Chapter 26 - Returning Home

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After Kingler reached the shoreline, of my hometown, I returned him to his Pokeball and spotted so many familiar places, the laboratory was looming over the horizon, where I guarantee my Pokemon were waiting eagerly, even though they had no idea I was here. My first stop was to go and visit my mother and spotted many townspeople already noticing me, many waved me and asked how my journey was going. "It's going well, I've got one more badge before I can enter the championships." At that I received many cheers from townspeople who carried on their daily lives. 

After meandering around Pallet I eventually reached my home, which brought back so many wonderful memories and the beginning of my journey was one of those memories as well. Opening the door, I called out, "mum, I'm home" out of nowhere my mother ran towards me faster than any Pokemon I've ever seen before. Hugging me tightly, she announced she had missed me and saw that I looked more grown up and mature even though I was still ten years old and hadn't aged yet.

"So dear, what brings you back to Pallet Town?" My mum asked me curiously as we sat down in the living room, "I'm passing through, my final gym battle is in Viridian City just north of here, meaning I decided to come and say hello to both you and Professor Oak." My mother was happy that I had even bothered to say hello and wondered whether I was going to Professor Oak's to see my Pokemon.

"You can come too, you know, meet my Pokemon that I've caught and raised" I said to my mum and so we walked towards Professor Oak's laboratory, me with a spring in my step as I was excited to be back home once again. Eventually we reached the Professors laboratory where I first received Charmander all those months ago. Entering the laboratory, we saw Professor Oak looking to be busy with many Pokemon, including a Muk that didn't seem to want to leave the Professor alone at all.

"Professor Oak, it's me Sam." I said aloud to the Professor and he turned his head smiling in my direction as he saw that I had returned. "Well my boy, how many badges have you earned?" I pointed towards my jacket showing him I only needed one more badge and that I was headed to Viridian City to earn it.

More to the point I told Professor Oak I was here to show him and my mother the Pokemon I had caught and trained over the months I had been away. So, the Professor led us to the gardens which were incredibly large and covered in all sorts of habitats and I was surprised to see other Pokemon meandering about as well.

"Come out everybody" Charizard, Dragonair, Alakazam, Kingler, Raichu and Nidoking appeared roaring collaboratively announcing their presence. Their roars must of reached far and wide as my other Pokemon, Fearow, Parasect, Dugtrio, Wigglytuff, Machamp, Gengar and Tauros came running over to us. 

I embraced all of my Pokemon as they were all happy to see me and each other as well. Standing in front of them they all posed to my mum and Professor Oak. Immediately Professor Oak decided to have a look at my Pokemon and saw that they were all well taken care off and they all looked to be exceptionally strong. At those comments my Pokemon beamed with pride and definitely got a well received boost to their individual egos. 

My mother however not only complimented them on their strength but on their own individual beauty as well. My mother definitely believed that Dragonair was a graceful Pokemon and I happened to agree as well, but all of my Pokemon had their own individual personalities that made them who they were. 

Some of my Pokemon decided to focus more on power and competitions and they were my Machamp, Nidoking and Tauros, they regularly competed with one another to help get each other stronger and they were all relatively strong. Alakazam was a quiet Pokemon whose brains were incredibly helpful inside and outside of battle when helping me with riddles and strategies. Wigglytuff, Parasect, Dragonair and Raichu, were close to me and didn't like to leave me alone, that much, however they were all fine with being here though, because they weren't alone, they had each other. Gengar, loved playing practical jokes, which he even did on Professor Oak every now and again to his annoyance and shock, but eventually he always laughed it off. Kingler was in the middle, he didn't speak much, but still contributed wherever he was able. Fearow and Dugtrio were serious battlers who didn't like to play around, but liked spending time with me none the less. Finally my starter Pokemon Charizard, we were inseparable and worked brilliantly in battle and I knew he would be a force to be reckoned with against any opponents.

After all that happened, the Pokemon began chatting amongst themselves, while Professor Oak informed me about Ash and Gary's progress with bot only the Pokedex but their gym battles as well. Turns out Gary had nine gym badges which confused me as you only needed eight to be eligible to compete in the championships, he was probably just flaunting his strength and getting overconfident. Ash however, had yet to claim his sixth gym badge yet, which I knew he would soon enough, if he could solve riddles effectively.

Apparently their Pokemon were also doing well as well, they're Pokemon also enjoyed the gardens just like mine did, however apparently, their were occasional fights between our Pokemon, that apparently mine never started which i understood, they were always well behaved and treated opponents with respect, it was probably Ash's or Gary's Pokemon that caused mine to have to fight.

I wondered what the Muk was doing following Professor Oak around all the time and Professor Oak revealed that the Muk belonged to Ash and had sent him here a while ago, "hasn't Ash been switching out his Pokemon often?" I asked disappointingly, however, Professor Oak shook his head proving that my observation was correct.

However, Gary was much the opposite he continually was switching out his Pokemon like I was in an effort to help them all grow much stronger and keep up with his other Pokemon. Gary was also capturing a lot of Pokemon, even more than me and switching them around, meaning he would always have a different team every time we battle meaning predicting his team would be difficult.

After a while of chatting, I eventually decided to move on and continue on my journey to the Viridian gym and decided to travel with Charizard, Nidoking, Tauros, Machamp, Alakazam and Fearow. 

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