Chapter 25 - Route 21

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Since the Pokemon centre was so crowded with tourists, calling home using the videophone would be impossible as they are all currently in use. Luckily though, my final gym was in Viridian City which was up Route 21 and through Pallet Town my home. I could pop in and say hello to both my mother and Professor Oak and the Pokemon I currently own that are in Professor Oak's garden as well. That would be a wonderful surprise to everyone and make them all exceptionally happy.

Heading north of Cinnibar Island, what awaited me was ocean for miles and miles, however, the oceans were not empty there were a plethora of trainers swimming around waiting for trainers to battle. This would provide me with last minute training before I inevitably reach the Viridian City gym. "Come out Kingler" Kingler appeared and knew what he needed to do when he spotted the ocean which was blocking my route. He called for me to climb on his shell and he would take me north to my hometown where he could meet my mother personally as well as my other Pokemon. 

Route 21, was quite beautiful and provided me with much to look at and enjoy, after all, there were many Water Pokemon swimming alongside Kingler, who seemed to enjoy their company as well. One fisherman challenged me as soon as I was in range and summoned forth a Gyarados that looked powerful, but still would be defeated by my team. "Dragonair go" Dragonair began swimming in the ocean with such grace and magnificence that I almost forgot we were currently in the midst of a battle.

"Dragonair go and use Thunder Wave on that Gyarados" following my orders with such precision Gyarados was left paralysed and incapable of moving. "Now Dragonair use Slam" Dragonair unleashed a barrage of Slam's against Gyarados who attempted to counter many times, however, while paralysed the Pokemon was much slower and therefore, Dragonair had hardly any difficulties dodging Gyarados' immense attacks. "Wrap this battle up with Dragon Rage" Dragonair begun to unleash his Dragon Rage which blasted into Gyarados who was knocked unconscious as soon as it made contact. "Gyarados return" the fishermen returned his Pokemon. "Go Seaking" he summoned yet another Water Pokemon however Dragonair was more than ready to continue battling.

"Dragonair Dragon Rage once again" Dragonair unleashed the same Dragon Rage and admittedly did a lot of damage to Seaking, however it was just barely able to continue battling. "Seaking Horn Attack now" the fishermen commanded his Seaking barely just beginning to panic seeing how outmatched he was compared to me. "Dragonair finish this battle with Slam" Dragonair slammed his tail directly into Seaking sending it plummeting straight towards his trainer. The fishermen returned his Seaking to it's Pokeball and moved on, presumably to the Pokemon Centre.

Dragonair sure showed me that he was a capable battler, who could defeat any number of Water Type Pokemon without showing much signs of exhaustion or disappointment at how easy most of those battles turned out to be. Occasionally, Raichu helped out by using his Thunderbolt which completely defeated any and all Water Types without much effort at all. 

A swimmer eagerly challenged me to a battle and he used a Pokemon which I hadn't seen before and one would of anticipated that it would of come across me on my journey before, however it hadn't. The Pokedex informed me that the giant tentacle Pokemon swimming before me was a Tentacruel a Water and Poison Type Pokemon that evolved from Tentacool. The Pokedex also informed me that Tentacruel, has 80 tentacles which didn't surprise me but did make me completely shocked as it must be difficult to attack with 80 tentacles. The tentacles also wrap around prey and poison it weakening it.

"Go Alakazam" using his  psychic powers Alakazam was more than capable of floating in the air, which provided me with an advantage as he could fight efficiently without getting wet. "Alakazam use Psychic" Alakazam used Psychic however the swimmer quickly commanded his Tentacruel to dive underwater which was a excellent strategy as Alakazam needed to see his opponent to take control with Psychic. "Tentacruel use Water Gun" the Water Gun came from underwater which amazed and surprised me. "Dodge by using Teleport" immediately Alakazam dodged by using his teleportation move. Alakazam continued dodging while I was attempting to come up with a strategy to win the battle.

"Tentacruel use Wrap" Tentacruel burst from the water and tried to wrap up my Alakazam however, without even needing to give a command, Alakazam used Teleport to escape the tentacles, "now use Psychic and end the battle with just one attack." Alakazam unleashed his most powerful Psychic which managed to defeat Tentacruel just barely though. The swimmer returned his Pokemon and admitted that he needed more training and that he was impressed with my Alakazam's intuition and reflexes. I thanked the trainer for his compliments and was admittedly impressed by Alakazam's psychic powers as well, after all I gave no command for Teleport yet Alakazam used the move to dodge the attack.

While some Pokemon were currently st Professor Oak's laboratory, such as Tauros, Machamp, Wigglytuff, Gengar, Dugtrio, Fearow and Parasect. My other Pokemon being Dragonair, Alakazam, Kingler, Charizard, Raichu, Nidoking were currently on me. 

My Pokemon had been getting stronger through this route, my Charizard even learned the move Fire Spin a excellent move which would work with Flamethrower as well. Even more good news was that I felt like Dragonair was close to evolving into his final form, Dragonite, an insanely powerful Pokemon that would be exceptionally helpful to my team when the time comes. 

Soon enough looming over the horizon was my hometown, Pallet Town, where my journey began.

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