Chapter 2.5

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I went straight to our dorm after I drove y/n home.

Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok arrived first in our dorm. I think they're all asleep already.

I have to take care of the maknae line because they're all asleep also. Aish! These kids. They're drunk and they can't even control their selves.

I took the maknae line in their room.

When I went to my room, Yoongi is still awake. I guess he's not drunk.

"Hyung. Where did you go earlier?" I asked him.

"We went yo Y/n's house."


"I drove her home."

Yoongi stopped asking me and I went straight to the shower.

After taking a shower, Yoongi is still awake and he's waiting for me.

"Why are you still awake? Is there any problem?" 

"Yes. There is."

"What is it?"

"It's you driving y/n home."

"What?! Why is that a problem?"

"It's just--"

"Wait.. Don't tell me you're... jealous?"

"No. It's not like that." He quickly answered.

"Then what?"

"I'm just concern. What if someone saw you driving her home? We should be careful hyung."

"It's okay Yoongi. No one saw us. It's almost midnight so there are no people around."

"Yeah. But still, it is very dangerous hyung. Don't do it again."

"I can't promise you but I will be very cautious. "

He left our room without saying anything. I wonder what's wrong with him. Earlier he's cheerful when he went to the park and now he's grumpy again. Is there something wrong that I said?

I went to my bed and checked my phone. Someone texted me.

It's y/n thanking me. I read her message and replied to her.

To: Y/n-ssi

It's nothing. I just want to help. Just return the favor with a coffee or lunch. Haha. Good night! :)

[Message Sent!]

Hah. She's so cute. She's in a hurry earlier and I know she's panicking so I can't resist her cuteness.

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