Chapter 9 - Route 24 and 25

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When I first entered route 24, the route looked small and basic, not winding around like some of the other routes I've been around. So I made the assumption that the route would be easy to navigate and would hopefully have plenty of trainers that I could battle against. 

Luckily, in about a couple of minutes, I came across my first opponent and they revealed their first Pokemon, "come out Mankey" a Mankey appeared and bounced eager for battle, "go Charmeleon" admittedly I hadn't had a battle with Charmeleon for a while, so I decided to have a battle with him, for a while. "Charmeleon, start things out with Ember" Charmeleon fired Ember straight at the Mankey, who began getting furious at my Charmeleon, who just observed waiting for the Mabkey's trainer to call out an attack. "Mankey, Karate Chop" Mankey charged towards Charmeleon, with his arm outstretched.

"Use Ember, while their coming right at you." As Charmeleon fired, Mankey had nowhere to go, nor no way of dodging the attack. Mankey was therefore, defeated and Charmeleon claimed yet another decisive victory. The trainer rushed off back towards the Cerulean Pokemon centre, while I continued exploring.

I don't know why, but while, I was walking down the route, I thought I heard something shuffling around me, now it could have been an ordinary Rattata or perhaps something else that might of been a Pidgey. However, the rustling sounded bizarre, like it wasn't a common Pokemon and so I ventured in to see what was making the source of the rustling. What I came across was a strange yellow Pokemon, which had it's eyes closed, as if it were asleep.

I pointed my Pokedex at the unknown Pokemon and it was identified as Abra, quite a rare and interesting Psychic type Pokemon. From what I remembered about Abra, was that they could only use Teleport until they evolve into Kadabra. I also learned from the Pokedex that Abra, sleep for 18 hours a day and when they sense danger, they teleport away.

Is it worth attempting to catch a Pokemon that's likely going to teleport away as soon as we even begin fighting. As if the Pokemon heard my thoughts, which I wouldn't be surprised at as the Pokemon is a Psychic type after all. "Alright, I'm going to catch you" I declared as the Abra just stared at me sleepily.

"Come out, Pikachu" Pikachu appeared, because my strategy was to paralyse the Abra so it might not be able to teleport away. "Pikachu, use Quick Attack" the Abra as expected uses teleport and managed to escape the Quick Attack and appeared behind Pikachu. "Turn around and use Thunder Wave instead" Pikachu quickly turned around and attempted to paralyse the Abra, however, the Abra continued to teleport all over the place. "Is this Abra teasing me, or testing me?" I began wondering as it wasn't fleeing, just dodging as that was all it could do. 

"Thunder Wave once more, but this time, use it while your using Quick Attack" at the same time, Pikachu began running while using Thunder Wave, this unexpected combination managed to catch Abra off guard and he was paralysed and incapable of using teleport. "Pokeball go" Abra was sucked inside and I patiently watched whether Abra would escape, however, the Pokeball dinged signifying my new capture. 

"We did it, we caught an Abra" I cheered with Pikachu, I would introduce everyone later as training was our top priority, I would also decide on training my new Abra as well, by switching him in and out as a way of helping him grow stronger, without needing to battle. 

As I explored the route, I heard my name being called in the distance, I turned around and spotted a familiar face, it was Gary and he was surrounded by his fan girls as well. "It's been a long time since we last met, I want to battle you." I accepted Gary's battle and we each decided that we would use four Pokemon. 

Gary's first Pokemon was a Pidgeotto, the evolved form of Pidgey and so I decided to use Pikachu. "Pikachu come out" when Pikachu appeared he spotted the larger bird and realised this would be a tougher battle than ever before. "Pikachu, start with Thunder Shock" almost immediately, Pidgeotto dodged thanks to Gary's commands.

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