Chapter 35 - A clash between friends and Rivals

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Today was the day, my battle against Carlos, while a very important battle was going to take place soon after, Ash against Ritchie, a trainer who used Pikachu, Charmander and a Butterfree, however, I thought he would have evolved some of his Pokemon by now, especially after claiming eight gym badges.

Ash however, was in a similar boat, lots of his Pokemon were either in their first stage or second stage, I knew he would have some difficulty against a opponent who used similar Pokemon to him. 

Upon arriving at the Pokemon centre, I ensured my Pokemon were healed before heading off to my match, which was one of the first that day.

When I arrived, Carlos hadn't yet arrived, which was disappointing as I had hoped this battle would be over so I would get time to go and see Ash and Ritchie battle it out, but that overconfidence could be detrimental.

However, I wasn't waiting for very long as soon enough, Carlos appeared and the referee asked us to choose our Pokemon.

"I'll start with you, go Machoke" soon enough a Machoke appeared on the battlefield, it definitely looked strong, so I should go for a type advantage against him. "Charizard come on out"

Charizard appeared with a fierce roar breathing a powerful Flamethrower in the air to show his power towards Machoke, who didn't even back down. "Charizard, lets start this out with Flamethrower" as Charizard breathed out fierce red flames, Carlos, commanded his Machoke to use, Karate Chop.

I must admit I didn't see that move coming and was even more shocked with the Flamethrower managed to get partially blocked by the shocking Karate Chop, while I looked shocked, Charizard knew he had to up the power.

"Machoke, use Mega Punch on Charizard" as Machoke charged towards Charizard, I saw a risky opportunity, "Charizard, dodge that then grab Machoke and use Seismic Toss." At the last minute Charizard moved slightly to the left and managed to successfully dodge Mega Punch, then grabbed Machoke and began flying in the air before spinning and sending Machoke plummeting to the ground with an effective Seismic Toss.

"What a powerful Seismic Toss, could that be it for Machoke?" the announcer questioned curiously as everyone waited with baited breaths to see whether Machoke would be able to continue battling. When the smoke eventually cleared, Machoke was lying down in a crater completely unable to battle.

The referee then announced that and Carlos returned his Machoke to his Pokeball before grabbing another, "time to finish up, go Pidgeot" a Pidgeot soon appeared flying high in the air and while I would like to see Charizard fight in an air battle, I soon decided a substitution would be better for Raichu. 

"Charizard, come back for now" I then grabbed Raichu's Pokeball and summoned him forth "go Raichu" Raichu appeared electricity sparking from his cheeks as he glared down the Pidgeot high in the air.

"Pidgeot use Whirlwind go" Pidgeot soon created a Whirlwind which managed to effectively send Raichu back aways, before he managed to bait out the Whirlwind. "Raichu us Thunderbolt lets go" Raichu charged up a powerful Thunderbolt however the flying Pokemon Pidgeot easily managed to fly around the Thunderbolt without much effort.

"Pidgeot use Double Edge on Raichu" Pidgeot charged fearlessly straight towards Raichu, who suddenly smirked in sync with me. "Raichu use Agility, then use Thunderbolt on Pidgeot." Just as Pidgeot approached Raichu, Raichu managed to dodge Pidgeot by using Agility which increased Raichu's speed.

Pidgeot who suddenly, had no time to react, flew directly into the ground, just what Raichu had been waiting for, Raichu then used Thunderbolt on the downed bird scoring a massive amount of damage.I knew I should of expected more, but Pidgeot was soon declared unable to battle after taking the super effective Thunderbolt.

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