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Jordan's POV
"You're going to be late sweetie downstairs now," my mom screamed at me, she was already taking the twins to school so it was just me now.

"In a minute." I answered before facing the mirror one more fine.

''Well Jordan you've managed to ace another morning looking awesome." I said to myself feeling proud, I was getting ready school and after an hour of going through my closet I found the perfect outfit, I grab my backpack and phone before stopping at the mirror one more time to admire myself I race down to the kitchen.

My mom was out already duty calls she was a doctor, she was always needed in the hospital early and my dad well, my dad was always sleeping in so I always had the mornings to myself, he owns one of the biggest tech company in the states so he's technically the boss and Goes to work on his on time.

I grabbed a bowl, a box of cereal from the counter and milk from the fridge, I was about to start eating when someone rings the doorbell.

"Ugh!" I let out I knew it was Kira she's picking me up today my mom seized my car just because I missed curfew once, Moms I know right.

I take one spoon out of the cereal immediately before reaching for my lunch by the counter and made my way to the door.

'Hey!" I greeted smiling sheepishly.

"You look nice this morning what's going on?" She came at me giving me a side eye.

"You say that like I don't always look good." I scoffed pumping my shoulders, I put in our combination and the security alarm code before locking the door and we left for school.

Kira was my best friend, we've been through so much together I knew her for like as long as I can remember, she and I had such a great bond and we've always been there for each other, I could even call her my sister, I can still remember the first day we met it was at my third birthday party, I was about to blow my candles when she came and pushed me and immediately started telling everyone its her birthday so she gets to blow the candles, and just like that she blew the candles, I was so mad that I went over there and pushed her face into the cake I know I was an evil child, she ran away crying and that's how they left the party. I forgot about her till days later, my mom took me over to their house for a play date and from there we just started talking like nothing happened and now we've become Besties.

We arrived at school just at the right time, we were by the hallway getting our books from the locker when Darnel walks in, the HOTTEST guy in school/My secret crush that sadly I can't have.

Kira has been crushing on him like since the sixth grade, sadly he never notices her but she just knows one day he'll ask her out and I support her in what way I can.

"Jord look Darnel just walked in look cool okay," she hit me by the shoulder twirling her hair at him.

It was like the entire hall froze looking as he walked in, he just had that charm and we were all drooling over him even I couldn't help but stare he's so hot Right now but I got to keep it cool.

"Calm down crazy, " I look away facing my locker when Kira hit me by my shoulder constantly.

"OMG Did you see that? Darnel just waved at me oh my god." she squealed in excitement all red in the cheeks.

"Really that's cute, anyway see you I have calculus this morning." I gave an uninteresting reply keeping a straight face.

"Yeah! Anyway I have art class with Darnel catch ya later." she screamed before leaving she really Love's that boy.

I made my way to class and sat down immediately, the teacher was already in class and I was already jotting down some things, not that it was important but I had to be ready, just then Darnel walks in confused and panting, was he running from something or what?

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