Chapter 2 - Wild Pokemon, First Capture

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After leaving Pallet town, I soon spotted many Pokemon doing whatever it was they were doing, some were collecting berries or just imply enjoying the nice weather we were currently having. I saw many Pokemon around, from Pidgey, Rattata and even a couple of Mankey's. 

"There's such an abundant amount of Pokemon here, I wonder which one I should catch" I continued walking around, being careful about where I tread as Pokemon can be anywhere and everywhere, you just need to be patient and observe. I knew that Charmander would eventually evolve into Charizard and therefore I would have a flying type. However it might be beneficial to catch a flying type now and besides, even if I have two flying type Pokemon, I can swap then around and train them equally. At least that's what I've heard some trainers do, because you can only carry six Pokemon on you at a time.

I walked around, the plains observing for any Pokemon that might want to join my team. Looking around, I spotted a Pidgey and decided that would be our first catch. "Okay, Charmander come on out" as Charmander came out, I told him what was happening. 

"Okay, see that Pidgey, I think I'm going to catch it" Charmander nodded his head and so before anything I used the Pokedex to learn about Charmander and know what moves Charmander could use. The dex told me that Charmander could use Growl and Scratch which was good for beginning moves. 

Turning the dex towards Pidgey I saw what Pidgey's Pokedex entry was, "Pidgey, very docile, when attacked, Pidgey will stir up sand to protect itself rather than fighting back." That helped out a lot. "Charmander, that Pidgey is probably going to make sand go in your eyes and blind you, so lets be prepared for that." Charmander nodded his head and looked at me with battle hardened eyes. 

"Alright, Charmander, lets go" the Pidgey turned it's head to face us and looked shocked seeing a Charmander running right towards it. "Alright, use Scratch" I say and Charmander prepared to scratch the opponent, however, Pidgey flew into the air just barely dodging. "It's faster than I thought it would be and now it's in the air, will it attack or flee?" While we waited for the Pidgey to make a move, the Pidgey decided it would rather flee than fight.

Charmander looked sad as he watched the Pidgey fly away, "hey don't feel sad, you did great for your first try, I should have called for Growl that would have startled Pidgey and then given you an opportunity to use Scratch." However, Charmander patted my arm and just said his name a couple of times, I presumed he was encouraging me, just like I encouraged him.

"Yeah, we'll get the next one, don't worry" I said to Charmander as I returned him to his Pokeball so he could rest. Any Pokemon that were around have probably fled, hearing the sounds of a trainer nearby, meaning I need to move on as well. After all, they'll be other opportunities to catch other Pokemon in the future. 

I began walking again, following a nearby path that would lead to Viridion city, home to a gym, however, I knew that gym was the toughest gym, meaning I would need seven gym badges before I could even hope to defeat him. 

I continued exploring the route, admiring the Pokemon that were up in the trees, or were down on the ground, some were even in the sky. The next Pokemon I spotted was, a Spearow, a far more easily angered Pokemon than Pidgey and I wasn't sure whether it was worth the risk. I scanned the Spearow with the Pokedex. "Inept at flying high, however, it can fly fast to protect it's territory." Truly, this Pokemon was tough and more angry than the docile Pidgey. 

"Charmander, come out" when Charmander came out, he was quiet like he knew I was looking for Pokemon and spotted the Spearow pecking the ground. "Hey, Charmander, Spearow is a tough and angry Pokemon, do you think we should catch it?" I asked Charmander and he nodded his head, he must be really determined to fight this Spearow.

That filled me with determination and we headed towards the Spearow who had already spotted us and somehow must of sensed my intentions. However, the Spearow held it's ground and stared us down, ready to fight. "Okay, Charmander, use Growl." At that Charmander growled at the Spearow, making it look slightly nervous before, the Spearow began flying right towards Charmander.

"That's Peck! Quick dodge" Charmander then moved quickly to the right as Spearow flew harmlessly away, before it came right back with another Peck. "Alright, try a Scratch" I said as Charmander and Spearow collided, beak vs claws. However, it looked as though, Charmander was winning and eventually landed a Scratch against the Spearow sending it tumbling down to the ground. 

Grabbing a Pokeball, I threw the Pokeball at the Spearow and watched as it bounced on the Spearow and sucked the Spearow inside. The Pokeball then began shaking as I wondered whether I had captured Spearow. However, the Pokeball dinged signifying that i had successfully caught the Spearow.

Immediately me and Charmander cheered as we had managed to catch a Spearow. "You did great Charmander" I said and then grabbed Spearow's Pokeball. "Lets meet our new friend shall we?" I asked Charmander and he nodded his head.

"Alright, come out Spearow" from the Pokeball Spearow materialised and looked around before it saw me and Charmander staring at it. "Hi, sorry to have attacked you like that, I hope we can be friends?" I asked and the Spearow just continued staring at me, with such a serious expression and I wondered whether it was about to attack me.

However, the Spearow soon settled down and cheerfully announced it's name, without any former aggression whatsoever. "I'm glad you don't harbour any hard feelings towards us, my names Sam and this is Charmander" I said and Spearow held it's wing out, almost like a handshake and so I accepted putting my hand out as well. 

It seemed as though, Spearow, Charmander and I would make a great team. Now that I had two Pokemon I decided that we needed to train, however there were no trainers around, however, their were Pokemon around as well. 

I spotted a group of Mankey's up a nearby tree and spoke up to them, "sorry to disturb you, but would you battle me please." I asked and one Mankey confidentially jumped from the tree and cockily stared down at me. "Alright, Charmander your up first" I say and Charmander launched out toward Mankey.

"First, use Growl" and so Charmander did, however, the Mankey seemed unfazed by the Growl, meaning he was going to be tough to defeat. The Mankey then started running toward Charmander with it's leg extended, "that's Low Kick, quick jump" I said and Charmander quickly jumped, "now, use Scratch" from above, Charmander launched a Scratch which landed right on target. 

The Mankey screeched in either pain, annoyance or anger and turned around to face Charmander who was waiting for his next command. "Growl once more" however, instead of Growl, Charmander launched a barrage of fire balls at Mankey. The Pokedex informed me that Charmander had learned Ember. The attack completely defeated Mankey and I gave the Mankey a berry, so it would be able to recover.

Another Mankey approached and I wanted to see what Spearow was capable of, having learned that Spearow was a male, the Pokedex also informed me that Spearow could use the moves, Peck, Growl and Leer. Leer was a move that lowered the targets defence. This time, the Mankey made the first move and charged towards Spearow, using Scratch. 

"Quick, fly up" immediately, Spearow flew up into the air and dodged, while Mankey watched Spearow's movements from the ground. "Use Leer" and so Spearow did, his eyes turning a haunting colour as he used Leer which lowered Mankey's defence. "Now while Mankey is vulnerable use, Peck" Peck was a super effective move against Mankey and therefore it knocked Mankey down in one hit.

Once more I handed the Mankey a berry and left them to enjoy their reward for allowing me to defeat them. Turns out, both Spearow and Charmander are both tough Pokemon and would definitely help me on my way to becoming the champion. 

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