon. 

"Raichu Thunderbolt" Raichu completely annihilated the two with a super charged Thunderbolt, which knocked Ekans and Koffing down in a single move. "Machamp send them flying, Mega Punch" the three looked visibly nervous as Machamp approached before they screamed that they were blasting off again, as Machamp unleashed Mega Punch against them.

"Good work you too" I returned Machamp and Raichu to their Pokeballs and continued onwards to Route 13.

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