Chapter 4

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You groaned at your couch, stretching. Who knew a romance novel could be so hard to write? No ideas popped into your head.

A horror novel could be thrilling with monsters, mysteries and supernatural things. A mystery novel could include puzzles and twists. Romances, however, you had no clue. All you could think of was the typical high school love triangle and jealousy stuff.

You'd started out with a good idea on how you wanted the story to go, but after the first few chapters, the next few chapters you didn't know how to get there. It was always like this when you were writing, just more difficult with romance.

It was pretty late when you gave up brainstorming. You had a few music breaks in between, just playing a few notes on the piano, calming yourself from the excitement you still had from Present Mic's visit. Your voice stopped hurting hours ago, so you could talk easier without pain, but it wasn't like there was anyone to talk to.

You skipped dinner once again, and you started to mess around with the music. You've always liked listening to music, and you've always listened to Present Mic's 'Put Your Hands Up' radio every Friday night when he broadcasts nonstop music. It's too bad it's only on at 1 to 5 AM, the time when your brain attempts to force yourself to go to sleep.

However, your body disobeyed and you listened to it whenever you weren't thinking about your story ideas or working on your music.

Speaking of music, you decided to work on that. You've always liked the fast beat, instrumental music, and you liked playing the guitar to play some tunes you make up. Or, just coincidentally heard it somewhere and don't remember, then low-key plagiarizing the real artist. Though, you would check first before publishing it to the public, of course.

You put on your headphones and started working on music on a program. It allowed you to put different sounds and instruments together. You had found the program when watching random YouTube videos and discovered Shady Cicada.

When you played the instruments, you could usually replay them on the program and edit it and overlay the sounds with other instruments. This was helpful when making a song with instruments you didn't know how to play. You knew how to play the piano, guitar, flute, violin, and drums.

A few hours passed until you decided to take a break. You started taking off your headphones, but immediately regretted it and snapped it back over your ears. You had suddenly heard a loud, high-pitched yell.

It was obviously Present Mic's quirk: Voice. You never heard it at full force before, considering it would cause serious damage to your ears. Why was he doing that here, in a neighborhood where everyone will hear? If he was fighting a villain, wouldn't he also be hurting people in the surrounding area? And people are supposed to be asleep by now!

Well, unless they were like you, who doesn't keep track of time and stayed up really late.

The slightly muffled noise then stopped abruptly, and you slowly took off your headphones. You looked out the window to see darkness. It was really late, and there were only the streetlights and moonlight to give some sort of vision.

You saw a figure jump down from a building, some kind of thin scarf that looked like mummy wrappings or toilet paper around their neck. They had black hair and yellow goggles, and they were chasing another figure. He disappeared from view, but you didn't see Present Mic anywhere.

You decided to go out and see if there was anyone that was injured or anything. Turns out there was. Two, actually. And one of them was Present Mic.

He was carrying another woman, whom he was wary of. The woman had dark brown hair and cat-eye black glasses.

"Present Mic!" You waved a hand at him to catch his attention and he noticed. Still carrying the woman, he walked toward you, limping a bit. He was muttering something under his breath, a glare at the woman. "Are your ears okay, [Y/N]?"

Inspiration [Hizashi Yamada x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now