Chapter 1.5

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Everything went fast. It feels like I've been working here in Big Hit for years now but I was working here for a couple of months only. What a tiring day!

Only a week left before their comeback. We've been busy shooting concept photos. We went somewhere for the shoot. It's tiring but I love what I'm doing so it doesn't matter actually.

We're also done shooting their new music video. They all look so cool. It will be a very exciting comeback for them. I'm not really a fan of them but I am now interested in their music since I listened to all of their songs. Their music is so refreshing and it tackles the topics about youth and personal issues. I also admire their talent in producing their own songs. They really work hard to achieve their dreams; they really deserve the love of everyone.

It's Saturday and finally, after a long week, it's my day off.

I woke up early because I was planning to take a walk since it's my hobby. I love walking on the park and taking pictures of the scenery and the people around me.

I didn't bother to cook my breakfast because I want to treat myself a big ass breakfast since I did well these past few weeks. I deserve this heavy breakfast!

After eating, I ordered a coffee and decided to take a walk in the park.

Taking pictures here, taking pictures there. Ahhhh. I love this kind of day off.

I'm using my camera and sometimes my phone to post in my Instagram account. What a perfect day.

After a few hours, my phone vibrated.

[Sept. 9, 2017 10:23 am]

Unknown number: Photographer-nim. Hahahaha.

Who's this?

U/N: Hello {{y/n}}-ssi. It's the worldwide handsome!

Mr. Kim Seokjin?

The one and only!

Mr. Kim, how may I help you?

Mr. Kim? Woooooow. Seriously? Don't call me that!

I'm sorry. How should I call you then?

Call me oppa ;)

Okay then. Since you're older than me.

Or you can just drop the honorifics when we're not in work. ;) Btw, I texted you just to inform you that there will be a company dinner later.

Ah yes. My team told me that. :)

Great. Are you going?

Yes. It's my company dinner since I work in Big Hit. Might as well enjoy the night. Haha.


Where did you get my number?

I got it from the other staffs. Haha. Anyway, I have to go no. Bye. Talk to you later. ;)


Oh crap. I almost forgot about that.

It's almost lunch time so I went to a restaurant near the park to grab some lunch. The ambiance of the restaurant is so good. I also feel tired from all the walking so I decided to stay here for a while since the company dinner is at night.

I grab my phone and opened my Instagram account. I'm so pleased that I gained new followers these past few weeks and many people visited my blog. It feels so good to share my talent to lots of people. It's a pleasure also to share the true beauty of Korea.

I took pictures inside the restaurant and posted it on my Instagram account.

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