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Warning: this chapter contains violence and harm

Jordan's POV
"What the hell is going on here, dad what do you think you're doing?" we walk in on mom and dad in the living room.

"Yeah were you about to hit mom?" Molly said breaking into tears, oh no I can't believe they had to see this.

"Shut up okay, you all don't know what's happening so get lost." he commanded.

my mom and dad were having a fight and looks like my dad was beating mom up, I couldn't take it I had to do something, last time it was me but he crossed the line her hitting mom was something I couldn't take.

"Dad stop it, just stop it." I went over pushing him away from my mom.

"You know what brad am done so done I want a divorce right now right here." mom demanded still in tears.

"Mom noooo!" The twins turned to me scared already in tears, they're too young to even witness what's happening here and my parents are being so selfish right now.

"No way don't do this," I tried to plead with them knowing this would end bad but they weren't listening to me.

"Whatever I don't care what you do Alexia, I'm leaving, call the lawyer I'll sign it, at least I know am done with you and By the Way, you better find a new place cause am taking my house and my children." my dad declared.

"This isn't fair Brad no! you won't get away with this am taking my kids and we're going elsewhere." the twins ran to my mom holding her scared to their bones, why is this happening?

"Then leave get out, I don't want to see you or your stinking kids in my house ever again." he pointed to the door.

"Dad? mom? what's going on Jordan? what now?" Molly turned to me.

"What should we do?" Mike turned to me too.

"Don't worry, I got you two alright. everything will be fine, they're just playing right guys?" I asked looking teary.

"I said leave my house." Dad sounded more pissed now.

"Come on kids, let's go I'll find us a hotel for the night." my mom held the twins and walked out not even looking back.

Dear diary so today was well, was the worst day of my life, my mom and dad got a divorce, will be getting one, me, Molly and Mike are now staying in a hotel with my mom, till she gets us a place, Olly called me yesterday and  told me he's living for France tomorrow, he's also staying here in the mean time, my friends have no idea where I am and I don't even want to get them involved, I've caused enough drama already, my dad doesn't even stay at the house, he just left it for rent and now am in the room doing nothing, this is officially the worst day ever.

"Okay Molly, Mike am going out to go see some friends okay I'll be back soon." I turned to the twins.

"Bring us ribs on your way back ok?" Mike asked.

"Just order for it here?" I simply said.

"Nah the one here stinks okay?" Molly added giving me the puppy eyes.

"Fine." I caved.

My mom is always with the lawyer trying to figure things out, so she's hardly around, it's mostly me and the twins, Olly hardly stays apparently he's uncomfortable, Tyler hasn't heard, well at least I don't know if they told him, but I'm going out now.

Dropping my pen I close my book, hid it and made my way out.

I was at the fro yo shop, me, Zoey, Nicole, Kira, Olly, Harry and Darnel basically everyone, even Ali and Kate weird I know. We all came because of Olly who is leaving for France tomorrow, his the only one who knows what's going on, still haven't told Nicole or Zoey or Kira, am sure they'll be surprised though and am also scared cause mom might make us move, this is so not good, I was thinking so much that I wasn't concentrating, plus my eyes were full of tears that's when everyone noticed.

"Jordan what's wrong? I told you, I'll always come to visit once or twice and we'll video chat." Olly smiled at me.

"Yea so stop crying okay we're here for you." Nicole and Kira added pulling me for a hug, if only they knew.

"Barf whatever! Ali let's go bye Olly." Kate stood up to leave who even invited them?

"What is going on Kira? and wait what? Harry are you seeing this?" Darnel asked looking confused at everything.

"I don't even want to know." Harry simply said.

"You all don't understand okay, its not about Olly am leaving and Olly you have a great life okay just everyone leave me alone." I stood up dramatically and left.

I ran out my fro yo even spilled all over me but, who cares I'm so mad plus, wait Tyler I should call him he'll know what to do, days back he called and said he won't be spending Christmas with us and he missed thanksgiving, he really has been missing a lot but he did the right thing cause we aren't gonna be doing it either anyway. I finished my call, before going to get my bag.

"Okay stop. you are gonna talk about this okay so come with me." Zoey came up to me.

"We told the boys to go okay, so better tell us what's going on and don't lie because Olly told us everything." Nicole added.

"How are you holding up baby, you could always stay with me cause, I know you're just afraid of moving." Kira tried calming me down, but that wasn't my only fear I just can't believe my dad was changing into someone else right now, but I can't let them know that am not about to drag them into this.

"God what will I do without you guys but, its not about the moving, it just happened so fast, the divorce, Olly moving away and Darnel, just so much." I said teary breaking down right when I told myself I wasn't going to.

"You just have to be strong and don't worry." Nicole patted me on the back.

"Yeah we're here for you." Zoey came close too.

"And we ain't going anywhere." Kira smiled at me.

"Group hug?" I reached in with my hands.

"Come on, this feels right." Kira said.

"Kira jeez Louise." I mocked her cheesyness.

So I got back and Molly and Mike told me mom called, she found us a place right here, which means am staying here after all, isn't that great news. And yeah I went and told Olly I didn't mean what I said, I was just mad. He understood and well we said our goodbyes, he'll be leaving tomorrow in the morning I can't miss it have to go see him.

Then we'll be packing tomorrow also in the afternoon, dad didn't let us pack that night I just can't get why he suddenly changed, he use to be the cool one anyway, this was not how I wanted my holiday to go but what can I do, you live you learn At least I got my friends and my mom I guess and Olly. I showered got into my PJs and I was about to go to bed went a received a request, Darnel wants a video chat.

'Ughhh what does he want? am gonna ignore that.'

still ringing for the second time it read Harry on the screen, let me pretend it's not Darnel obviously, picking up I see Harry actually.

Hey Harry, what's up why are you calling me by this time?

Baby chill, my boy Darnel been calling you, give him a break okay and just let him explain plus am sure the witch told you what happened?

Yeah! he ditched her bold move Darnel, I know you can hear me and yeah listen I know Kira tricked you but still you fell for it And you hurt me so bad and I'm not gonna fall for your charm again so, quit it and move on, I choose my best friend bye.

And I hanged up.

Yupp I just did that, I should be happy right? Yeah I am happy everything is all good really good.

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