Chapter 2.1

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Chapter 2 is finally here!~~~



It's our day off. I woke up early because I'm planning to go to my studio even if it's our day-off. Well, not that early, it's already 10 am in the morning. I have nothing to do, might as well stay in my studio and write songs. We don't have any practice also so other members are free to do whatever they want.

When I woke up, Jin hyung is not here in our room. I guess he woke up early to cook breakfast. I went straight to the shower. After taking a quick shower, I saw Jin hyung in our couch and smiling while using his phone. Maybe he's chatting with his friends again, the 92 liners.

Other members are not here. Maybe Namjoon is walking in the park or maybe in his studio. Hoseok is probably gone outside. Jungkook? For sure he's at the gym, working out. Jimin is probably in the practice room and Taehyung; I swear he's still sleeping in his room.

"Jin hyung."


"Aren't you going somewhere?"

"Nope. I'm saving my energy for later."

"Where are you going later?"

"Pabo. It's our company dinner later!"

"Oh right. I totally forgot about that."

Hyung sure loves to eat. He's saving his energy for later. Maybe he's going to do Eat Jin or whatever. I forgot about the company dinner later. I guess I can't stay in my studio until morning.

I went to the nearest café in our building. I need coffee.

For those who are wondering why I am still working even if it's our day-off, well, it's because I guess this is just part of my everyday life. Sometimes I'm staying in my studio for a couple of days. I occasionally sleep, eat and shower here. This is my second home, I guess.

I'm in my Genius Lab. It's so peaceful just like what I want. I love peaceful places. That is the other reason why I'm always here.

I opened my phone and visited her Instagram account. Yes. y/n's Instagram account. Looking at her shots is my stress reliever.

I know I sounded like a creep but trust me, I feel so relaxed when I look at her profile. I'm just a fan of her talent. I have my reasons.

I have my personal Instagram account and no one knows about it. I followed her account since last week. She followed me back but I didn't accept her request, for the sake of my safety. Haha. I'm commenting sometimes in her posts just to support her. No other intentions.

As I opened her IG account, I saw her post 1 minute ago.

As I opened her IG account, I saw her post 1 minute ago

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