Mewtwo's Mission

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It had been a long time since I had begun training for the Pokemon league and my Pokemon had each grown by leaps and bounds, each one of my Pokemon, Charizard, Fearow, Parasect, Nidoking, Alakazam, Machamp, Kingler, Gengar, Raichu, Wigglytuff, Tauros and Dragonair had become quite powerful.

I hadn't been in contact with Ash or Gary, so I had no idea how there training had been going which meant, I would find out hopefully, when I get to battle them in the Pokemon league, which wasn't far away at all. 

Right now though, all I was really doing was retracing my steps around the region and training against powerful trainers who were similarly training for the league as well, after all, the best way for someone to get stronger is to challenge strong opponents as well. 

As I was resting with Charizard, on a peaceful route, a huge gust of wind reverberated from the skies above me, catching my attention, appearing from the sky was a Dragonite, which once landed, presented me with a strange looking device. 

The device soon showed a holographic image of a women, who didn't introduce herself, but mentioned I had been invited to a gathering of Pokemon trainers, that would be hosted by her master, the worlds greatest Pokemon trainer, the gathering would be held on New Island at his palace. The ferry would be leaving this afternoon at Old shore Wharf and if I decided to attend I needed to reply immediately and present my invitation upon arrival. 

As soon as the holographic image disappeared, I looked down at the invitation wondering what I should do exactly, however a nudge from Charizard made me look at him, wondering what he was going to say to me, however, he nodded his head with a serious expression on his face, which made me shocked, Charizard always seemed to be more calm and excited, but not usually serious, other than when we have battles.

"Okay, I've decided we'll all go to this gathering and see what it's about, what do you say gang" as I looked at the Pokeballs on my belt, which began shaking with what I believed to be excitement and nervousness. As soon as the decision was made, the Dragonite flew away smiling cheerfully as if nothing had happened, while me and Charizard watched the Pokemon fly away. 

"Well lets get going" as Charizard gestured for me to climb aboard, we began flying towards Old Shore Wharf, which was a while away, though Charizard was an impressive flyer who would arrive at our destination with incredible speed. 

When we landed, the town looked quite unique, as in, none of the other locations I had visited looked anywhere near as interesting as this place. However, before I could even think of admiring and having a wonder, the weather began to change drastically, one moment, it was sunshine, the next it was a downpour of torrential rain, which was followed by a huge gust of wind. 

Everyone then seemed to have the same idea, I quickly, returned Charzard to his Pokeball, so he could avoid the torrid weather, while I ran towards the ferry, where what looked to be many trainers waiting for the ferry to leave. I saw many powerful Pokemon, however, some were un-evolved making me wonder how exactly they were supposed to fight against a renowned Pokemon trainer. 

After what seemed like sometime, with no sign of a ferry arriving, I had assumed that nobody would be able to make it to the gathering because of the severity of the storm. However, Officer Jenny soon announced that the harbour manager believed that this storm was likely the most dangerous storm that will ever exist. 

As soon as the harbour manager finished speaking about the prophets, I felt a hand land on my shoulder and turned around, seeing Ash, standing behind me, followed by Brock and Misty. "Oh hey, Ash, did you get invited here as well?" Ash nodded his head followed by Brock and Misty, however our discussion was shortly interrupted, when a boy challenged the authority of Officer Jenny saying he could swim on his Pokemon to get to the gathering.

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