Chapter 4.2

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"Stay with me."

That still gives me shivers.

He was so serious when he told me that.

I acted cool so he will not misunderstand me. I was shocked at first. I think he don't know what he's saying.

I'm sure he didn't mean it.

Or did he?

Ugh. I don't want to think about it.

But why is my heart beating fast??? This sucks.


It's early in the morning and we went to the recording before 9AM. The boys are all set.

Yoongi is not talking to me. He didn't even greet me. Other members greeted me before going to the recording but Yoongi just looked at me emotionless.

What's with him??

After telling me to stay with him, now he's avoiding me? He left my room coldly like nothing happened then now he's cold again. I don't know. He's so unpredictable.

Maybe he didn't mean all.

It's their recording for their promotion here in US. Radio shows, talk shows and other shows; their schedule was packed.

After recording, they went back to their practice room for their performance in AMAs.

I stayed in their practice room to rest for a bit and take pictures of them.

They're so focus in their practice as I sit on the chair on the corner.

Their stylists are checking their outfits for their performance. I opened my camera to check my shots.

"Noona, how's your hand?" Taehyung asked.

"It's not hurting anymore but the doctor says I need to rest it for a while."

"It's good to hear but I bet it's hard for you to use only one hand."

"Yes but it will be okay Taehyung-ah. Don't worry."

Jin joined the conversation. "Y/n. Are you okay now?"

"Yes oppa. I'm okay now."

"Yah! Don't call me oppa anymore. From now on, call me Jin-ah. Okay?"

"What? Are you serious?"

"I heard you call Yoongi by his first name only. He's older than you right? You call him Yoongi-ah so call me Jin-ah also. That's unfair. We're close now."

"Okay okay. If that's what you want."

Hahaha. He's pouting while talking like a child. He's so cute.

They're on their break now so other members are doing whatever they want.

Yoongi was just at the corner using his phone. Taehyung went to Jimin and Jungkook. I think they're playing games. They're like kids. They're so cute. Haha.

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