Chapter 15 - Celadon City

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Route 8 was not much of a challenge, the Pokemon whether they were trained or wild, were defeated without much effort at all, the battles also seemed to bore my energetic team members, especially Charmeleon, Pikachu, Nidorino, Machoke, Fearow and Dugtrio. However, Kadabra was a patient Pokemon who was fine with sitting on the sidelines and battling whenever his services were required. 

I felt sorry for my team members, they hadn't had a tough battle since Surge and once we defeated him we hadn't had many tough battles since. When I last spoke to my team, I spoke saying, "when we reach Celadon soon, we'll have a gym battle which will reignite your passion for battling." At that my team all cheered, except for Kadabra who as I mentioned preferred to be quiet.

I never judged my Pokemon, knowing it was just their personalities, some didn't like to show their emotions as much and some preferred to be seen as a serious and calm individual. It's much like us humans, we come in different shapes and sizes and act in different ways to one another as well. That's what made both Pokemon and human unique and different. 

Soon enough, we reached Celadon city and I was glad to finally reach the gym, we'd been travelling for such a long time, I'd almost forgotten what civilisation even looks like. The buildings loomed high in the sky, while a aroma wafted around the city, it smelt wonderful and made me feel quite relaxed as well. 

Following the aromas source, I found that it was coming from a perfume store, however, I had no reason to bother entering. I had no problems with perfume, I did however, intend on mainly challenging the Pokemon gym here.

Before anything I headed to the Pokemon centre so my Pokemon would be fully restored and prepared for my upcoming gym battle. When I reached the centre, I spotted nurse Joy standing behind the front desk and headed over to her, "excuse me nurse Joy, could you heal my Pokemon please?" Nurse Joy then asked for my Pokeballs and I handed them over and she began the healing process. Soon enough, all my Pokemon were fully healed and I took them back, thanking nurse Joy for everything.

"Come out everyone" in the Pokemon centre appeared a couple of Pokemon, Charmeleon, Fearow, Nidorino, Pikachu, Kadabra and Machoke appeared. "Alright, today we're going to challenge the gym leader here, I heard rumours she uses Grass Type Pokemon, that means I plan on using, Charmeleon, Fearow and Nidorino against her, sorry Kadabra, Pikachu and Machoke, but you'll be battling your own gym leaders soon enough." Kadabra wasn't bothered by the news, however, Machoke and Pikachu were disappointed about not battling. Charmeleon, Nidorino and Fearow were excited about battling though.

I returned them all to their Pokeballs and headed towards where the gym was located, the gym was actually almost resembling a flower through the roof. Insinuating to a challenger, that this gym leader specialises in Grass Type Pokemon. Heading to the door, I knocked and some young women answered, asking what I wanted. "I'm here for a battle, to earn the Rainbow gym badge." The women stared at me before they welcomed me inside, asking for my opinion on their perfume. "While I myself, don't use perfume, I can respect the fact that you are the ones who produce the perfume" that made the young women very happy as they showed me to where the gym battlefield was. 

When I arrived, the gym leader introduced herself, "my name is Erica and I'm the gym leader of the Celadon City gym, the battle will be 3 on 3 and when one side loses all of their Pokemon, they are declared the loser, understood?" Erica asked me professionally and I nodded grabbing my first Pokeball being Fearow.

Erica began by releasing her Pokemon, "I choose Tangela" a Pokemon covered in vines appeared before me, the Pokedex revealed that it's identity was covered by masses of thick vines that were supposedly always growing. "Come out Fearow" Fearow appeared flying in the air staring down the Tangela.

"Tangela use Constrict" Erica commanded her Pokemon with such grace and sincerity, "dodge by flying away" Fearow dodged every vine that reached towards him, "try this instead then, Stun Spore" Tangela then released a Stun Spore, like my Parasect does, however I had developed strategy for countering Stun Spore and similar moves. "Fearow use your wings, blow the Stun Spore right back at Tangela." Fearow began blowing the Stun Spore right back at Tangela, causing Erica's own Pokemon to be paralysed by it's own move. "Fearow, wrap this up with your new move, Drill Peck" Fearow flew straight towards Tangela, beak spinning extremely fast towards Tangela. Once Fearow made contact with Tangela it was defeated with just a single move. 

"Return Tangela, you did wonderful, I choose Weepinbell" another Grass Type appeared, scanning the Pokemon with the Pokedex I learned that Weepinbell when hungry swallows anything that moves and the prey is digested by strong acids. "Fearow return, come out Nidorino" as Fearow returned, Nidorino came right out, clawing the ground threateningly, "Weepinbell use Razor Leaf" sharp leaves were sent flying towards Nidorino, who stared and waited for his orders, "Nidorino, Poison Sting" Nidorino fired Poison Sting which completely destroyed the Razor Leaf and plummeting straight at Weepinbell. "Wrap it up with Peck" Nidorino began running right towards Weepinbell. "Weepinbell use Razor Leaf" leaves were fired, however, Nidorino simply brushed them off and defeated Weepinbell with a super effective Peck.

"Well done Nidorino, return for now" Nidorino came back and I grabbed Charmeleon's Pokeball ready to finish the battle with my strongest Pokemon. "Take a rest Weepinbell, I choose Gloom" A Pokemon appeared that looked very different to most Grass Type Pokemon, scanning the Pokemon with the Pokedex I learned, Gloom is in a incredibly foul smelling Pokemon, that uses it's odour to attract prey. Gloom then released a potent smelling odour, while I covered my nose, disgusted by the smell. Charmeleon needed orders though, or we would never claim victory. "Use Ember" Charmeleon unleashed a barrage of fireballs which did a lot of damage. "Wrap it up with Slash." While Gloom was distracted with the Ember attack, Charmeleon ran with his claws shining ready to unleash Slash against Gloom.

The second the move made contact, Gloom fell to the ground unable to continue battling. "Return Gloom you did a wonderful job." Erica returned her Gloom to it's Pokeball and began walking over to me, brandishing her gym badge in her hand. "Here the Rainbow badge, you've earned it, after all you and each of your Pokemon were in complete sync." She then handed me the Rainbow badge and I attached it to my jacket alongside my other gym badges. 

Charmeleon cheered out our victory and I could tell that Nidorino and Fearow were also exceptionally proud of their victory as well. After leaving the gym, I returned to the Pokemon centre to have my Pokemon fully restored. While that was happening, I decided I would contact my mother and let her know how my journey was going.

After entering the right details, my mum answered the videophone asking where I was. "I just defeated, Erica the Celadon City gym leader." My mum smiled impressed and asked where I would be heading next. "I'm heading to Saffron City, to defeat Sabrina, for the Marsh badge." Mum mentioned that she heard that Sabrina was an expert in Psychic Pokemon and it would be a good idea for me to catch a Bug or Ghost Type Pokemon before I challenged her. I agreed and mentioned I would be heading over to Lavender Town and catching a Ghost Type Pokemon there and then fighting Sabrina.

At that the call had finished and nurse Joy announced each of my Pokemon were fully restored, "come out everyone" Kadabra, Machoke, Pikachu, Charmeleon, Nidorino and Fearow appeared, "we're challenging the Psychic gym leader next and so I'm going to need to catch a Ghost Pokemon to have an advantage, so we'll be returning to Lavender Town." My Pokemon nodded and I decided to do some swapping around of the team. I returned Pikachu, Machoke and Kadabra to Professor Oak's laboratory and retrieved, Dugtrio, Jigglypuff and Parasect.

Dugtrio, Parasect and Jigglypuff, were already quite powerful and wouldn't take long to catch up with the other members of my team which was great news for me.

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