Chapter 3.2

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[September 18, 2017]


It's their comeback day and they're having a V live. I stayed to where they're shooting because I need to take pictures of them.

The live was fun. They played games and they all look happy. After the V live, their new music video will be released after an hour.

[After 2 hours]

This is it. They release their new music video and their album. They were all nervous for the outcome of the music video.

I'm so proud of them right now. ARMY really likes their new music and I'm so happy for them. I've been working for them for couple of months already and I saw all their hardworks and all the time that they're pushing themselves until their limits. All of their hardworks really paid off.

It's almost 7PM and I'm still here in my office to sort some things. Some of the staffs went home already to rest. It will be a very tiring week for us because the promotion will start tomorrow.

I'm checking my email in my computer then I decided to text Jin-oppa and Yoongi-ah to congratulate them. I realize that I only have Jin-oppa's number and Yoongi-ah's number so I can't text all of them.

To: Jin-oppa; Yoongi-ah

Congratulations on your comeback! Please tell to other members that I'm so proud of them. Fighting! ~

[Message Sent]

I sent it and closed my phone.

I'm so tired but it is only the start of the hell week. I need to revive my energy because it will be very tiring for all of us.

After a few minutes, someone knocked on my door. I wonder who it is.


I'm so hella tired today. I didn't sleep for like 2 days because I was so nervous for the outcome of our album. I feel pressured and happy at the same time. I'm happy because ARMY likes our new songs and music video. They are very supportive. But I'm also pressured because I'm anxious of the future. Now what? I know we're getting big now. But it just scares me that being on top of the world will always have a twist at some point of our life.

I'm getting ready to go home and have a good night sleep. I need to rest because our promotion starts tomorrow and the recording will start early in the morning.

As I'm sorting my things in my studio, my phone vibrated.

It's y/n-ssi. She's congratulating us.

My heart beats fast. It feels like my heart wants to jump out of my chest right now. It's just a text Yoongi. What is wrong with you?

I hope she's still here. I knocked on her door and after a few seconds, she opened it. Great. She's still here. Now what Yoongi?

"You're still here." I asked her.

"Yeah. Just getting ready to go home. How about you? How can I help you?"

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