Visiting Professor Oak

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After having my Pokemon fully restored from my battle with the Viridian gym leader, I admittedly continued feeling like I didn't really deserve the gym badge as I had been badly defeated by that mysterious invincible Pokemon. Still, I managed to get the badge and that was what was important as of right now.

After leaving the Pokemon centre, I began hearing a familiar voice which amazed me, it was Ash, Brock and Misty, had Ash already won his seventh gym bade that fast? He sure always managed to impress his rivals. Though right now they seemed to be running around, Misty looked quite worried making me slightly concerned wondering if something serious had happened. 

I watched as they seemed to reconvene at the Viridian gym and decided to go and have a visit. "Hey, Ash, Brock, Misty, is something wrong, you all seem so worried!" I shouted as I moved to get near them, at that moment they turned around and smiled, though admitted Ash had somehow lost Misty's Togepi in some sort of accident.

"Togepi, never heard of or even seen that Pokemon before" I grabbed my Pokedex and looked up the mysterious new Pokemon and learned that not much data had been entered about this new and undiscovered Pokemon. 

Soon enough from inside the gym we heard a sound that sounded like a Togepi, which apparently, Misty and the others recognised as Togepi and began pulling the gym door open, which had no guards at the entrance which likely meant there was a challenger at the gym. When the doors opened a small Pokemon appeared and was identified as the missing Togepi. 

As Misty was very glad to see her Pokemon, Brock more curious wondered how exactly, Togepi could have entered the gym in the first place which was admittedly something that hadn't crossed my mind at all.  From where we were standing, we all saw a familiar face on the battlefield of the gym, it was Gary. He looked to be unconscious surrounded by his cheerleaders who were also unconscious as well. 

As we rushed over to see whether they were all right, I admittedly wondered whether the gym leader or that mysterious Pokemon, Mewtwo were somehow involved in this scenario. Thanks to Ash's words, Gary soon awoke and admitted he battled a Pokemon that was new and undiscovered, that was also unbeatable and completely evil. 

That proved that the Pokemon Mewtwo was responsible though, I couldn't understand why the Pokemon didn't attack me that way, it could have after all, it easily defeated my Raichu without any effort at all. The cheerleaders who had also similarly woken up, began crying that somehow the invincible Gary had been defeated. 

Misty, however, shouted over the tears and said, "you girls shouldn't cry over one tiny loss, if I cried when Ash was defeated i'd be waterlogged" as soon as she said this, I looked over at Ash who was completely embarrassed and saddened falling painfully to the ground ignoring the words that misty just spoke.

Gary just continued mumbling that nobody ever could defeat the Pokemon he faced and I happened to agree with that, after all, that Pokemon is completely invincible. Our thoughts were all stopped when a loud cackling laugh of a familiar women came from nearby, it was Jessie, James and Meowth from Team Rocket, the thieves I hadn't seen in quite sometime. 

As they were doing their motto like always, Ash and Brock interrupted them to there complete and utter annoyance calling them twerps. James announced that something amazing had happened and they revealed that they were the new gym leaders of the Viridian gym and were in charge of the Earth Badge. 

'If members of Team Rocket are now gym leaders does that mean the gym leader I and presumably Gary battled was a member of Team Rocket, though he did seem quite powerful and dangerous compared to these members.' While I pondered my thoughts everyone else wondered why Team Rocket even had a gym in the first place, to which they replied pretty much that they had no idea and that it was classified information. Classified information which they had no idea about. 

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