Chapter 6 - Route 3 and 4

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After reaching the Pokemon centre, I spotted Nurse Joy and headed over to her, "excuse me Nurse Joy, could you heal my Pokemon for me?" Nurse Joy nodded her head and I handed over my Pokemon. While she worked on Nidoran and Charmeleon, she asked me how my battle went. "I beat Brock and my Charmander evolved."

Eventually, both Charmeleon and Nidoran were fully recovered and I headed over to the payphones and called my mum. "West residence, who might I ask is calling?" I then spoke, "mum, it's me" the video phone then showed her face and she asked where I was now, "I'm in Pewter City, I just defeated Brock the gym leader." Mum was very proud at that and asked where I was headed next. "To Cerulean City, that's the nearest city that has a gym, but I have to go through, Route 3 and 4 along with Mount Moon to get there though."

Mum was ensuring that I was prepared for travelling such a long distance when I told her that I would be fine and call her when I defeat the Cerulean City gym. "Oh, would you like to see my Pokemon?" I asked my mum and she nodded her head. "Come out everyone" all my Pokemon appeared, "you caught a Nidoran and a Pikachu, aren't they just the cutest, oh and Charmander evolved, now that's wonderful news." Charmeleon showed off his new evolved form for my mum who smiled at the Pokemon. Pikachu scampered on my body as well as Nidoran to see my mother. "Your team is coming a long wonderfully, remember, if you ever want to send any Pokemon to Professor Oak, use the transport system." I nodded my head and knew one day, I would capture more and more Pokemon and that would mean some would need to go to Professor Oak's laboratory. 

After finishing the conversation I said goodbye to my mum and began heading on my way to Route 3. As soon as I entered the route, I saw several trainers around, meaning my Pokemon could now grow stronger. 

Not even two steps I was challenged to a battle by a young girl, her first Pokemon was a Pidgey and so I decided to use Spearow. "Spearow show them your new move, Fury Attack." Spearow struck the Pidgey repeatedly, sending it plummeting to the ground. The girl was shocked that her Pidgey had been defeated, while Spearow cheered at his victory. However, her next Pokemon was another Pidgey. "Once more Fury Attack" again Spearow struck the Pidgey repeatedly with his beak and the Pidgey was defeated.

The girl was sad and rushed to the Pokemon centre while I continued on my journey, there were several other trainers around, my next challenger was a trainer who was wearing some sort of bug catcher clothes. The uniform made me believe that he was a Bug type specialist. "I choose Caterpie" a Caterpie appeared, however, I was unfazed, Spearow would easily claim victory.

"Come out Spearow" when Spearow appeared he saw the Caterpie and got ready to fight, "Now use Peck" the Peck struck the Bug type, completely defeating it, the same thing happened when the bug catcher sent out his Weedle as well. Other bug catchers challenged me as well, the next bug catcher actually used evolved Pokemon. 

"I choose Metapod", upon seeing the Metapod, I decided to use Pikachu, "come out Pikachu" when Pikachu appeared, he sparked his cheeks at the blank faced Metapod. "Thunder Shock Pikachu" Pikachu unleashed a small lightning bolt which landed against the Metapod. Unfortunately all the Metapod was capable of using was Harden meaning Pikachu had a easy win.

The second Pokemon the bug catcher revealed was a Kakuna and I knew that was the evolved form for Weedle and would one day evolve into a Beedrill. Kakuna however was the same as Metapod and could only use Harden, meaning it was yet another easy win against the Kakuna. 

Perhaps one of the stronger trainers challenged me and he had only one Pokemon a Spearow like mine, however, it looked weaker than mine. "Pikachu it's your turn" Pikachu came out and was ready to battle. "Use Thunder Shock" the lightning bolt travelled right towards the Spearow. "Dodge Spearow" incredibly the Spearow managed to dodge, "use Peck" I was about to command a dodge, when Pikachu suddenly created copies of himself.

This completely confused the Spearow as he had no idea what he was supposed to do, his trainer was also completely confused as was struggling to come up with a strategy. "While their confused, use Thunder Shock." Pikachu defeated Spearow with a single Thunder Shock showing that Pikachu was definitely much stronger, as well as my other Pokemon. The move was also called Double Team which would make for a great way of dodging attacks.

Right before, I reached Route 4, a trainer challenged me, obviously, I had no choice but to accept, however the Pokemon she chose was one I hadn't seen before. The Pokedex identified it as a Jigglypuff, a Normal type Pokemon that puts it's opponents to sleep with a peaceful lullaby. I didn't have much of an advantage so I used Nidoran in hopes Double Kick would do a good amount of damage.

"Come out Nidoran" Nidoran appeared and stared down the cute Jigglypuff as it eyed down my Nidoran. "Nidoran start off with Poison Sting" Nidoran fired multiple Poisonous stings against Jigglypuff, "Jigglypuff, quick, use Defence Curl" the Jigglypuff tried raising it's defence as a way of being protected against the poisonous stings, however they still did some damage and suddenly, Jigglypuff, looked to be breathing heavily.

"What's wrong Jigglypuff?" The trainer asked and I informed her, "Poison Sting has a chance to inflict the opponent with Poison" that made the trainer realise that her Pokemon had been poisoned. "We need to finish the battle quickly, Jigglypuff" she said determinedly, "Jigglypuff, use Pound" Jigglypuff charged towards Nidoran, the hand ready to pound my Nidoran.

"Quick, counter with Double Kick" the Double Kick was super effective and stopped the Jigglypuff in it's tracks. "Ah Jigglypuff, return for now" then she ran away, presumably to go to a Pokemon centre. As soon as she left, Nidoran began glowing once more, just like Charmander had, "Nidoran's evolving as well" I watched in awe as Nidoran began growing in size, also growing a large horn as well. 

I grabbed the Pokedex as soon as the light faded away and there was my newest Pokemon, a Nidorino, the Pokedex told me that Nidorino's horns contain venom and when they strike an opponent the venom will leak out of their horns. Clearly, that meant I nor my Pokemon should touch Nidorino's horn. 

"Congratulations on evolving Nidorino" Nidorino cheered as well, he must of been glad that he evolved, it might of even been his dream to evolve and I helped grant that wish. Before I enter Mount Moon I looked at my Pokemon to judge whether they were strong enough to fight against the Pokemon that would reside in Mount Moon.

Charmeleon, had the moves, Ember, Metal Claw, Scratch and Leer. Spearow, had the moves, Fury Attack, Leer, Growl and Peck. Pikachu had the moves, Thunder Shock, Double Team, Thunder Wave and Quick Attack. Finally, my newest Pokemon, Nidorino had the moves, "Double Kick, Poison Sting, Horn Attack and Tackle.

They were all quite powerful now and I believed that they would be able to handle Mount Moon. They were also fully recovered thanks to medicine and rest meaning I was now properly prepared for Mount Moon.

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