Chapter 20 - Fuchsia City

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When I reached Fuchsia City, I headed immediately to the Pokemon centre, to have my Pokemon fully restored so I could have a battle with the Gym leader and earn that Soul badge. This would be my sixth gym badge and once I earn that, I would be eligible to compete in the Pokemon championships and become the champion of the Kanto region, hopefully if all goes well though. 

After having my Pokemon healed I heard rumours that Koga was the gym leader here and that he was a specialist in Poison Type Pokemon. Poison Types are weak against Psychic, and Ground Types. I do have Nidoking, Dugtrio and Alakazam who would be the most effective, however I have heard that Venonat's are a common Pokemon used their as well and they are part Bug Types which are weak to my Charizard and Fearow.

Though I figured I would have on my team, Charizard, Nidoking, Kingler, Macahamp, Alakazam and Wigglytuff. Raichu, Parasect, Dugtrio and Fearow would stay at Professor Oak's laboratory temporarily. 

"Come out everyone" Charizard, Nidoking, Kingler, Machamp, Alakazam and Wigglytuff appeared, today were challenging Koga and he is an expert in Poison Type Pokemon." My Pokemon cheered and were pumped for the battle with Koga. I then returned them to their Pokeballs and headed on my way through the city.

Fuchsia City was a interesting City, it almost looked as if it was separated from most other cities and their respective cultures. Eventually after wondering around the city, I came across a mansion which was the Fuchsia City gym, it was rumoured that Koga was actually a ninja and therefore the mansion was laid out in a way which confused and tested challengers who wish to claim the Soul badge. 

Pushing the sliding door open I admired the interesting decor this gym had, it definitely didn't appear to look like much of a gym, however, no matter the appearance, this gym would be an interesting one based off the design. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a Venonat watching me and I soon as I spotted it, it disappeared round a corner and ran away.

As I walked towards where the Venonat had presumably disappeared, I shouted out so people around me would be able to hear me, "excuse me, I'm here to a gym battle with Koga to earn the Sould badge" as one would expect I received no reply and just continued exploring the confusing mansion.

Suddenly, though, I ran into what looked like an invisible wall of some king, however it was see through as well and when I went to turn back there was an invisible wall there as well. Having enough, I decided that the brains of my team might figure out a way to reach the gym leader safe and sound.

"Come out Alakazam, I need your help" Alakazam appeared and stared at me wondering why he had been summoned, "this is supposed to be a gym, however, I can't really find my way around this place, I was wondering, if you wouldn't mind helping me navigate around this place so I could reach the gym leader." I said that as kindly as possible to Alakazam who nodded and began showing me where he believed the gym leader would be. 

However, someone threw some ninja stars straight for me, however, Alakazam reacted with incredible speed showing excellent reflexes and used Psychic to stop the ninja stars in mid air. A women appeared calling herself Aya and announced that she was a ninja and had been informed my her Venonat that some traveller was walking around the gym and looked helplessly lost.

"I will allow you to pass and battle Koga the gym leader if you best me in battle" Aya then summoned forth her Pokemon the Venonat that had led me around this place earlier. "Charizard go" my Charizard appeared, almost hitting his head on the ceiling, but just barely avoided whacking his head painfully.

"Venonat Psybeam" Venonat fired a Psychic attack right at Charizard however, he stared unfazed at the attack heading right towards him, "dodge and fire back with Flamethrower" Charizard easily dodged the Psybeam and blasted a Flamethrower right at Venonat completely defeating it in a single move.

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