Chapter 7 - Mount Moon and Team Rocket

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Before, I even entered Mount Moon something felt off, Zubat were flying out of the cave and that was something that they wouldn't do when it's daytime. They're nocturnal Pokemon who come out at night meaning something clearly is going on inside the cave.

As soon as I entered, I was swarmed by Zubat, who attacked me almost immediately, "quick, come out Pikachu" when Pikachu appeared he saw all of the Zubat's surrounding me and quickly unleashed a powerful Thunder Shock which sent them flying away.

"Maybe you should stay out of your Pokeball, in case more Zubat suddenly attack, Pikachu nodded his head and scampered up my arm and landed on my shoulder, keeping an eye out for any incoming Zubat's. 

When I explored the cave, I saw many wild Pokemon struggling to survive because of the lights, Sandshrew were drying up and the Paras were putting their mushrooms everywhere. It was definitely causing every Pokemon in the cave to feel confused and lost and make them act out of character.

"Wonder who placed those lights here and why?" I wondered, after walking around for quite sometime, I eventually spotted a strange group of people, who wore the same uniforms as Jessie and James who were from Team Rocket. I heard the grunts, mumble that they needed to find the moonstone, apparently, that was a stone that could make some Pokemon stronger.

Eventually the grunts split off in different directions, meaning it would be easier to have one on one fair battles with them, if they ended up attacking me. One grunt turned to face me and shouted, "leave here, were busy and your in our way you brat." As soon as he said this he threw a Pokeball and a Rattata appeared. "Come out Nidorino" Nidorino appeared and saw the Rattata. "Rattata, use Tackle" when the Rattata charged, I commanded Nidorino to use "Double Kick" almost immediately, Rattata had been defeated.

"What happened, how could I lose, to just a kid?" The Rocket grunt scampered away and so I continued walking around the cave, spotting many more Pokemon around struggling to survive with the lights. More Rocket grunts appeared and attacked me, this time with numbers, however all they used were Zubat's.

"Pikachu, Thunder Shock" Pikachu jumped off my shoulder and unleashed a huge electric shock which defeated all of the Zubat's and even struck the grunts accidentally. As they all fell to the ground, completely knocked out, I continued going through the cave, when I heard some familiar voices in the distance.

It was Jessie, James and Meowth, they must also be here for the Moonstone as well, however, I also saw that there was a Clefairy holding a fragment of the Moonstone nearby them. It looked as though they hadn't spotted the Clefairy and continued digging complaining all the while. I tried to get the Clefairy's attention, however, it ran fast toward me, making enough noise to attract the attention of Jessie and James.

"It's that brat from before" Jessie recognised me, "he's got the moonstone shard, lets take it" James and Meowth decided and then they sent out their Pokemon, a Ekans and a Koffing. "Koffing Smog" the Koffing began releasing smog everywhere, "come out Spearow" when Spearow appeared, I said, "please, blow away the Smog" immediately Spearow blew away the Smog.

"Ekans wrap go" as Ekans approached my Spearow I quickly had Spearow use Fury Attack which knocked Ekans away. "Finish them off, Thunder Shock Pikachu" Pikachu unleashed a Thunder Shock which knocked them all unconscious and charred as well.

The same Clefairy that wanted me help began leading me somewhere and so I followed the Clefairy, after all their might be more Team Rocket members around here. Following the Clefairy we eventually managed to find a giant rock. "Is that the Moonstone?" I asked the Clefairy and the Clefairy nodded and headed over to the Moonstone and grabbing something. The Clefairy then handed me part of the Moonstone, "your giving this to me" the Clefairy nodded before leaving while dancing happily.

"This Moonstone will come in handy, one day, Nidorino evolves when he comes into contact with a Moonstone. Eventually I managed to find the exit of Mount Moon however, right before I left, I spotted a lone Paras meandering about the caves entrance and decided a Grass type would be a good Pokemon to have. 

Firstly I scanned the Paras with my Pokedex and learned that Paras was able to dig underground to gnaw on tree roots and the mushrooms on it's back absorb most of the nutrients. "Pikachu, lets catch that Paras." I say and so Pikachu landed on the ground and the Paras turned to us, seeing that it was being challenged to a battle.

The Paras immediately charged into battle with a Scratch attack, which was faster than I had anticipated, "Quick Attack" I commanded and both Pikachu and Paras collided. Pikachu then retreated waiting for his next command, "Thunder Wave" the Thunder Wave managed to hit Paras however it retaliated by releasing a Stun Spore. "Watch out, avoid it using Double Team" Pikachu quickly made copies of himself and the Stun Spore barely missed him.

Paras attempted to use Scratch but couldn't because of the paralysis meaning Pikachu could hopefully land the decisive blow against the Paras, "use Thunder Shock" the Thunder Shock landed and Paras, collapsed exhausted, "go Pokeball" Paras was absorbed into the Pokeball and eventually was captured as well.

We began cheering at the fact we now had a new team member joining us on our journey through the Kanto region. After healing Paras I let him out of his Pokeball and learned his only moves were Scratch and Stun Spore however I wasn't bothered by the lack of moves as he could become strong if we trained. 

"Hello, Paras, my name's Sam, I hope we can become good friends" The Paras lifted it's claw and attempted to shake my hand and I accepted. "Come out everyone" Nidorino, Charmeleon and Spearow appeared before Paras and I told them, "this is Paras the newest team member" they all said their greetings to the Paras and the Paras returned them as well. 

After exiting the cave, I followed Route 4 to Cerulean city, where my next gym battle would be. There were a couple of trainers meandering about and they were the perfect opponents to help train my newly caught Paras.

The first trainer utilised a Metapod and Kakuna, which were easy for Paras to defeat, first by using Stun Spore and then repeatedly using Scratch every other hit. That definitely helped Paras grow much stronger. The wild Pokemon also battled me a lot as well, unfortunately, Paras was incapable of defeating any Pidgey's or Spearow's as they are just far too strong. 

However the Ekans were opponents, that were equal on strength temporarily with my Paras, all Paras needed to do was paralyse the Ekans and then hammer away at it with Scratch over and over again. It wasn't just my Paras that was training, against other trainers, my other team members fought as well.

I definitely believed that Spearow was close to evolving as he was growing in size and his attacks were growing far more powerful than they have ever been before. Before we reached Cerulean City, I had trained Paras a lot more, he was now a competent fighter who could handle himself in a battle.

Right before I reached Cerulean city, I was challenged to a battle and the guy had high power Bug type Pokemon, specifically Beedrill, Butterfree and a Pinsir. I decided that I would train against him using my Spearow as a way of hopefully evolving him.

"Come out Beedrill" he said and the Beedrill appeared, "go Spearow" my Spearow appeared glaring at the Bug that opposed him. "Beedrill Twin Needle" the Beedrill aimed it's stingers right at Spearow. "Dodge that" Spearow moved avoiding the stingers just barely though. "Now use Peck" Spearow managed to land a Peck against Beedrill's chest. "Follow up with Fury Attack." Spearow unleashed a barrage of attacks against the Beedrill ultimately causing the Beedrill to faint.

As soon as that happened, Spearow glowed and began to grow much larger as he assumed his new form. When the light faded away, I scanned him using the Pokedex identifying him as a Fearow, apparently, Fearow as been around for many years and when it senses danger, this Pokemon will fly away.

Fearow showed me his new evolved power, by winning the next two battles without breaking a sweat, Butterfree and Pinsir were defeated easily with just one Peck and Fearow was just too fast to even hit. "Yes, well done Fearow, your super strong now." Fearow nodded his head and positioned his longer neck down towards my hand. Presumably he wanted a pet as thanks for his victory and so I granted him that.

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